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Different and Creative Names for Underwear

Jimmy is from Scotland and has always had an interest in how different slang terms are used around the English-speaking world.

The bra is an essential clothing item that goes by many names.

The bra is an essential clothing item that goes by many names.

What They Call Underwear in Scotland

To make some extra money when I was a teenager, a very long time ago, I got myself a part-time job setting up stall and selling shoes in an open-air market. Every Saturday without fail I was there, in rain, hail or snow—I live in Scotland, and that is our typical weather.

To cut a long story short, the lady in the market stall next door sold ladies' underwear. To attract customers to her wares, every few minutes she would scream at the top of her lungs, "Knickers down today ladies!" Women and especially men would stop dead in their tracks and look around to see what was going on until the lady stall followed up with "All ladies' knickers half price today! Three pairs for a knicker." A knicker is a slang term for £1.00.

When I remember this, I starting wondering about how we all wear underwear on a daily basis, but all have different names for what we wear beneath our regular clothes.

Alternative Words for a Bra

  • Dumpling Holders
  • Booby Blankets
  • Honker Hankies
  • Titty Tamers
  • Titty Tents
  • Breast Bags

Slang Terms for a Lady's Bra

Most women would tell you that their bra is an essential part of their wardrobe, so much so that a staggering 83% of women would not leave the home without wearing one.

There are many nicknames for the faithful brassiere—some rude, some crude and some that are just downright funny.


Booby Traps


The Hotter Harness

Over-the-Shoulder Boulder Holder

The Rack Pack

Double-Barreled Booby Holsters

The Chest Rest

Upper-Decker Flopper-Stopper

Nipple Knapsacks

A family friend who was breastfeeding her son came up with the name "Tupperware," for her feeding bra. When I asked her why, she replied, "Well, you open it up and the food comes out!"

Alternative Names for Ladies' Knickers

Man Grabbers

Police Line (Do Not Cross)

Man Traps

Passion Killers (Granny Panties)

Tighty Whites

Clam Openers


Oyster Catchers

Butt Flossers (Thong)

Butt Bag

Slang Names for Ladies Knickers

There are many different types of ladies' knickers, and of course, they are also called by many different names such as briefs or panties. When the imagination is allowed to run wild, however, ladies' knickers become a thing of mythical legend with some wonderfully weird names.

There are many more names, but they are "unmentionable," as they are too crude or rude to be published.








Granny Panties









Alternative Names For Male Underwear

There are plenty of different names for male underwear as well!

There are plenty of different names for male underwear as well!

Top 10 Funny Names for Male Underwear

  1. Banana Hammock
  2. Grape Smugglers
  3. Ball Bags
  4. Wiener Basket
  5. Nut Huts
  6. Budgie Smugglers
  7. Snake Suppressors
  8. Manhole Covers
  9. Pecker Packer
  10. Junk Trunks

Slang Term for Men's Underwear

Are you a boxers or a briefs types of guy? As with the ladies, there are many different types of men's underwear. In a recent survey, it was found that Australian men have over 80 different names for their underpants.












Sausage Skins








Truncheon Holder

After Michael Hirschey gave Erik Kurtis Low a wedgie on May 8, 2003, Low fatally shot him. The prosecutor for the case said in his closing arguments “Receiving a wedgie is not a reason to kill somebody.”

How Do You Refer to Your Underwear?

These are the words that I've heard people use to refer to their underwear. However, if know of any that I've missed, please share your funny underwear names in the comments below—let's keep the list growing!

Read More From Bellatory

© 2013 Jimmy the jock


Clive Cussler on August 01, 2020:

I never understood...drawers??

Ace Ha on May 21, 2018:

Male underwear are called "skivs" around here!

Cheryl Fay Mikesell from Mondovi, WI on September 23, 2014:

How funny! Good one.

Hypnotherapist-uk from London, England on June 06, 2014:

At my uni they were referred to as under-crackers. Don't ask me why.

Escobana from Valencia on March 15, 2013:

Funny Hub Jimmy! And the Passion Killer seems to go both ways.

Whenever a guy strips and wears a ´tent´ my date has officially ended there and then. The truth mother taught me to wear the biggest Sloggie you can get and I never changed that until I turned 32!

I´m turning 40 this year and boy oh boy....did I learn from my mistakes:-)

Up, funny and shared!

இڿڰۣ-- кιмвєяℓєу from Niagara Region, Canada on February 11, 2013:

I don't know if they say this just in Canada, but I've heard the term "gitch" or "gitchy yaw-yaw's".

Jimmy the jock (author) from Scotland on February 08, 2013:

Thanks for your coments Guys, I forgot about the German one lol, I also forgot, about the German name for mens Pants Ein Dickenhammocker

CarNoobz from USA on February 08, 2013:

@ rfmoran LOL Das ist GOOT! Goot one! Yah! lol

CarNoobz from USA on February 08, 2013:

Well that was....uh...interesting. lol I've never heard most of those (now I feel like I've been missing out).

My favorite: banana hammock. That's a keeper.

Lela from Somewhere near the heart of Texas on February 08, 2013:

Funny! I had heard of about half of these names. Keeping us informed of what to call our underwear is a serious job. Keep up the good work!

Russ Moran - The Write Stuff from Long Island, New York on February 08, 2013:

I recall the German word for a bra: schtopsdefloppin.

Jimmy the jock (author) from Scotland on February 07, 2013:

pstraubie48 thankyou for your visit and comment, depending on the size it can also be called an over the shoulder pebble holder lol.....jimmy

Patricia Scott from North Central Florida on February 07, 2013:

Fun to read...over the shoulder boulder holder I use that from the movie Beaches. a clever and humorous read.

thanks for the smile

Sending Angels your way :) ps

Jimmy the jock (author) from Scotland on February 07, 2013:

Thanks Linda, I really had fun writing this one.....jimmy

Linda Bilyeu from Orlando, FL on February 07, 2013:

Boomer-rang or slingshot for a bra. Some of those bras are huge and they could be used as weapons!!

Budgie Smugglers...Australian swimwear, similar to Speedos. Not much left to the imagination. Haha!

Fun hub!!

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