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The Top 6 Websites to Shop for Bridesmaid Dresses


I enjoy helping others in the process of finding that dress that is just right.

The Search Begins

In the year leading up to my wedding, I attempted to make myself an expert in everything wedding-related.

One of my goals as a bride was to find the perfect bridesmaid dress that would flatter each girl and it had to be my favorite color: purple.

Throughout my searching, I discovered one thing . . . there are so many choices! While hunting for that perfect bridesmaid dress, I've discovered that there are some websites out there that make it a bit easier to envision the color scheme I was looking for.

I've also found that while browsing, a dress that wouldn't normally catch my eye in another color, is absolutely beautiful in my favorite color.

Certain websites have a feature that allow a bride to click on the color of her choice, which in turn changes the dress that color, making it much easier to make decisions between different shades of colors and also to picture what the dress would really look like.

The best part about this list is that most bridal shops carry these designers, so it is possible for the bride to have an idea of what she likes before the actual shopping begins!

My Top 6 Bridesmaid Dress Shopping Websites

Below, I have compiled a list of bridesmaid dress designers who provide a website with the color changing feature. These are by no means all of the websites out there, but these are the ones I've found the most helpful and user-friendly.

I have arranged these websites in order by how user friendly they are, however, I will also note the other features of the websites that can sometimes make up for a bad web design.

Overall, I do like all of these websites as the color-changing feature they all offer is a huge advantage. I encourage brides and bridesmaids alike to check out all of the websites and hopefully they will help you get one step closer to finding the perfect dress for your big day.

1. Alexia Designs

Alexia Designs is my favorite website for bridesmaid dress shopping. The huge selection offered with three collections is one of the many perks. This website takes the cake when it comes to user friendliness.

Best features:

  • Awesome color-changing feature! This feature allows you to test out different colors on dresses you love. Certain colors can really make a dress look different in a good or bad way, so I felt this was important.
  • Color-specific. When you choose a certain color, only the dresses that are available in that specific color pop up. I loved this feature because that meant I wouldn't get my heart set on a dress that didn't come in the right hue.
  • Huge Selection. Alexia Designs has three huge collections with so many different styles to choose from. I'm a girl who loves to have options and lots of them!

2. Dessy

Dessy offers the biggest selection of dresses by far. There are six collections to view with a style and look for just about everyone.

The website is pretty user friendly as well. There is no "view all" feature, however, you can view 18 dresses at a time, so it's not a huge draw back.

Best features:

  • Enormous selection. Dessy boasts six different collections of dresses with styles from conservative to less formal.
  • Search refinement. The search tool on this website is amazing. You can narrow your search by dress length, neckline, detailing, silhouette, sleeve length, and fabric. I loved this feature since I knew I wanted a shorter dress for my bridesmaids. Very helpful.
  • Color family search. Searching by color family allows all dresses in each specific color family to pop up. Then, each dress will list each of the different shades of that color available, specific to that particular dress. You may discover a shade or color you never considered before!

3. Moonlight Bridal

Moonlight Bridal has a great overall website when it comes to the bridesmaid dress search.

There are two collections to choose from, depending on what style you're looking for. The collections are pretty small, but there is a lot of variety.

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4. Bari Jay

Bari Jay's website is not my favorite when it comes to being user friendly, specifically because there is not a "view all" option, however, the designer does have some very modern and unique styles available.

There is also a decent range of colors available.

5. Jasmine Bridal

Jasmine Bridal offers three different collections when it comes to bridesmaid dresses. I love the amount of variety offered when it comes to dress selection and I love the styles as well.

This designer offers my favorite styles.

6. Watters

Watters provides two collections to choose from. However, I would rate this website low on color selection and user friendliness.

There is no "view all" feature, so that leaves the shopper clicking from dress to dress, one by one.

I LOVE Your Feedback!

Tiffany Donald on February 03, 2020:

Hi. I am getting married Saturday, June 20, 2020; however, tge dress I had chosen last year for my bridesmaids ladt year, in October, is not available this year. I like elegance but not too much because that's my

I would like to share a photo of the type of dress, I have been looking for my beidesmaids.

If you can be of assistance, I receive it.

Stella on October 08, 2017:

Very informative lens. If I may add sone more web store: They have a vast selection of brand name dresses that could perfectly do for prom.

sara on April 15, 2016:

Well, there are several aspects of wedding and making it perfect. Wedding invitation card is one the important aspect of making any marriage special.

Kimberly Schimmel from Greensboro, NC on May 22, 2013:

I just want the great jewelry! Very pretty lens.

Takkhis on March 18, 2013:

I am bookmarking this lens now! I may need this one in the future :)

Wedding Mom on March 18, 2013:

great lens! Thank you for sharing. I really love your suggestions.

Kristen (author) from Wisconsin on February 18, 2013:

@anonymous: Thanks! I appreciate it!

anonymous on February 18, 2013:

My wife has to get one soon so I posted your site on my facebook, Ill tell the wedding girl to check it out. Nice lens...

Sheilamarie from British Columbia on February 18, 2013:

I'm sure you're helping many brides to make decisions. Nice lens!

anonymous on November 20, 2012:

Thanks for such a nice lens! I really enjoying while reading.

MartieG aka 'survivoryea' from Jersey Shore on October 31, 2012:

You put together some good information for brides-to-be! :>)

Jogalog on October 31, 2012:

These dresses are lovely. I think it's good to always try to find dresses that the girls may be able to wear afterwards too.

ShineRita on October 05, 2012:

These bridesmaid dresses are so beautiful!

PS: Thank you so much for visiting and liking my 2013 Peacock Wedding Theme Ideas lens - I really appreciate it! :>)

Ana on September 02, 2012:

These are very useful links you provided. As far as bridesmaid dresses, I like everything purple on this page - including the dresses, the lens' theme:) and your writing! Enjoyed reading your lens!

KimGiancaterino on July 23, 2012:

These are beautiful bridesmaid dresses and you did a wonderful job of presenting them here.

anonymous on July 21, 2012:

I love your suggestions. That green bridesmaid dress from Jasmine Bridal is awesome!

BuckHawkcenter on July 13, 2012:

All gorgeous dresses and wonderful websites to find those tough bridesmaid dresses!

MillBucks on July 05, 2012:

I just love the gorgeous layout of this page, well done!

kmyangel on July 03, 2012:

when I was a bridesmaid at my sister wedding I didn't find the perfect dress I was looking for :(

karMALZEKE on June 07, 2012:

This is a superb lens!!!! I love the show of dresses. Moonlight Bridal was my very favorite. All the weddings I was ever it I could not stand the dress.

kabist on May 21, 2012:

for more cheap and fashion bridesmaid dressesï¼here give you a nice siteï¼

Bill Armstrong from Valencia, California on May 03, 2012:

Short and sweet, too much writing, some more pictures etc would go down nicely

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