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The Most Amazing Swimsuits of All Time

Yena Williams has been an online writer for more than 10 years. She loves writing about the process of finding a job.

My Search for the Perfect Swimsuit

I took a month-long journey to find the most amazing swimsuit and ended up finding hundreds of gorgeous suits to share. As a "fashion forward" woman, I know that when I head out to the beaches, I need to wear something unique and beautiful. It's expected of me from all my friends, followers, and buyers! They know my obsession with fashion. I read tons of magazines every week, follow multiple fashion blogs, subscribe to fashion newspapers, online fashion shows, and even obsessively watch fashion television. I live, eat, and breathe fashion, so I was determined to find the perfect suit.

Now that my search is complete, I am ready to show you the most amazing swimsuits of the year!

This suit was designed by an Israeli designer and is now popular around the world.

This suit was designed by an Israeli designer and is now popular around the world.

1. Gottex

This multi-colored, multi-faceted, multi-everything swimsuit just reels the mind. At least mine, that is. It is amazingly crafted, beautiful, and everything a fashion girl could want! Who could create such a thing? Apparently, an Israeli. The company started back in the 1950s. Today, their suits are adored and worn by many American celebrities for their vacations in St. Tropez and other places.

A spectacular green wrap suit.

A spectacular green wrap suit.

2. Aqua de Coco

Green is not just for environmentalists and tree-huggers. This shade is for everyone to enjoy. Take a look at this fashion stunner. I love the way the wrapped sides add an exotic element without looking too foofy. This would be the perfect bikini for a sportier fashionista.

A daring plunging neckline and belt push this suit over the top.

A daring plunging neckline and belt push this suit over the top.

3. Caffe

Okay, the plunging neckline with the scales and wide belt might seem a bit much. But with fashion, sometimes a bit much can be a good thing! This is perfect for any glamazon out there wanting to look like money!

Single? Wear this to a nice beach in Southern California. Now picture the most perfect, gorgeous tall, dark, and handsome man you have ever seen coming up to you to propose. All because your bathing suit was a "bit much." Ding ding ding! Jackpot!

A unique, girly bikini with beautiful details.

A unique, girly bikini with beautiful details.

4. Maaji

How perfectly splendid and girly is this swimsuit? It has great style, detailing, colors, fit, imagination, and uniqueness. I love every aspect of this bikini. Now where are those people who insist that fashion, and clothing simply are not art? Have they met Maaji?!

We must enlighten those pretentious art snobs!

What a unique suit this is!

What a unique suit this is!

5. Aqua di Lara

One may wonder (like I): Is this a swimsuit? It could be an art piece or a sculpture but certainly not a plain ol' bikini! This is indeed the Leonardo da Vinci of swimsuits! How in love I was, of course until I saw the $400 price tag. But I digress. If Catwoman were to choose a sexy suit, this would be it! Gentlemen, can I have an amen?

An adorable retro suit with great details.

An adorable retro suit with great details.

6. Jet

This swimsuit has such a great "throwback" vibe that I had to put it on the list. Not only are the bow and buttons adorable, but the suit actually has great lines. That halter and low V-neck will surely look amazing on any woman with curves! I love the vintage aspect, which is saying a lot since I am generally highly skeptical of vintage.

I can picture myself on a yacht, with a gentlemen who uncannily resembles Rhett from Gone With the Wind!

A spectacular star-burst design in mermaid fin color.

A spectacular star-burst design in mermaid fin color.

7. Aqua di Lara

I now know what this country is missing (since we appear to have almost everything). What this nation needs is a Swim Suit Hall of Fame, or at least a fantastic swimwear museum (run by moi, of course!). This swimsuit is a mesmerizing color. It's like the color that a mermaid's tail would be if we had mermaids walking around! Would it not? I love the sheen and the perfect symmetry of the fabric. It's chic, fashionable, and perfect for all sunbathers and adventure-seekers alike!

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A bikini of lace, satin, and cut-outs.

A bikini of lace, satin, and cut-outs.

8. Beach Bunny

Yowza! If you're afraid of showing skin, back away now! This one is straight from the land of sex appeal. The bikini has lace, satin, and cutouts The jewel toned green is gorgeous, as is the design. It may look a little bedroom-like, but why not? There are nude beaches out there for you to wear this to. If only I were brave enough . . . I would be purchasing this at this very moment.

Multiple cut-out panels and a classic red color make this a bombshell of a suit.

Multiple cut-out panels and a classic red color make this a bombshell of a suit.

9. Nicole Oliver

Any bombshells out there wanting to be the center of attention? I've found the perfect bathing suit for you! This is the epitome of class crossing over to sexy. Red is a classy, but seductive color. Add multiple panels of cutouts and you're certainly not blending in anymore. This is amazing, and certainly suited for my swimsuit museum. However, I could never wear it, knowing I'd get caught in all those strings!

A truly sexy one piece.

A truly sexy one piece.

10. Gottex

Who says one-piece suits can't be sexy? This is one of the most special and outstanding suits I've ever seen, and look: There's only one piece! The sparkle, shape, and cut all make this swimsuit fantastic. I love this look and that there's a gold outlining in the body. Of course, it helps that the model is flawless too!

A stunning silver monokini.

A stunning silver monokini.

11. Beach Bunny

I just couldn't end my list without an absolutely stunning monokini! This silver suit is the classiest, most exotic monokini I've seen in a long time. The lines and detailing are great. The designers definitely did not skimp out on the fabric. What makes this suit is the color. Now, this silverish-grey color can sometimes get a bit monotone; however, this bright, shiny silver knocks the suit out of the park!


John Hansen from Gondwana Land on January 19, 2014:

Wow what a great hub. Wait, think I missed something, I need to go back for another No seriously some really hot swimsuits her, but my favourite is number 4 Maaji believe it or not, followed by 6 and 8. Good work.

Yena Williams (author) from California on March 23, 2011:

mysisters: Thanks! I seriously can't wait for summer and swimsuit shopping!

mysisters on March 22, 2011:

Awesome Hub. I really enjoyed reading your Hub and looking at all the swimsuit pictures. I want all of them! They are all so cute!

Yena Williams (author) from California on March 14, 2011:

Hi Tiffany: Your situation is similar to what I told to "nicole" above you. This is last year's designs so they're probably long gone. You can check out the mentioned stores/designers and see if they have any similar monokinis! Good Luck!

Tiffany on March 12, 2011:

Hi, those swimwears r beautiful! But how do u get the number 3 one? I would luv to get one of those! :)

Yena Williams (author) from California on December 19, 2010:

This article is from last year so, the suit is probably no longer in season =(

Here are some Gottex alternatives I've found for you!

Good Luck!!

Nicole on December 19, 2010:

What a collection! Yowza! Where can I find the gold and red Gottex halterneck one piece? I have done 3 million Google searches and can't find it anywhere! Thank you!

Yena Williams (author) from California on October 31, 2010:

GmaGoldie: Thanks for the fantastic compliment! I've never been called a wordsmith before!

epigramman: you're a fantastic reader! I'm sure every male who has stumbled upon this hub did indeed feel like a kid in a candy store! Thanks for commenting!

Kosmo: I agree, it's all about eye candy!

samantha: Thanks! I was as well, and had a hard time buying just 2!

samantha on October 31, 2010:

im in love with these swimsuits!

Kelley Marks from Sacramento, California on September 27, 2010:

These swimsuits look way too good to be worn in the water! Thanks for the wonderful eye candy. Haute couture forever, babe. Later!

epigramman on September 26, 2010:

..and quite simply put the most amazing hub of all time - I feel like such a little boy in a candy store .... it could also be your smile and the way you put together all your pages so hubtremendously .......

Kelly Kline Burnett from Madison, Wisconsin on August 07, 2010:

Another delight! The Jet had me and your explanation with the retro vibe - great wordsmith!

Yena Williams (author) from California on April 15, 2010:

Olivia, this is such a late response but... it is now sold out! Its also not on their official site: so sad!

I'm so glad I nabbed it before it disappeared.

Try googling south beach swimwear: that's where I get a lot of my swimwear!


Olivia on March 23, 2010:

God these are cute!

Now the only problem would be choosing one of have great taste!

On your "part two" you said you ended up buying four, one of them being the aqua de coco? Could you tell me its official name and where on EARTH you got it? (i've been googling for quite a while haha)

Yena Williams (author) from California on March 10, 2010:


I will go check out your hub on cocktail rings!

I'm so glad you love the hub. The ruffles of the maaji suit are so cute! Thanks for the compliment =)

ftnirish7 on March 09, 2010:

yenajeon, thanks for the comment on my scarves hub. I just did one about cocktail rings if you are interested.

I absolutely love this hub--especially that maaji suit. WOW. You have great taste, thanks for sharing!

Yena Williams (author) from California on February 17, 2010:

I also can't wait to soak in some sun! Its freezing here in the midwest =(

Tomono on February 17, 2010:

What an amazing collection. Makes me want to head off somewhere hot right now!

Yena Williams (author) from California on February 15, 2010:

Festersproling: I read your profile and its quite an interesting name! lol; I'm glad you liked the suits!

Daniel Christian from Los Angeles, CA on February 15, 2010:

Some of these definitely quite cool and beautiful. The bathing suits I am meaning of course. ;)

Yena Williams (author) from California on February 13, 2010:

Thank you Phillyfreeze, for the grand compliment. I'm so glad you liked the collection. I'm making a Part 2 as well =)

Phillyfreeze69 on February 13, 2010:

Never knew pleated panels could be so sexy (Beach Bunny #11). You have assembled a very elegant and glamourous collection.

Yena Williams (author) from California on February 13, 2010:

Hi Kj8: I can see what you mean by 'non-practical' but that's what this list was intended for! For the ultra-spectacular. Personally, I would wear most of these bathingsuits, but, I'm a bit extreme =)

I have another hub on more practical swimsuits!

Thanks so much for visitng.

kj8 from Australia on February 13, 2010:

In my opinion numbers 6 and 9 are the only nice suits and practical suits there and even then with 6 you have to be thin or the horizontal stripes will make you look bigger. Being an Aussie chick, I spend a lot of time at the beach and we swim to swim, spend time on the beach to play or run. I couldn't stand worrying about falling out of my swimmers.

Yena Williams (author) from California on February 11, 2010:

Cheeky Girl: I'm so glad you liked all of the suits! I really like the Jet one too =)

Shareitt: This is how I feel as Spring is creeping up on us!! Thanks for visiting.

shareitt on February 11, 2010:

Great suits! I better keep to the gym :)

Cassandra Mantis from UK and Nerujenia on February 11, 2010:

Gosh, what a superb selection of killer swim suits! Love them all! For a fave - I want the "jet"! You have good taste! Consider this Cheeky Girl a Fan now!! And thanks fr being mine too! : )

Yena Williams (author) from California on February 10, 2010:

Polly: you can always get it back girl! Lets work towards a 'better bikini body!'

Pollyannalana from US on February 10, 2010:

Wow those are something, I had a fantastic one something like these years ago..but then I had the figure for

Yena Williams (author) from California on February 06, 2010:

habee: These are fantastic! You will soon have the body for them too Habee!

emievil: What would make me happy is the have the MONEY for these suits let alone the body!

Thanks for visiting =)

emievil from Philippines on February 06, 2010:

wow! Very beautiful suits (and models, too). Wish I have a body to go with these suits! LOL. As it is, I'll just drool away in envy.

Holle Abee from Georgia on February 05, 2010:

Amazing suits here! I'l pass it on to my daughter who has the body for such a suit!

Yena Williams (author) from California on February 04, 2010:

Micky - Thanks M, I'm exactly the same. Can't start my day without a strong cup!

Cagsil - It amazes me too! Wish I had an infinite amount of money just for shopping...

Raymond D Choiniere from USA on February 04, 2010:

Great hub. I liked all the different kinds. I like the way you think. I'm amazed the unique styles of suits available today. Thank you for sharing. :)

Micky Dee on February 04, 2010:

There are some great suits there. Thanks for another great hub. I started to look again but I'd better drink my coffee. Thanks

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