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A Review of the Flawless Acne Control Kit


Ray is into skin, hair, and healthcare products. He loves to review products he's tried and share his experiences with others.

The contents of the Flawless Acne Control Kit by Flawless Face and Body Clinic

The contents of the Flawless Acne Control Kit by Flawless Face and Body Clinic

My Acne Story

Does your facial acne stress you out? Are there times when you lack self-confidence because of those bumpy pimples? I've suffered from acne for several years and have tried a number of skin-care and beauty products without lasting success. I have oily, acne-prone skin, and until recently, I didn't know that there were specific beauty products tailored toward specific skin types.

Recently, I visited Flawless Face and Body Clinic in Santa Rosa City. I decided to try their Acne Control Advanced Facial with Rejuvelite, and I liked it. After the treatment, I was advised by their staff to use the Flawless Acne Control Kit to completely eradicate my pimples and acne scars. The Flawless Acne Control Kit is designed to fight pimple-causing bacteria while minimizing excess oil and reducing the appearance of pores. In this article, I'll share my experience with this four-piece skin-care product kit.

Products Included in the Flawless Acne Control Kit

  1. SAS Soap
  2. Pimple Astringent Toner
  3. Skin Protect Gel
  4. Skin White Therapy Cream
The SAS Soap

The SAS Soap

1. SAS Soap

Flawless' SAS Soap is specially designed to combat acne by targeting acne-causing bacteria. This product is perfect for people with oily, acne-prone skin like myself. Dermatologists recommend using this soap every day, but how frequently you use it should depend on your skin type. If you have dry skin, you should only use it once a day, but if your skin is oily, you should use it twice a day. I use it twice a day—every morning and every evening—because I have oily, acne-prone skin.

What I love about this soap is that it helps me minimize the oiliness of my face throughout the entire day. Before I used this soap, it usually took two hours or less for my face to become oily again after being washed. After using this product for a month, I've noticed that I can withstand a hot day without my face getting nearly as oily as it used to.

Another thing I admire about the SAS Soap is that it contains salicylic acid. Salicylic acid is a helpful ingredient when it comes to combating acne. It helps unclog pores and prevents acne from coming back. What I like the most about this soap is its longevity—a single bar can last for one or two months depending on how frequently you use it, and it only costs PHP 140.

The Pimple Clear Astringent Toner

The Pimple Clear Astringent Toner

2. Pimple Clear Astringent Toner

The Pimple Clear Astringent Toner by Flawless is designed specifically for acne-prone skin and helps prevent the formation of pimples. It also aids in closing pores and clearing impurities from the skin. Astringent toners are necessary for oily skin because they help remove excess dirt, oil, and bacteria from the face.

This toner stings a little bit on my nose, but it's tolerable. It also helps me dry my new pimples fast. I apply it on my face using cotton swabs every morning and evening after washing my face with the SAS Soap. I would advise applying it to affected areas only. This 100 ml toner costs PHP 330.

The Skin Protect Gel

The Skin Protect Gel

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3. Skin Protect Gel

Many dermatologists recommend using sunblock gel instead of sunblock cream. As you may have noticed, most sunblock products sold at dermatological clinics are gels. The Skin Protect Gel by Flawless is a gel sunblock that helps protect skin from sun damage. Like the other products in this kit, it is designed especially for those with oily skin. I like the idea that the sunblock product in this kit is a gel, but my face seems to feel oily when I use it. For this reason, I try to use as little as possible when I go out. A tube of Flawless sunblock gel costs PHP 290.

The Skin White Therapy Cream

The Skin White Therapy Cream

4. Skin White Therapy Cream

The Flawless Acne Control Kit also includes this Skin White Therapy Cream. This exfoliating night cream is designed for oily skin and hyperpigmentation and helps to exfoliate dead skin on the face. It should be applied evenly on the face before going to sleep. After using it for a few months, my face became whiter, and my acne spots became less apparent. Flawless' Skin White Therapy Cream costs PHP 410.

My Final Take

After using the Flawless Acne Control kit, my skin has improved, and the severity of my acne has decreased drastically. This improvement didn't happen overnight, but after using the kit consistently for a month or two, I was able to see significant changes in my face. This kit definitely gets two thumbs up from me. Even my family has noticed how much clearer and whiter my skin appears.

Keep in mind that sometimes, treating acne externally isn't enough. To achieve the best possible results with any skin-care product, it's important to drink plenty of water and eat as healthily as possible. Your body's internal health plays a prominent role in the appearance of your skin, so to effectively achieve a smoother, more acne-free complexion, it's important to combine a high-quality skin-care routine with a healthy lifestyle. Before starting a new skin-care regimen, it's always a good idea to consult with your dermatologist.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

Questions & Answers

Question: How long did it take to start seeing improvements on your skin from using the Flawless Acne Control Kit?

Answer: About a month or two. But for the record, it didn't give me breakouts so I am really thankful for that. Also, I think the effectivity will depend upon your skin since we all have different skin traits and textures. Nevertheless, I wish you good luck in trying the acne control kit of Flawless. These products really helped me improved my skin. On the side note, I suggest you to experience also their facials for acne especially their Acne Control Advanced Facial. I know their products and their services are a bit pricey but you can try at least two facial sessions just to help you along the process of combating your acne. You can also ask for a little consultation with Flawless dermatologists, which I think is free (not sure).

Question: Is it normal for my skin to peel while using these products?

Answer: Yes, at some point if you're using the Skin White Therapy Cream since it helps in exfoliating dead skin on your face.

Question: Can I use moisturizer after the overnight cream?

Answer: Technically, you can still use a moisturizer after applying the night cream. But If you have dry skin, I suggest not to use the night cream because it acts as an exfoliating cream. Using moisturizers produce better results than exfoliating cream for dry skin. On the other hand, if you have oily skin, use the exfoliating cream alone. Nevertheless, to ensure everything, always consult your dermatologist.

© 2018 Ray

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