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An Honest Review of the Kenzzi IPL Hair Removal Handset


Alyssa loves trying out new products and services and sharing her honest opinions with the world. She is a budget-conscious wife and mom.


While watching YouTube and tackling my evening chores last April, I heard Shea Whitney mention the Kenzzi IPL. I was intrigued, but didn't give it much thought. A few months after that, she discussed it again and I decided to visit the company website. I never thought I would utter the words, 'I'm tired of shaving,' but that's exactly how I was starting to feel. Wouldn't it be amazing to not have to worry about shaving again? The hefty price tag gave me pause, but the idea stuck in the back of my mind.

Fast forward to the beginning of 2021. Once again, I was catching up on YouTube while doing my evening chores. This time, Brittany Vasseur was explaining how while pregnant, her poor husband had to help her shave. After having her baby, she started using the Kenzzi IPL and loved it.

I decided to bounce the idea off my husband, comparing the price of shaving with the device. We've been Dollar Shave Club members since 2015. Their prices are amazing, and not only do they have a wide-range of products available, the quality is top-notch. However, they recently changed their razor blades, and while my husband loves them, I don't. On top of that, we've been ordering supplies more often this year, which really adds up. If I didn't need to shave anymore, we figured we could save a considerable amount of money. With that settled, I went ahead and made the purchase.

How It Works

How exactly does IPL work? On their website, Kenzzi explains,

Ultimately, there’s a benefit to completing IPL therapy for nearly everyone. It’s important to note that this is not the same as laser treatment. Because IPL releases light of different wavelengths, it’s unlike laser therapy, which only releases one wavelength of light.

In addition to this, the IPL light is less hyper-focused like the laser hair removal usually is. This allows for IPL to penetrate all the way down to the second layer of the skin, which means it doesn’t harm the top layer, and ultimately causes less damage to the skin.

It works because pigment cells in the skin soak up the light energy. That ultimately gets converted into heat, which destroys the unwanted pigment, clearing up freckles or other impurities. This is the same way it works to prevent a hair follicle from growing. The best part is that if you get IPL enough times, you won't have to worry about hair regrowth—you'll basically be hair-free for life.

Chances are you've seen the comical Kenzzi commercials floating around on the internet or heard your favorite internet personality raving about the device. If you haven't, don't worry. Now that you've clicked on this article, you're sure to come across one or five. Oh the joys of our modern age. While the advertisements are certainly entertaining, I think they are a tad misleading. Additionally, I think it's important to lay out how the process works and the time investment involved, something I didn't realize beforehand.

My Experience

I ordered the Kenzzi IPL Handset on January 17. It arrived on my doorstep January 20. I was impressed with how quickly I received it, especially since it shipped from Hong Kong and we were still in the middle of a pandemic.

Everything looked great right out of the box. You get the handset, a power cord, and an instruction booklet. I read through the information and got started right away.

Kenzzi IPL Handset Unboxing

Before I could use my IPL, I had to hop in the shower. It's important to exfoliate and shave any areas that will receive treatment. Removing dead skin cells and clearing in-grown hairs helps absorption of light.

I treat my legs, arms, bikini area, and underarms. This takes a considerable amount of time, depending on the intensity of the light.

The Kenzzi IPL offers five intensity settings and a handy skin tone safety chart. It's recommended to treat each area three times per session, once a week. You can choose to push the button each time or before beginning, hold the button for five seconds to activate glide mode. This allows you to hold the device to your skin and as you move along each area, it will automatically flash. There is also a safety feature built-in which I love: the device will not flash unless it's pressed up against your skin.

I started my first session on the lowest level. It didn't hurt and it took me two hours to get it all done. Because I started on a Wednesday, I created a reminder on my mobile calendar for subsequent Wednesdays to make sure I never miss a session. Consistency is key to seeing results. After each session, I use Dr. Carver's Miracle Repair Serum on my bikini area and underarms. For the rest of my body, I use Gold Bond Ultimate Healing lotion. Hydrating and cooling the treated areas helps keep skin healthy and glowing.

As the weeks went on, I worked my way up to level five. I started noticing slower hair growth the second week. By the fourth week, the hair on my arms was non-existent. From mid-shin down to my ankles, I had a slight case of Strawberry Legs; That was also gone. By the tenth week, most of my hair had stopped growing back, although I was still treating all of the areas noted above. As I increased the intensity of the flashes, so did the amount of time it took me to treat my skin. Using the two highest settings, each session takes me about four hours from start to finish.

I have dubbed two areas of my body "the problem areas." These are my bikini line and underarms. Because the hair is thicker and darker, it's taking longer to see the desired results. Further, these spots are more sensitive and the highest setting I can stand is four. While the lower settings don't hurt, as the intensity increases, there is a little pain with each flash depending on the area of the body. When it hurts, it feels like someone is pinching you with a hot poker. It's not pleasant. If I feel that, I simply drop down one setting.

Using The Handset

According to Kenzzi, most people see results in 12 weeks. Of course, results will vary from person to person. April 21 was my twelfth session, and while I am seeing promising results, I need to continue the sessions until I reach my desired outcome. The hair in my problem areas is lightening and growing more slowly. I'm hoping to be completely hair-free soon.

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Important Things To Know

Before you decide to buy, here are some important things to consider:

You should always talk with your doctor before starting any type of treatment. According to the instruction booklet, the following people should not use the device:

  • Pregnant or nursing mothers.
  • People with active implants like a pacemaker, incontinence device, insulin pump, etc.
  • People with epilepsy.
  • People with a history of skin cancer or areas of potential skin malignancies, or those who have received radiation therapy or chemotherapy within the last three months.
  • People who have taken steroids in the last three months.
  • People with a history of Keloid Scar formation.
  • Those taking certain types of medication, especially, but not limited to, ones that make skin sensitive to light.
  • People with an abnormal skin condition caused by Diabetes or other systemic or metabolic diseases.

Many people like to use the Kenzzi IPL on their face. It's safe to use anywhere below the upper lip. I chose not to use it on my face because I have a history of getting cold sores. The side effects disclaimer in the instruction booklet warns that using the device can reactivate Herpes simplex. I go to great lengths to avoid getting cold sores and the risk wasn't worth it to me.

As with anything, there is a list of other possible side effects. The only thing I experienced was the pain mentioned above. I have sensitive skin, but I didn't have any irritation, redness, swelling, or bruising. I think keeping my skin hydrated with a quality lotion helped.

You should not use the device with a tan. It's recommended to remove any artificial tan and to wait two weeks if you've been tanning naturally. Likewise, it's recommended to wait 48 hours after using Kenzzi before tanning.

You should not use the device over tattoos, dark freckles, or moles.

While the Kenzzi IPL device is technically portable, meaning it's easy to pack, you still need to plug it into an outlet to use.

The device doesn't automatically get rid of hair. It's not going to replace your razor right away. It takes consistent sessions over time to see results.

Above all, this is a time commitment. How long each session lasts will depend on the number of areas you want to treat as well as the intensity you use.

After achieving your optimal results, it is recommended to use the device once every 2-3 months, or as needed, to maintain hairless, smooth skin.

Is It Worth It?

I've had a great experience with Kenzzi. The device is doing exactly what it promised, although it is taking longer to see optimal results in my problem areas. My legs and arms are smooth and hair growth is minimal to non-existent. I have received a few emails checking in to see how my progress was going and to offer helpful tips. The only downside is that it takes me four hours every Wednesday to complete my weekly session. To make it more fun, I use this time to catch up with my YouTube subscriptions.

There's no denying that this is an investment. The device itself is pricey, although Kenzzi seems to always offer the $50 discount. The time involved to complete each session and to see results should also be taken into consideration. This is not a quick fix.

If you are tired of shaving and are willing to put in the time and effort, I think this is a great option. I would definitely recommend the Kenzzi IPL!

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2021 Alyssa


Alyssa (author) from Ohio on April 23, 2021:

Thank you Pamela!

Pamela Oglesby from Sunny Florida on April 21, 2021:

The Kenzzi IPL is new to me. This was such an interesting article, Alyssa. I would not want to spend so much time at my age as I simply do not have much hair to be concerned with now. It sounds like you have benefited well however. Thanks for this review.

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