<![CDATA[Skin - Bellatory]]>https://bellatory.comhttps://bellatory.com/site/images/apple-touch-icon.pngSkin - Bellatoryhttps://bellatory.comTempestThu, 16 Dec 2021 09:00:00 GMTThu, 16 Dec 2021 09:00:00 GMT<![CDATA[Why Is Neck Skin Care Important?]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Your-facial-skin-care-routine-is-on-point-but-what-about-your-neckhttps://bellatory.com/skin/Your-facial-skin-care-routine-is-on-point-but-what-about-your-neckSun, 05 Dec 2021 20:46:41 GMTSkin care is something that most of us are familiar with. Many of us focus mainly on facial skin care and tend to neglect other areas such as the neck and décolletage. Here are a few tips on how to care for the skin on your neck to reduce and prevent overall signs of aging.

As a former personal trainer, Sarah is passionate about all things health, beauty, and self care.

Caring for your neck skin is important too!

Do You Need Skin Care For Your Neck?

At a certain age, most people find that their typical moisturizing routine is not enough to avoid common signs of aging. As a result, many of us turn to different skin care methods in hopes of preventing or at the very least slowing down the natural aging process. Some of these tools may include a variety of creams, serums, and cleansers or cosmetic treatments to tighten the skin and prevent the formation of wrinkles. About one year ago, I realized that while my facial skin care routine is great, I’ve been completely neglecting my neck.

Luckily I don’t have any significant signs of aging around my neck. Still, I have noticed some lines running horizontally across my neck that are seemingly becoming more and more evident. I also want to avoid these lines from getting worse and find ways to prevent the dreaded turkey neck that comes with loose skin as we age. After doing some research, I now have a course of action to tackle the aging process not only in my face but in my neck and décolletage. Below is a list of factors contributing to signs of aging in those areas and what can be done to mitigate them.

Ever heard of skin elasticity?

Photo by ᴇᴍɪʟʏ on Unsplash


Studies suggest that wrinkles can primarily be blamed on elasticity (or lack thereof), particularly in the neck area in which your skin is much thinner and less elastic than in other regions of the body.

As we get older, our skin loses its elasticity due to changes in connective tissue, meaning that it is less likely to snap back to its original form once it is stretched. Based on this article by the National Library of Medicine, lastosis (the loss of elasticity) can also be affected by sun exposure as well as the general fact that our bodies produce less collagen and elastin (primary proteins responsible for repairing the skin and the main components of connective tissue) as we get older, making it much harder for it to repair itself.

Because your neck is a more delicate area, these factors can significantly affect the quality of that area, which is why the best way to maintain your elasticity is to tackle these factors early on, at the beginning stages of the aging process.

How to Improve Skin Elasticity

  • Wear sun protection (learn more about this in the following section).
  • Vitamin C is an antioxidant that protects and promotes collagen growth. It can be taken as a supplement, injected, or applied topically.
  • Add Retinoids to your routine. Retinoids are Vitamin A derivatives that regulate epithelial cell growth, which goes hand in hand with collagen growth. Studies demonstrate an improvement in facial wrinkles with the use of Retinoids, resulting in a tightening effect.
  • Bakuchiol is a meroterpine derived from the seeds of the Psoralea corylifolia plant, which has similar effects on the skin as Retinoids and typically is used in the form of a serum. Some people may prefer this option over Retinoids because it is less likely to irritate the skin.
  • Introduce Peptides into your neck skin care routine. Peptides are short chains of amino acids which are known to aid in the formation of proteins. Based on this study, they can help produce collagen and elastin in the skin, naturally resulting in improved elasticity.
  • There are several medical-grade skin tightening treatments that use various methods to safely cause minor damage to the skin, causing it to produce loads of collagen and elastin to repair itself. Some of the most common methods used to create this controlled damage include different forms of microneedling, laser treatments, and vitamin-infused injectable treatments. You can read more about how it works here.
  • For preventative purposes, you can also get Botox injected into your platysmal bands, relaxing tension in the neck. When your neckbands are flexed, it can cause your skin to stretch over time, which is the ultimate force behind the formation of the “turkey neck.”
Sun tanning can be highly damaging to the skin if done improperly.

Photo by Jesse Schoff on Unsplash

Sun Damage

According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, sun exposure causes damaging effects to collagen, resulting in loss of elasticity, wrinkling, and leathery-looking skin. Your neck, which has much thinner and more delicate skin than other regions of your body, is especially susceptible to this damage.

To prevent this from happening, it is crucial to protect your skin from the sun. I wear a minimum of SPF 30 every day, no matter where I go and what I do to make sure I protect my skin from the sun. If I am having a beach day and know that I’ll be spending a lot of time exposed to the sun, I go higher in SPF and make sure to reapply it several times throughout the day.

You should also try to avoid things like tanning beds, which cause a significant amount of damage in a very short time due to the intensity of the UV radiation used for a quick tan. Instead, opt for a spray tan if you want a quick bronze.

Expressions and Posture

Studies have provided evidence that excessive facial expressions result in the formation of wrinkles in the face. If you see lines on your forehead when you raise your eyebrows, for example, you may not have any wrinkles to begin with. Still, the repeated movement over the course of several years gradually causes those lines to stay, forming permanent wrinkles. This wrinkle formation is enhanced as we age and lose collagen in our skin.

This is no different for your neck, meaning that different motions and positions can lead to the formation of wrinkles in your neck. While it is nearly impossible to avoid this completely, you can try to be more mindful of your posture and neck positioning.

  • Try to sit up straight, especially if you work from a desk and have a tendency to slouch.
  • Sleep on your back for a relaxed and level neck and chest.

Aging Is Completely Normal!

Aging is completely normal and an inevitable course of nature. For most people, the main focus in reducing signs of aging is on the face. However, the aging process does not discriminate.

If you want to maintain an overall youthful appearance, don’t forget to focus on the areas that go hand in hand with your face, including your neck. With consistent care using the tools mentioned above, you can reduce and prevent the typical signs of aging safely and effectively.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

<![CDATA[How to Battle Dry Winter Skin]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Heres-How-I-Battle-My-Dry-Winter-Skinhttps://bellatory.com/skin/Heres-How-I-Battle-My-Dry-Winter-SkinSun, 05 Dec 2021 18:19:43 GMTDry skin has always been an issue for me. In the winter months, the dryness is heightened due to the changes in humidity levels and temperatures. Here's what I do to make sure my skin stays hydrated, especially throughout these dry winter months.

As a former personal trainer, Sarah is passionate about all things health, beauty, and self care.

Winter skin doesn't have to be dry skin!

Dry Winter Skin

I generally consider myself pretty lucky when it comes to the quality of my skin. I don’t break out often, and it is overall reasonably smooth. The main problem that I have always faced with my skin was its dryness, making it appear flaky and feel tight and itchy. This gets particularly intense during the winter months when the cold air outside and the baseboard-produced heat inside cause excessive dryness in the air, leaving my skin dehydrated and looking bland.

While this is unfortunate, I do have a few tricks up my sleeve to help battle this drained-looking skin, from addressing the dehydration itself to improving the appearance of my skin covered in dead skin cells. Here they are!

Moisturizer will save your dry winter skin!

Photo by Poko Skincare on Unsplash

Keep You Skin Hydrated

In order to keep my skin hydrated, I take a few additional steps aside from the typical morning and bedtime moisturizers. Here’s what works best for me:

  • Applying a light moisturizer several times throughout the day
  • Moisturizing DIY facials
  • A lot of water
  • Air humidity

Moisturize 24/7

If your skin is like mine, the moisturizer you put on in the morning never lasts all day. Instead of applying moisturizing lotion twice a day, I go for a lighter cream that can be applied throughout the day to use it as soon as I notice my skin starting to dry out. Overall I would say I apply a cream to my face 3- 4 times a day before applying the final layer before bed. This keeps my skin hydrated all day without any in-between time.

DIY Facials

I also use home facials two to three times a week designed to hydrate your skin. Based on the American Academy of Dermatology Association, some of the most beneficial ingredients for relieving dry skin include Hyaluronic acid, Lactic acid, and Jojoba oil, which tends to be less irritating than lotions, which is why they are the main ingredients that I look for in the masks I like to use.

  • Hyaluronic acid can be found in various lotions, serums, and facial masks and has become popular in the world of skin care due to its hydrating qualities. It is a compound found naturally in the body and is responsible for retaining moisture. While it mainly only hydrates the more superficial layers of the skin, it is a great addition to any skin care routine that is in need of hydration. Hyaluronic acid also has proven anti-aging qualities when used topically, making it a great addition to your skin care routine at any age.
  • Lactic acid is an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) that is clinically proven to function as a barrier when applied to the skin, protecting it from potentially harmful external factors such as UV radiation, and offers anti-inflammatory benefits. It is commonly found in moisturizing products and is particularly beneficial for people with more sensitive skin as it helps maintain the epidermal barrier.
  • Jojoba oil is an oil extracted from the Simmondsia Chinensis plant and can be found in various health and beauty formulations, including creams, serums, shampoos, and more. Its benefits have been studied in several clinical trials confirming its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antifungal, and antimicrobial qualities. It can even be used to help battle acne and psoriasis, making it incredibly useful in various aspects concerning the skin.

Hydrate Often!

Finally, one of the easiest steps that doesn't require applying anything to your skin is to hydrate. And by hydrate, I mean drink water. By drinking the recommended amount of water daily (2 - 3 liters a day), you will hydrate your skin from the inside out, which can’t be beaten by even the best moisturizer!


Dry skin is often caused by our environment and humidity levels. Because the winter months are typically dryer due to the weather outdoors and the indoor heating systems, I got myself a humidifier to reduce the dryness in the air at home. It has worked really well and stops me from waking up with dry and itchy eyes, which is another added benefit.

Foundation can easily dry out your skin even more.

Makeup Isn’t Always Your Friend

I know it’s tempting to cover your skin’s impurities with makeup, but putting foundation or concealer on dry patches of skin makes everything look ten times worse. When I do have dry spots, I avoid putting makeup on them and try to work around them instead.

Many foundations contain ingredients that can not only dry out your skin but also irritate it. One of the primary ingredients known for such reactions is called sodium lauryl sulfate, which has been shown to irritate the skin in clinical trials. Other potentially harmful ingredients in makeup include BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole) and BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene), both of which are used as preservatives that can result in skin irritation.

I apply a primer and slightly less foundation in the winter months to avoid that from happening. You can also try finding makeup that doesn’t include these ingredients, though most makeup products will contain one or the other.

Seeing a professional could be a good idea if you are new to skin care.

Photo by Albert Stephens on Unsplash

How to Reduce Flakiness

Even with my skin care routine, my face still tends to get flaky sometimes, especially when I’m wearing makeup. In order to avoid that uneven skin texture, I’ve added a few additional steps to my skin care before, during, and after applying makeup, including:

  • Microdermabrasion
  • Glycolic and Salicylic acid


One of the most efficient ways to get rid of dead skin is microdermabrasion. Microdermabrasion is essentially a very fine scrub that exfoliates the epidermis, the most superficial layer of the skin. There are two types of microdermabrasion: a scrub that can be used at home and a professional microdermabrasion treatment.

  • The DIY version comes in the form of a very gentle scrub containing pumice, water, and a variety of oils. The scrub is then to be applied to moist skin and massaged for approximately two minutes. You may notice a little bit of redness afterwards, but your skin will be visibly and texturally smoother. I do this every other day and love how my skin feels immediately after.
  • The professional version of microdermabrasion involves using a handheld device (also called a wand) that sprays tiny aluminum oxide crystals over the skin. An esthetician uses this tool to massage and work the crystals into the skin, like a gentle sandblast. Some of the handheld devices have a sandpaper-like surface made of diamonds, which are massaged into the skin rather than spraying crystals on it.

Both methods offer deep skin exfoliation and are clinically proven to improve melasma, acne scars, striae distensae (stretch marks), and photoaging. I use mine every other day, and my skin always feels so smooth right after. Sometimes I do it before I put on my makeup, to have a nice smooth surface to work with.

Glycolic and Salicylic Acid

Finally, I use a cleanser that contains Glycolic and Salicylic acid as they have an exfoliating effect on the skin. Studies suggest that these compounds can also reduce acne, which is a huge plus. I usually cycle between microdermabrasion and my glycolic and salicylic acid cleanser and follow both of them with my moisturizer.

Go play in the snow without worrying about your skin!

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Say Bye to Dry Winter Skin!

While dry skin isn’t the end of the world, it can get pretty frustrating and even feel uncomfortable. Using the tools mentioned above, I’ve managed my skin better and controlled the dryness and flakiness.

They also have additional benefits, making my overall skin care routine ideal for my skin type. If you do use these tips, I would also suggest speaking with your dermatologist to ensure that what I’m doing will also benefit you.

The steps mentioned above work great for me, but keep in mind that your skin is a very complex organ, meaning that no single treatment is right for everyone.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

<![CDATA[An Introduction to Men’s Skin Care]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/How-to-care-for-skin-as-a-manhttps://bellatory.com/skin/How-to-care-for-skin-as-a-manWed, 01 Dec 2021 14:34:36 GMTLearn top tips on how to take care of your skin as a man. Find guidance on men’s skin care routines, products, and men’s body care advice, here.

Need some help with you skincare routine?

Photo by Christopher Campbell on Unsplash

Men's Skin Care

Looking after your skin is important no matter who you are. But it can be a little confusing. Why are there different skin care products for men and women? How best can I care for my skin as a man? Here are the answers to your questions about men’s body care and skin care.

Choosing the Right Products

First things first, men’s skin is different from women’s skin. That’s down to hormones like testosterone. So it’s a great idea to use products that have been specifically formulated for men.

Did you know that men’s skin is typically oilier than women’s, and can be more prone to blemishes? Or that there’s more elastin and collagen in men’s skin, which is usually thicker and rougher than women’s skin? For these reasons (and more), specialist men’s body care and skincare products will offer more tailored help.

You can get even more detailed by picking products that work with your particular skin type, whether that’s dry, oily, combination, or normal. You can learn about this and much more when you delve into fascinating skin care facts.

Cleansing your face is step 1!

Photo by The Creative Exchange on Unsplash

Creating a Skin Care Regime

It’s not just the products that are important – it’s the way you use them, too. Creating a solid routine will help you keep your skin looking and feeling fresh. Follow these key steps each morning and evening.

  1. Cleanse. You don’t need an actual cleanser for this first step – a men’s face wash will do the job well, too. It’s essential to wash your face every morning when you get up and before you head to bed to remove dirt and pollutants.
  2. Exfoliate. You don't need to exfoliate on a daily basis – twice a week is a good guide. But exfoliation is a useful addition to your regime, as it helps to buff away dead skin cells that make your skin look dry, rough, and dull. You can use an exfoliating body scrub, too.
  3. Moisturize. If you only apply one product to your clean skin, make it a moisturizer. It helps to hydrate your skin and creates a protective barrier against environmental aggressors. Your skin will feel and look better thanks to this crucial step. Don’t forget to moisturize your body after you shower, too.
  4. Balm. If you shave, you’ll benefit from using a post-shave balm to help protect against redness, shaving rash, and dehydration. Before you shave, soften and dampen your facial hair by having a shower – the steam will make it much easier to shave. You might like to use pre-shave oil too.
  5. Night treatments. When you sleep, your body does a lot of repair work, so it’s the perfect time to help your skin with some specific night products. It’s also a good time to let skincare products work their magic because you won’t be disturbing those products while you’re sleeping. You might like to try an eye cream if you have puffy eyes or dark circles. Try a special night cream for deep rejuvenation!
Moisturizing is so important!

Photo by The Creative Exchange on Unsplash

Other Skin Tips

How Do You Know What Your Skin Type Is?

If you feel like your skin is tight, it's probably dry. On the other hand, if you notice a noticeable shine on the nose and forehead, then it's likely that your skin is normal or a combination. In addition to the forehead and nose, you probably have oily skin if you also discover shine on your cheeks.

The Importance of Facial Sunscreen

It's very important to use facial sunscreen every day since the facial skin is almost continuously exposed to the sun and UV rays directly. In addition, the thickness of the skin in this area of the body is thinner, which contributes to making it more fragile and vulnerable to solar radiation.

With these tips, you’ll find it easy to care for your skin as a man!

View the original article to see embedded media.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2021 Lourdes Villalobos

<![CDATA[Belif Creamy Cleansing Foam Moist Review]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Belif-Creamy-Cleansing-Foam-Moist-Reviewhttps://bellatory.com/skin/Belif-Creamy-Cleansing-Foam-Moist-ReviewSun, 28 Nov 2021 15:55:19 GMTMy thoughts on the belif Creamy Cleansing Foam Moist. Do check it out before buying it for yourself.

Want to hear candid views on products? You have come to the right place!

About Belif Creamy Cleansing Foam Moist

This is a vitamin-C-rich creamy foam cleanser infused with natural herbs that gently but effectively removes makeup and impurities while hydrating the skin.

This face cleanser is a one-of-a-kind blend of vitamin C-rich apothecary herbs, including wormwood to prevent breakouts, soapberry to detoxify, and sweet flag to cleanse and soften.

These botanical ingredients are effective, natural, gentle, and non-stripping cleansing agents. The creamy lather immediately removes impurities while respecting the skin's natural moisture barrier, making it ideal for normal to dry skin. One more highlight of this product is that it is formulated without mineral oil, SLS, synthetic preservatives, dyes, fragrances, and animal-origin ingredients.

The Product

It comes in a soft off-white creamy paste with a pleasant herbal scent. The texture is that of a mousse. The product foams up nicely and quickly into rich bubbles, making it easy to remove dirt and impurities.

After using it, though, my skin feels stripped of any moisture and kind of tight after cleansing. Do you know the squeaky feeling that you get after using some face washes? I experienced exactly that from this. Considering that this product is meant for normal to dry skin, I feel that shouldn’t have been the end result after using the product.

How to Use It

  1. Lather up a penny-sized amount of the product in your palm with water.
  2. Massage the face gently and thoroughly before rinsing with lukewarm water. It can be used twice a day, in the morning and evening.

Pros and Cons


  • The face wash has a nice consistency and texture and lathers well.
  • The fragrance is kind of pleasant.
  • The packaging is travel-friendly.
  • It does an excellent job at cleansing.


  • The product made my skin feel really dry after use.
  • The perfuming ingredients may trigger bad reactions on sensitive skin.

Price of the Product and Packaging

The product is priced at INR 2100 (USD 26.00) for 5.4 Fl. Oz. (160 ml). There is also a 30 ml size for this product. It is often given out as a sample. It comes in a soft tube packaging with a small nozzle to dispense the product. The packaging is sturdy and travel-friendly.


Would I Recommend This Product?

This cleanser is good in many respects, but I'm hesitant to suggest it because of how it made my skin feel.

It produces a rich, luscious lather, and it has a rich, herbal aroma that makes me feel like I'm at a spa. But when I rinse it off, though, it significantly dries up my skin. My skin feels squeaky clean after using this cleanser, but that's not what you want in a facial cleanser.

It's unsettling, especially for someone with dry skin, to feel as if all of my face's oils have been taken away. I wouldn't recommend this cleanser because of how it peels my skin, and personally, I would not recommend it to anyone.

About Belif Skincare

Belif is a Korean skincare brand that integrates the concepts of centuries-old herbal apothecary in its products. The company has a diverse portfolio of skincare products. The brand claims that it is the ‘most truthful skincare brand.’

It draws inspiration from a renowned medical herbalist, Duncan Napier, who could cure his chronic cold symptoms using various herbs to make a cough syrup. Just like the renowned medical herbalist, the company incorporates true herbs in its products to give the best results to the user.

View the original article to see embedded media.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2021 PGupta0919

<![CDATA[Kama Ayurveda Kumkumadi Miraculous Beauty Fluid Ayurvedic Night Serum Review]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Kama-Ayurveda-Kumkumadi-Miraculous-Beauty-Fluid-Ayurvedic-Night-Serum-Reviewhttps://bellatory.com/skin/Kama-Ayurveda-Kumkumadi-Miraculous-Beauty-Fluid-Ayurvedic-Night-Serum-ReviewSun, 22 Aug 2021 16:07:46 GMTMy thoughts on the Kumkumadi Miraculous Beauty Fluid Ayurvedic Night Serum. Do check it out before buying it for yourself.

PGupta0919 is a skincare nerd who likes to share her own learnings about the beauty industry!

Is Kumkumadi Miraculous Beauty Fluid Ayurvedic Night Serum Worth It?

Yes, I admit the thought of using saffron oil on your face as a night serum might seem like a crazy idea at first, but Kumkumadi oil has been used by Indian women for ages as a beauty serum. I was surprised by the product, and I am sure you would be too!

This product has changed my pre-existing notions about oils for face skin. I used to think that using oil on your face could never be a solution. But this product changed that thought process. The product absorbs quickly, and I could see a difference in the pigmentation of my face. I would definitely recommend trying this product out. The good part is that it comes in a 3 ml bottle. Yes, the fragrance is a little overwhelming, but once you see the benefits of this serum, the fragrance becomes a secondary issue. I would give it a 4.5 out of 5 for its benefits and overall after effects.

Pros of Kumkumadi Miraculous Beauty Fluid Ayurvedic Night Serum:

  • The product absorbs into the skin pretty easily.
  • It does not cause acne.
  • It contains great natural ingredients.
  • The serum brightens and rejuvenates the skin.
  • The packaging is travel-friendly.

Cons of Kumkumadi Miraculous Beauty Fluid Ayurvedic Night Serum:

  • The product is quite expensive.
  • The saffron fragrance is a little overwhelming, but over time I got used to it.

About Kumkumadi Miraculous Beauty Fluid Ayurvedic Night Serum

The word ‘kumkumadi’ is actually ‘saffron’ in Sanskrit, so Kumkumadi oil would literally translate to Saffron oil in English. Saffron is known to treat pigmentation and lighten the skin. According to Kama Ayurveda, the oil is clinically proven to brighten and illuminate skin and delay signs of aging. Traditionally, it is made from a herbal paste of over 21 herbs. The main ingredients of this product are:

  • Sandalwood: It has powerful skin antiseptic and anti-microbial properties, making it useful in clearing blackheads and spots. It also helps in moisturizing dry skin and relieves itching and inflammation.
  • Mulaithi: Due to its antiseptic properties, it helps protect against various bacterial and fungal infections.
  • Saffron: As mentioned earlier, it helps in rejuvenating the skin making it glow. It also helps with pigmentation and acne.
  • Manjhistha: It has antioxidant properties and works brilliantly to treat uneven pigmentation and treat several skin allergies like eczema and acne.

The Product

The oil has a yellow-orange color to it. As soon as you open the bottle, you can smell the saffron, and you can smell the fragrance around you after the application of the product too. For me, after 30 minutes, I get used to the product’s smell.

You only need a tiny drop each time you apply the product, so a 3 ml bottle has lasted me for a good amount of time. The product uses sesame oil as its base, so it has a medium consistency to it. After applying this serum on your face, it feels really moisturized and doesn’t feel oily, which I think is great. It also absorbs into the skin quite easily.

How to Use The Product

I was a little skeptical when I heard that you were supposed to apply this oil to your face each night. The thought of making my face super oily was scary at first, I must admit. But then I heard raving reviews of this product on various beauty websites and thought, okay, let’s give it a try!

Because I was so skeptical of incorporating this product into my daily regime, I took it slow. And by slow, I mean applying one drop of this oil on my face only twice a week. On the days that I would apply this oil, I would inspect my face thoroughly the next morning. To my surprise, it wasn’t bad, and I actually started using the product more frequently. The usage went from twice a week to each night.

The brand recommends using this serum after cleansing and toning at night. I like to use only 2-3 drops on my face. I usually apply it onto my palm and then massage my hands before applying it onto my face.


The product has the following ingredients:

  • Sesamum Indicum Oil
  • Aja Ksheera
  • Caesalpinia Sappan
  • Crocus Sativus
  • Ficus Benghalensis
  • Glycyrrhiza Glabra
  • Monochoria Vaginalis
  • Nelumbo Nucifera
  • Rubia Cordifolia
  • Prunus Cerasoides
  • Vetiveria Zizanoides
  • Laciferra Lacca

Price of the Product and Packaging

The product comes in two sizes: 3 ml and 12 ml. It is priced at INR 845 (approx. $11 USD) for 3 ml. It comes in a dark brown glass bottle with a pipette to make it easier to take the right quantity of the product for use. For trial purposes, I took the 3 ml bottle. It is extremely compact and travel-friendly. Although it comes in a glass bottle and feels that it might break, I have taken this product with me during my travels, and it hasn't broken.

About Kama Ayurveda

Kama Ayurveda was started in the year 2002 in Delhi, India, by four co-founders. The brand aims to bring the power of authentic Ayurveda to its customers through its products. Today it has become synonymous with the term luxurious Ayurveda. Their range of products covers skincare, haircare, bath and body, and even men’s products. You can purchase their products both from their retail stores and online website.

<![CDATA[Review of Facetheory's Green Tea Face Mask]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Review-Of-Facetheory-Green-Tea-Face-Maskhttps://bellatory.com/skin/Review-Of-Facetheory-Green-Tea-Face-MaskFri, 20 Aug 2021 10:33:32 GMTWondering if you should splash the cash on Facetheory's Green Tea Mask MK2? Read my review to find out if this product if for you.

I've been an online writer for several years. My articles focus on a wide range of topics, including skin care, fashion and holidays.


Facetheory Green Tea Face Mask Review

Raise your hand if you've ever found shopping for skincare to be a confusing, overwhelming, daunting, or otherwise stressful experience? Yikes. Okay, hands down. It's time for the good news: You're not alone!

With countless brands fighting for your attention by promising dewy, filtered-looking skin via a tube, vial, roll-on, or whatever bizarre new applicator is on-trend at the time, it's no real wonder why you'd feel any combination of/or all of the above. And the never-ending stream of ingredients to master only seems to make matters 10x worse, right?

And so, when you do eventually find a brand that ticks all your boxes, meets your skincare needs, and is affordable to boot, you never want to let them go. For me, that brand was, and still is, Facetheory.


First Impressions

As is the case with nearly all of Facetheory's products, the Green Tea Face Mask MK2 comes in a recyclable glass jar, which is better for the environment and looks great on display. Talk about a win-win, eh?


The mask itself is a lot less green in colour than I had been expecting, though, and is instead a more of an 'oatmeal' shade. To be clear, this isn't an issue, but if you were planning on, let's say living out your wildest Shrek fantasies...? Well, you might have to rethink is all I'm saying! Also, while the online description describes the product as being unscented, it definitely has a strong green tea fragrance (go figure), which I personally really like and find soothing.


As far as the application process goes, using this mask is very straightforward and I really appreciate the thick consistency, which means you don't have to worry about making a mess of your bathroom! Simply spread a thin layer of the product over your face and neck (I prefer using it on already cleansed skin), sit back and relax for about ten minutes before rinsing it off with warm water, a washcloth or, my personal favourite, Facetheory's Konjac Sponge - and voila; fresh, glowy skin!

How Much Does The Green Tea Face Mask Cost And Is It worth it?

On the whole green tea face masks are generally pretty pricey. While there are definitely some more affordable alternatives available on the market, I have yet to see any offer the same premium-quality ingredients list that Facetheory is for £14.99 - 60ml.

This might seem like a steep price to pay for such a little face mask, but from my experiences with it, I'd argue it's good value for money. I've been using the product consistently for a few months now and still have a lot of product left because (apologies for the upcoming cliché!) a little goes a long way - especially if you use a silicone applicator instead of a brush or even your fingers, as these often waste a lot of product.

On top of this, my skin always feels really smooth after using it, and I've noticed an improvement in the overall texture, appearance of pores, and general health of my skin, which is exactly what I was looking for.


What Is In The Green Tea Face Mask MK2?

You don't need to be a dermatologist, but before you put anything on your face, you should at least have a good idea of what's in it and if it's right for your skin type.

While you might already know that Facetheory products are cruelty-free and vegan-friendly, you perhaps didn't realize that they are also free of:

  • Parabens
  • Silicones
  • PEGs
  • SLS
  • SLES
  • Mineral oils
  • All those other chemical nasties that we are frequently warned against.

Instead, they are packed full of naturally derived ingredients, which in the case of the Green Tea Face Mask MK2, are formulated to gently cleanse and brighten the skin by absorbing oil and accelerating the renewal of skin cells.


The Benefits Of French Clay

The clay used in this mask is French clay, otherwise known as ''green clay'', which is one of the most commonly used clays in the beauty industry. From Kiehl's and Glossier to The Body Shop, and, of course, Facetheory, too, you'll find this sage-coloured clay is a key ingredient in some of the most popular facial treatments. Here's why:

  • Natural Exfoliant: Green clay gently removes dead cells from your skin's outer surface, resulting in an improved skin texture.
  • Boosts Circulation: It increases blood flow to your face, giving your skin a more youthful and radiant appearance while also making it feel soft and moisturized.
  • Minimizes Pores: Many of us make great efforts to minimize our pores, and French clay does this by removing impurities and toning and tightening the skin.
  • Reduces Inflammation: Acne-sufferers can use this product to minimize the redness and swelling associated with angry breakouts.
  • And more!

It's easy to see why green clay is often dubbed a miracle worker by beauty experts and shoppers alike, and Facetheory has chosen to blend a superfine version of this clay with premium face oils, chamomile, and green tea, which promises to gently cleanse and balance the skin without drying it out. For this reason, unlike traditional clay masks, you'll find that the Green Tea Face Mask MK2 never dries once applied.

How I Discovered Facetheory

I first discovered Facetheory 2 years ago now, and while I still shop around and try out new brands on occasion, the foundation of my skincare routine comes from Facetheory.

Since placing my first ever order with them back in August 2019, I've tried and tested loads of different products from their range, including their organic face cloths, cleansers, multi-purpose scrubs, moisturizers, primers, tools - well, you get the picture. I'm a big fan!


Final Thoughts

Overall, I'm really impressed with this mask, which leaves my skin feeling so unbelievably soft and refreshed after every use. Also, while Facetheory recommends using this product only twice a week, I have found it's gentle enough on skin to be used more frequently than that.

So, now it's time for the all-important question: Do I love it enough to re-order? *insert drumroll effect* Yes! I will definitely replace this product in the future when I (eventually) run out.

View the original article to see embedded media.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2021 BunnyClaws

<![CDATA[Skin Care: Four Products to Avoid and Two Must-Have’s]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/4-Things-to-Never-Use-on-Your-Face-and-2-Must-Have-Skin-Care-Productshttps://bellatory.com/skin/4-Things-to-Never-Use-on-Your-Face-and-2-Must-Have-Skin-Care-ProductsThu, 19 Aug 2021 18:39:46 GMTHere is a list of products which you may have been using for years without even knowing that they are not actually good for your skin, and two essential skin care products which everyone must have.

Amara is a blogger and writer. She has a deep knowledge of holistic health and wellness. She believes in home remedies.

Never apply bar soap, astringents, petroleum jelly, and body moisturizer on your face.

Four Products You Should Never Use on Your Face

We all dream of glowing and flawless skin, and we spend a lot of time and money to keep our skin looking beautiful and young. There are certain products that you might think are good for your face, but they are not!

You might be surprised to learn that things you have been using for years are terrible for your skin. So here is a list of things you should never put on your face.

#1: Bar Soap

You might have used bar soaps on your face before, but actually, bar soaps are not suitable to wash your face with.

According to Healthline, "Bar soaps can be drying. Any cleanser you use on your face needs to have moisturizing ingredients. Most traditional bar soaps don't contain these ingredients and will strip your skin of moisture."

Bar soaps often contain sodium laureth sulfate, a substance that causes the soap to leather well. Unfortunately, this lathering substance can dry your skin. So, you can use bar soap on your body if you want but keep it far away from your face.

#2: Petroleum Jelly

The next thing you get to keep away from your face is petroleum jelly. You may have seen your elders putting petroleum jelly on their faces and lips as a natural moisturizer. But think about it, how can we apply petroleum to our skin?

Petroleum is a substance discovered at the bottom of petroleum barrels.

If you have acne-prone skin, you should avoid putting Vaseline on your face. Doing so may trigger breakouts and can make acne worse.

It can clog the pores, and if you have any history of acne, don't dream about putting it on your face. Some natural products made of bee wax are available at the market, which is an alternative to petroleum jelly.

#3: Body Moisturizer

Body moisturizer is excellent for your body but not so great for your face. Like petroleum jelly, body moisturizers can also clog your pores and can cause skin irritation.

These body moisturizing products also contain other harmful ingredients which are not so good for the sensitive skin of your face. Whenever buying a moisturizer for your face, make sure that it's a good quality facial moisturizer.

#4: Rubbing Alcohol

An article from Healthline reports, "Rubbing alcohol may also make your acne worse. When your skin is dried out from these types of substances, your sebaceous glands respond by making even more oil. This excessive amount of oil, or sebum, can create unintentional acne breakouts. Redness, peeling, and flaking also tends to make acne breakouts more noticeable."

When you put alcoholic toners on your skin, they give you a clean and cold feeling which you may like, but what do they really do? They actually remove all oils from your skin.

People who have really oily skin, or excessive sebum and oil on their skin, use astringents to get rid of these oils, but when they get rid of oil temporarily, their skin starts producing even more oils in response.

So using alcohol-based astringents and toners may make your skin even more oily in the long run. On the other hand, these astringents and toners kill the microbiome of your skin.

The microbiome is made of good bacteria which help maintain the health and condition of your skin. So avoid rubbing these alcohol-based toners and astringents at all costs.

Photo by Mathilde Langevin on Unsplash

Two Must-Have Skin Care Products

We spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars buying the most expensive and quality products for our skin, but you only need two products to keep your skin healthy, glowing and beautiful.

Skincare companies won't make much money if you buy only two of their products, so they keep on coming with different new products to bombard you with. So let me help you to save your money and improve your skin with these two essential products.

#1: Vitamin C Serum

Vitamin C serum is a must-have. You probably already know that vitamin C is an essential part of a healthy diet. Your daily dose can help boost your immunity and offers several other benefits for your overall health.

You should apply vitamin C serum to your face every morning as it is a powerful antioxidant and fights free radical damage. All day long, your skin is attacked by free radicals, from the food you eat, from the pollution in the air, and your body's daily processing, and an antioxidant fights off these effects.

Applying an antioxidant to your skin protects your skin from this oxidation damage and will help keep your skin young and healthy. You can pick any good quality brand vitamin C serum. If it contains vitamin E along with vitamin C, it's even better because both vitamins together boost each other's effects.

View the original article to see embedded media.

#2: Retinoid

An article from Healthline states, "By now, you've likely heard how amazing retinoids are for the skin — and with good reason! They've been proven in study after study to encourage cellular turnover, stimulate collagen, help treat acne, soften wrinkles, fade pigmentation, and give the skin an overall youthful glow."

The other must-have product is retinoid, which you should apply before going to bed. Retinoid comes in two strengths:

  • Prescription-strength Retinoid
  • Non-prescription strength Retinoid

The great thing about retinol is that it does pretty much everything anti-aging for your skin, it exfoliates your skin, and it potentially helps to thicken the dermis of your skin. If you've got the issue of thinning skin, then you must try retinol.

Prescription-strength retinoids like Retin-A can even reverse some early skin cancers, so there are a ton of things that retinoids can do.

To use any retinol, test it first and check how your skin reacts to it. If you notice some dryness or redness after using it, use it less often and gradually increase its use as your skin gets used to it.

Retinol moisturizers are really a cornerstone for any anti-aging skincare regimen. You can choose any good quality brand retinol for your skin, as per your choice, and you will notice reversing of the clock, as it's the best scientifically proven anti-aging product you can get.

View the original article to see embedded media.

More on Skin Care

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2021 Amara


Amara (author) from Pakistan on August 20, 2021:

Aww Misbah thank you, thank you, thats really very sweet of you.. and Ameen..

Your lovely comment made me smile.. I am glad you liked my hub, and found it informative.

Much love sweet sister..

Misbah Sheikh from The World of Rebels. on August 20, 2021:

Amara this is an Interesting and Informative article about skin care products. Thanks for the suggestions about what to use and what to avoid. By the way beautiful couple and beautiful profile photo. Allah Nazr e bad se bachaye. Ameen! (May Allah protect you from Evil eye. Amen!)

Blessings and Love to you

Amara (author) from Pakistan on August 20, 2021:

Thank you Peggy for your visit and comment. I am glad to know that you liked them.

Have a great day. Much love..

Peggy Woods from Houston, Texas on August 20, 2021:

Thanks for your suggestions about what to use as well as what not to use on our faces.

Amara (author) from Pakistan on August 19, 2021:

Thank you very much Manatita.

haha yes dear you can call me an expert, as I have a deep knowledge about these things, and my husband is a doctor. Sometimes wife of a doctor becomes half doctor. lolzz

Vit C is not only good for skin it also boost immunity, so its needed more than ever now in these pandemic days.

You must be using soap on your face, and extreme dryness can cause itchy skin condition like eczema or dermatitis etc. I also has skin dryness issue, eventhough I don't use soap. So I also use dermol or photonic tar sometimes.

Thanks for your visit dear.. Gratitude..

manatita44 from london on August 19, 2021:

Thorough! Are you an expert, Amara? So a great job done well!

I have had problems with soap and I did not fancy make up stuff anyway, like most men nowadays. Now I use a doctors product called Dermol as my skin was pretty cracked. I take essential fatty acids and Vit C and a few more things, probably useful to slowdown Covid-19.

Fabulous work, my friend!

<![CDATA[What Is a Perfect Daily Skin Care Routine?]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/What-is-A-Perfect-Daily-Skin-Care-Routinehttps://bellatory.com/skin/What-is-A-Perfect-Daily-Skin-Care-RoutineFri, 06 Aug 2021 19:30:18 GMTWhat is a perfect morning and night skin care routine? Are you confused? So here is a simple yet most effective daily skin care routine.

Amara is a blogger and writer. She has a deep knowledge of holistic health and wellness. She believes in home remedies.

These two routines will leave you with flawless skin.


What Is a Perfect Daily Skin Care Routine?

We all desire clear, perfect, and glowing skin that can look flawless without makeup.

A good daily skincare routine can help you to keep your skin healthy, beautiful, and glowing.

But after reading a dozen of skincare routines all across the internet, how can you decide which one is the most effective? Today, I will share with you a simple yet very effective morning and night skincare routine.

Start your day off the right way with this morning routine.

A Perfect Morning Skin Care Routine

Step 1: Cleanse Your Skin

So, the first step you get to do is to cleanse your skin. Do not use bar soap, ever, on your face, as they are extremely drying. There are typically two types of cleanser you should look for.

"And if your skin tends to be oily, you can likely tolerate more cleansing," says Dr. Sandra Lee, aka Dr. Pimple Popper, founder of SLMD Skincare.

"Though most people should be washing their face morning and night, it's essential for those with oily skin to give their face a complete cleanse in the morning," Lee says.

Oily Skin: If you have oily skin, you should look for a foaming cleanser to control the extra oil of your skin.

Sensitive/Dry Skin: If you have sensitive or drier skin, you should look for some hydrating or moisturizing type of cleanser or a gentle milky cleanser.

Step 2: Tone Your Skin

After cleansing your skin, ideally, the next step is toning. Unfortunately, people have been using astringents, which are typically alcohol-based toners. Due to the high percentage of alcohol in them, they make your skin apparently cold and clean. Still, the problem is that the alcohol strips off the oils and the useful bacteria of the skin called the microbiome.

Now, if you have oily skin and use an alcohol-based toner on your skin to get rid of all the skin's oil, what happens?

When you get rid of all the oil, your skin starts producing even more oil. So you might see your skin free from oil for a short time, but in the long term, your skin condition starts getting worse.

The other drawback of astringents or other alcohol-based toners is that it kills the microbiome of your skin, which like the good bacteria of the gut, help to maintain the good health of your skin. And getting rid of good bacteria means replacing good bacteria with bad bacteria, which can cause many other skin issues.

It's not bad to use a toner, but it should be the right kind of toner, like the tea tree toner, as they help maintain the skin's pH. The ideal work of the toner is to re-establish the pH, to allow the skin to be slightly acidic because sometimes the cleanser causes it to go more in a basic direction. So choose the right type of toner and make sure that alcohol is not the main ingredient.

Step 3: Apply an Antioxidant

This is the most important step in the morning skincare routine. A perfect antioxidant for your skin is a Vitamin C and Vitamin E combination.

According to Dr. Rhonda Klein, a board-certified dermatologist in Connecticut, “Antioxidants protect the skin by limiting free radical production, which can damage the skin. With daily use, they can reduce lentigines (sunspots), help combat visible signs of aging, and calm skin inflammations. Several antioxidants provide the skin with hydration and increase moisture retention to help revitalize dull-looking skin.”

Step 4: Apply an Eye Cream

After applying an antioxidant, the next step is to apply an eye cream. When buying an eye cream, it's better to buy a cream with a minor amount of retinol. This helps tighten the skin and moisturize your skin.

Step 5: Apply a Sunscreen

The final step is to apply sunscreen, and ideally, it should be SPF 30 or above, which is what the American Academy of Dermatology recommends.

Dr.Bailey from Bailey's Skincare also recommends "It always goes on after all of your other products, like acne medicine and moisturizers, except makeup.”

An SPF above 30 with a broad spectrum helps block 97% of the sun's rays. You can now also apply makeup after applying sunscreen if you want to.

Don't forget about the nighttime routine!

A Perfect Night Skin Care Routine

Like the morning skincare routine, you have to develop a habit of taking care of your skin at night before going to bed. A nighttime routine is essential for anti-aging and overall skin health.

Step 1: Cleanse Your Skin

Like in the morning, the first step in the night skincare routine is to cleanse your face. It is super important to cleanse your face at night, and if you want to cleanse your face only once a day, then do it at night.

It's necessary to get rid of all the pollution, oils, dried sweat, dirt, and makeup of the skin, let your pores breathe, and let the skin rejuvenate at night. To cleanse your skin, you can choose a foaming or milky cleanser, according to your skin type.

Step 2: Tone Your Skin

Even in the night skincare routine, ideally, the second step is to tone your skin, but if you want to skip any step in the night skincare routine, you can probably skip this one. But again, avoid using astringents and classic alcohol-based toners.

Step 3: Apply a Retinol or Growth Factor Cream

Now, this is the most important step in the night skincare routine: applying an anti-aging cream, ideally a Retinol or a Growth factor or peptides-based cream.

According to a Healthline article, "Retinol (a derivative of vitamin A) has long-proven efficacy when it comes to fighting aging. Apparently, that’s not all it can fight, either. Retinol has actually been used for more than 3,000 years to help address all kinds of health problems, including night blindness."

Retinol should be your first choice as they are scientifically proven to help prevent skin aging, but if you cannot tolerate Retinol, you can go for a Growth factor or Peptide-based cream.

Step 4: Apply an Eye Cream

It's better not to apply an anti-aging cream on your eyes because your eye skin is the thinnest skin of all, and your eye skin can react against it. It is recommended to use a good eye cream that has a minor amount of Retinol in it. It can help your eye skin to stop sagging.

Step 5: Apply a Moisturizer

Now the final step is to apply a moisturizer as needed.

Moisturizing is a very important step if you have oily skin. If you have oily skin, stop at step 4; you do not need to apply an extra moisturizer, but people with drier or thin skin can apply a moisturizer after applying all the products.

Taking care of your skin in the morning and the night can really help your skin look young, beautiful, and glowing for much longer.

More on Skin Care

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2021 Amara


Nian from Pakistan on August 07, 2021:

Welcome Amara.

Many Blessings and Love.

Amara (author) from Pakistan on August 07, 2021:

Thank you very much Manatita, I am glad you liked it.

I will write something on Spirituallity soon in sha Allah.

Its always nice to see your comment.. Thanks for your visit.. Salam..

manatita44 from london on August 07, 2021:

Very good article on skin care, Amara. Mines pretty dry. I did not use anything for years! Now I use some emollients and have cut out soap. Always a joy to read your work. Do some spiritual pieces: poems, essays ... only if you feel the Tao, of course. Much Love.

Amara (author) from Pakistan on August 07, 2021:

That sounds great Miebakagh. Its a good habit.

Amara (author) from Pakistan on August 07, 2021:

Thank you very much Nian.. Thanks for your visit and lovely remarks.. Salam sis..

Nian from Pakistan on August 07, 2021:

Very informative and useful article.

Thanks for sharing.

Miebakagh Fiberesima from Port Harcourt, Rivers State, NIGERIA. on August 07, 2021:

Amara, you're welcome. I do take care of my facial skin day and night.

Amara (author) from Pakistan on August 06, 2021:

Thank you very much Miebakagh. I really appreciate your visit..

Blessings n peace..

Miebakagh Fiberesima from Port Harcourt, Rivers State, NIGERIA. on August 06, 2021:

Hi, it's interesting andta good read. Thanks.

<![CDATA[Bioderma Sebium Gel Moussant Review]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Bioderma-Sebium-Gel-Moussant-Reviewhttps://bellatory.com/skin/Bioderma-Sebium-Gel-Moussant-ReviewFri, 06 Aug 2021 10:37:05 GMTMy thoughts on the Bioderma Sebium Gel Moussant. Do check it out before buying it for yourself.

Want to hear candid views on products? You have come to the right place!

Bioderma Sebium Gel Moussant

Bioderma has some impressive products which I have tried in the past. Recently, I was on the hunt for a new face wash, and I came across yet another product from this brand. It had amazing reviews online, so I figured it should work for me too. The product claims to eliminate the excess sebum and purify the epidermis. With that being said, I went ahead and tested it out for you guys.

How to Use The Product

Take a small amount of product on your palm and apply it on wet skin. Work the facewash on the skin and rinse well. You can dry with a towel.

Pros of Bioderma Sebium Gel Moussant:

  • The face wash cleanses well.
  • It is non-comedogenic and works well on a combination and oily skin types.
  • The cleanser is very gentle in nature.
  • The packaging is travel-friendly.

Cons of Bioderma Sebium Gel Moussant:

  • The fragrance is overwhelming. Even after using it for about a month, I did not get accustomed to it.
  • I did not think it was very effective to control the oil secretion on my skin.
  • It is a little expensive for its size.

Price of the Product and Packaging

The product is priced at INR 840 (approx. USD 11) for 100 ml. It comes in a clear tube. The product comes in multiple sizes. I purchased the 45 ml tube for trying purposes, which is extremely travel friendly as it is compact in size.

The Product

The facewash has a thin gel consistency and has a blue color to it. I think copper sulfate might have something to do with it. You need just a little bit, about a pea size amount, and that covers your entire face. The facewash does not really lather once you put it on, but it applies easily to the skin. The product itself is lightweight and has a strong fragrance to it.

Personal Opinion of Bioderma Sebium Gel Moussant

The cleanser is very gentle on the skin and also cleans well, but I doubt its efficacy and longevity. I have read great reviews about the product and have seen this work for a lot of people. The fragrance of the product is really overwhelming, and I really wish this product was fragrance-free.

Overall, I would like to give it a 3 out of 5.

About the Ingredients

The product is designed to act as a daily cleanser for combination and oily skin types. The product contains zinc sulfate and copper sulfate, which cleanses and purifies the skin without drying it. The ingredients also help cleanse the epidermis, reduces the number of blemishes, and limits sebum secretion. The product is soap-free, and it also ensures that the skin’s pH is maintained. It is also non-comedogenic, which ensures it will not block your skin pores.

About Bioderma

In 1977, pharmacist Jean-Noel Thorel started the Bioderma brand, and Bioderma has come a long way since then. Throel came up with a skincare line in collaboration with renowned biology and dermatology specialists.

The idea behind the skincare range was that the product should not treat the skin; rather, the range should work with the skin's biology to repair and improve the skin's function. Today, Bioderma has over 50 patents.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2021 PGupta0919

<![CDATA[Acne Treatments at Home]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Acne-Treatments-At-Homehttps://bellatory.com/skin/Acne-Treatments-At-HomeSun, 23 May 2021 12:00:51 GMTThe majority of people want to get rid of their acne. As a result, there are several acne treatment options. The Natural Acne Remedy is a unique type of acne treatment.

I am a freelance writer and I am passionate about writing content about topics that I know and love!

Acne Treatments Can Start in Your Kitchen

The majority of people want to get rid of their acne. As a result, there are several acne treatment options. The Natural Acne Remedy is a unique type of acne treatment. Natural Acne Remedy, unlike most acne treatments, treats acne by natural processes. There should be no negative side effects from using these natural acne treatments since they are all-natural.

The only difference between natural acne treatment products and non-natural acne treatment products is that natural acne treatment products have no side effects. While natural acne treatment products have grown in popularity in recent years, another form of acne treatment, homemade acne treatment products, has emerged as a common option.

Natural and non-natural ingredients can be used in homemade acne care products. The most significant benefit is that you can experiment with various acne treatment products before finding one that you like and that works best for you. So this way, they do not need to buy many different products to find one that works best but easily make the product at home to try it and make more when it gives a good result.

Basically, homemade acne treatments are made with the sources that one has. Since everyone is different, the identical acne treatment product will not give the same results to everyone. So, therefore, homemade acne treatment can quickly find the perfect acne treatment product for you. For a long time, this form of acne treatment has been gaining popularity. This is also the cheapest form of acne treatment available. Some researchers have discovered that other people's acne remedies don't always work, but using a homemade acne remedy can help you get rid of your acne.

There is also a disadvantage of using home remedies for acne. They may or may not function, and in some cases, they may add to the problem. If the treatment isn't done properly, it may increase the acne problem by causing side effects and other skin problems. Most people can rely on trial and error because most skin problems caused by side effects can be cured. It is best to do some research before making your own homemade acne treatment product.

8 Home Remedies to Consider

1. Oatmeal

Oatmeal appears to have some properties that help to improve acne and the overall appearance of the skin. Who'd have guessed?

One way oatmeal helps cure acne by absorbing excess sebum, which is a big cause of acne. It does so by preventing pore congestion, which in turn avoids potential breakouts.

It can exfoliate the skin without being too rough. According to Healthline, oatmeal is a great gentle exfoliator that helps to slough off dead skin cells, making it a perfect choice for those who prefer natural skincare. It also has proven anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities that may help relieve dry, irritated skin and protect against damage.

You can get rid of toxins and acne-causing bacteria daily by using it as an exfoliator without messing with your skin's natural oils. Isn't it fantastic?

2. Honey & Cinnamon

Cinnamon's anti-inflammatory properties, combined with honey's antimicrobial properties, enable this combination to be ideal for acne treatment.

To make the mask:

  1. You’ll need three tablespoons of manuka honey and one tablespoon of true cinnamon.
  2. Microwave for 30 seconds
  3. This mixture should be applied to the face to mask acne and pimples.
  4. After 10 minutes, wash it off with lukewarm water.

3. Garlic

Although the smell is unpleasant, we'll take a chance when an ingredient can make you glow forever. Chock full of antibacterial, anti-aging, and skin-smoothing properties that will help you maintain a healthy, flawless complexion.

Here's how to use it in your beauty routine:

  1. To release the juices from a fresh piece of raw garlic, cut it in half and press it.
  2. Apply this to the blemishes and spots.
  3. Allow for a five-minute soak before rinsing. It aids in the reduction of redness and swelling. If the juice is too much for you to handle, mix the juice with a little honey.

4. Orange Peels

The acidity of oranges, combined with their high vitamin C content, makes them one of nature's perfect acne remedies. Given that vitamin C is anti-inflammatory, it may help reduce redness and swelling related to acne when used topically. Thus, it may improve the appearance of acne lesions

Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant, is known for fighting free radical damage to skin cells and may help treat acne.

To treat acne, you can use orange peels and orange juice as much as you like. If you don't see positive results after six weeks of therapy, see a dermatologist for more help.

5. Tomatos

Tomatoes are not only delicious, but they are also good for your skin. Tomatoes are important to eat since they contain lycopene, an antioxidant that acts as a natural sunscreen. Some people claim the enzymes in tomatoes can offer exfoliation benefits when applied to the skin.

Tomatoes are an anti-aging agent because the antioxidants help to prevent cellular damage and skin reddening, researchers have also found that lycopene has a powerful anticancer effect.

6. Turmeric

Turmeric has a reputation for treating a number of conditions, including acne. According to Healthline, tumeric has been touted for its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-tumor effects.

Turmeric's antibacterial and antiseptic properties help reduce the risk of acne breakouts and the healing of existing acne. Turmeric is rich in antioxidants, which can help slow down the skin's normal aging processes.

In addition to being a fantastic natural exfoliant. It also has anti-inflammatory effects, which can help to alleviate certain acne symptoms.

7. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is an excellent skin treatment choice, especially for oily, acne-prone skin, and is widely considered the best natural acne treatment. Tea tree oil can help prevent the growth of Propionibacterium acnes, making it particularly effective in the fight against acne.

However, it is very important to note that you cannot ingest tea tree oil as it is toxic. Ingesting it can cause serious symptoms, including confusion and ataxia. You also have to dilute tea tree oil to not burn your skin!

Tea tree oil can also be used as a cleanser and as a moisturizing solvent. It quickly removes oil and dust while also helpful in the protection of the skin from oxidative stress. Tea tree oil combines with the skin's natural oil when added, preventing the blocked pores from becoming the bacteria’s food. Without nourishment, the acne-causing bacteria won’t grow.

How to use tea tree oil safely:

  1. Dilute 3 drops of tea tree oil into 2 ounces of witch hazel.
  2. Use it as a toner throughout the day. You can use a face wash, moisturizer, and spot treatment containing tea tree oil as well.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and does not substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, and/or dietary advice from a licensed health professional. Drugs, supplements, and natural remedies may have dangerous side effects. If pregnant or nursing, consult with a qualified provider on an individual basis. Seek immediate help if you are experiencing a medical emergency.

<![CDATA[Ipsy Refreshments Review]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Ipsy-Refreshments-Reviewhttps://bellatory.com/skin/Ipsy-Refreshments-ReviewTue, 27 Apr 2021 20:42:53 GMTAre Ipsy Refreshments worth it? Find out everything you need to know about this line of vegan products, and how much they'll cost you.

Amber is a web writer whose articles focus on beauty, skincare, health, and wellness!

Ipsy is known for delivering high-quality, brand-name make-up and beauty products to your doorstep. Their subscription boxes and the benefits of being an Ipsy subscriber remain unrivaled. This same company also has its own line of personal care products called Refreshments.

Ipsy Refreshments

Ipsy Refreshments are personal care products, such as shaving cream, lotion, and body wash, that are delivered with the same convenience that subscribers get from their Ipsy box.

They are advertised to be environmentally friendly. The back of the bottles confirms that all of the bottles used are recyclable. Not only can you recycle them after you’re done, but they are also partially made of recycled plastic. This varies depending on the product. For example, the back of the deodorant states that it is comprised of 40% recycled materials while the lotion packaging claims it is only made of 30% recycled materials.

All products are vegan and cruelty-free. They pride themselves on not testing their products on animals. Every product is also carefully designed to be great for sensitive skin. Even the deodorant is wonderful if you have sensitive skin!

How Does the Subscription Work?

In order to subscribe, you need to be an Ipsy subscriber. You can subscribe to the Glam bag for $10 a month or the Glam Bag Plus for $25 a month. This is necessary because your Refreshments products will be delivered with the rest of your Ipsy products.

One of the things that I love about the brand's product line is that you control the products that you get monthly. You can update your subscription preferences by the end of the month to either stop receiving a certain product or receive one that you don’t usually get. For example, I updated my subscription to get one of everything so that I could try all of the products offered. Then, I updated it again to make sure that I only receive the ones that I’m going to keep using.

Ipsy Refreshments Products

Ipsy has a nice line-up of products to meet your basic personal care needs. There are cleansing face wipes, razors, and more. Every product features the same soothing design, and they come in nice, pastel colors so they will all coordinate perfectly sitting on a shelf in your bathroom.

Cleansing Face Wipes ($8)

These come in a package with a flip top just like other cleansing wipes do. You get a total of 30 wipes per package. There are quite a few great things about these wipes and a few areas that were a huge disappointment.


  • Moisturizing
  • Biodegradable
  • Vegan
  • They smell nice
  • The convenient flip top package
  • Very gentle on the skin (so gentle that I used them with confidence on a baby when I ran out of baby wipes.)


  • They aren’t the best at removing make-up. All they did was smear my waterproof eyeliner. I had to scrub to get them to remove the rest of it, which left my skin red and irritated. They did almost nothing when I tested them on lip paint on my arm to see how they would do.

The Verdict

These are great for cleansing, especially if you have dry skin. However, you’re going to need another product to remove make-up. Refreshments cleansing wipes will take off a basic layer of eyeshadow, but they are nothing up against makeup that is designed to stay in play for 16 hours.

Luscious Hand Cream ($7)

This luscious hand cream is made in the United States and is available in a citrus scent. The scent isn’t so strong that the entire room will smell your hand cream, but it’s strong enough that your hands, and anywhere else you apply the lotion, will smell delicious.


  • Small bottle that is the ideal size for your handbag
  • A thick formula that is perfect for dry skin (it’s the same consistency as Bath and Body Works body cream)
  • Does not leave a greasy residue


  • The small bottle does not last long. A little bit of this lotion does not go a long way.
  • Only available in a citrus scent

The Verdict

For the price, you could get a much larger bottle of lotion elsewhere. However, this lotion does keep your hands moisturized longer than cheap bottles of lotion you’ll find in local department stores. For hand cream, it’s great to have, especially during the winter months. Don’t depend on it for more than that, though. The small bottle is not going to last as a body cream.

Luxe 5-Blade Razor Kit (Free) and Razor Cartridge Refills ($5 Per Pack of Two)

When you first subscribe, you get a starter kit. The razor kit is included in this at no cost to you. In each razor kit, there is the razor handle, a razor holder that is designed to suction to the shower, and two razor cartridge refills. After this initial delivery, you can subscribe to receive razor refills monthly.


  • The moisturizing strip leaves your legs silky smooth
  • A very close shave thanks to the five blades
  • It’s really convenient to always have razor refills. Those are the one thing I always seem to run out of.


  • The razor holder won’t stick to my shower
  • The moisturizing strip on each razor works a little too well. Every time I use a new one, I get a thin, greasy film on my leg that I have to wash off. This only happens on the first shave, though.

The Verdict

These are more than worth it. The razor comes at no cost to you, so you can always try it to see if you like it. The cartridges are more affordable than most razors on the market today, and they provide a closer shave.

Before using this razor, I swore by men’s razors. Women’s razors just don’t seem to shave as well. If they do, I have to shave again the next day. This razor gives me the same close shave that I want, is great for my dry skin, and I love the colors.

Pearly Body Wash ($11)

The body wash comes in a large, 10 oz. bottle. Olive oil and shea butter are just a couple of the star ingredients you’ll discover, which means that it is moisturizing. There are quite a few great things about this body wash.


  • It is moisturizing. Your skin will feel nice and soft after using this body wash.
  • A little goes a long way. I could see this bottle lasting an entire month.
  • Nice lather


  • If you have really dry skin like I do, it doesn’t moisturize it enough. I still have to use lotion after using this body wash.
  • Only available in citrus

The Verdict

Personally, I don’t think it’s worth it. I can get the same thing in a scent that I love from any other store. It is moisturizing, but so are a lot of other products on the market, and they’re more moisturizing than this one. I just don’t see myself spending $11 on a body wash in a scent that I’m not a fan of if the product itself doesn’t blow me away, and this one did not.

Pillowy Shave Cream ($8)

This moisturizing shave cream comes in a lotion bottle, which is extremely convenient. It’s impossible to accidentally squirt out too much shaving cream. The bottle is the same size as most hand creams at 4.5 ounces. You’ll notice that the same extra moisturizing theme you’re seeing in all of the refreshments products is found in the Pillowy Shave Cream as well.


  • When using the Pillow Shave Cream with the brand's razor, your legs are going to feel like satin.
  • The type of bottle that it comes in is a major pro
  • Doesn’t have a strong scent


  • It’s a small bottle. If I were to use this every time I shaved, it would not last an entire month.
  • For something that doesn’t last that long, the price is a little high
  • Not a good lather

The Verdict

I hate the price on this one, but the results are so amazing that I think it’s worth it. I’m not going to order three bottles a month year-round, but I am definitely going to use this throughout the summer.

Velvety Body Cream ($12)

This large bottle of body lotion comes in a citrus scent. It features the same soothing design and offers the same awesome moisturizing properties. The grape seed oil provides rich antioxidants while shea butter helps combat dry skin for a smooth, non-greasy feel. According to advertisements, this lotion is supposed to hydrate your skin for 24 hours after application.


  • Not greasy
  • Moisturizing
  • Has olive oil
  • Decent price for the size
  • A little goes a long way


  • Whether or not it moisturizes your skin for a full day depends on the type of skin you have. If you have really dry skin, it’s not going to last the entire day. My skin was itchy again after a few hours.
  • Limited scents available


Personally, I don’t see myself spending $12 on this lotion because it doesn’t meet my needs. However, if you love environmentally friendly skin products and don’t need a thick body cream for your dry skin, this could be an awesome product for you.

Breezy Deodorant

This deodorant is free of aluminum, baking soda, parabens, phthalates, and sulfates. You’ll notice the same pastel colors used as with the rest of the brand's packaging. It comes in a standard 2 oz. size that most other deodorants do.


  • It lasts all day
  • Available in 3 scents and an unscented version
  • Glides on clear
  • Doesn’t clump throughout the day
  • A pleasant scent that isn’t too strong
  • Anti-bacterial properties


  • Price
  • This is a deodorant, not an antiperspirant
  • According to the website, it can take a few weeks for your body to eliminate the aluminum build-up if you have been using products that contain aluminum, which can result in some serious BO. I have yet to experience this, but it’s only been a few days since I started using the product.

The Verdict

Although I’m not a huge fan of the price (you can buy six Suave deodorants for this price), I think this product is worth it. It goes on clear and genuinely lasts all day. There are no deodorant stains on my clothing, either.

The main thing that I do not like is that this product isn’t an antiperspirant. That means that it’s not going to prevent sweating. Some people have tried this and decided that it’s not for them because it doesn’t keep you dry. Whether or not that will matter depends on how heavily you sweat. Just in case this becomes a problem during hotter times of the year, I’m going to keep some of my other deodorants for those days.

Final Thoughts

I think the convenience that this offers is great. It’s awesome that I can pick what I get so I don’t wind up with a ton of products that I don’t use. The fact that these products are recyclable, vegan, cruelty-free and most of them are made in the United States definitely adds to the appeal.

On the downside, I’m not a huge fan of the citrus scent that every product comes in. I also don’t like that you have to be an Ipsy subscriber in order to enjoy the Refreshments line. I have so much makeup I was going to put my box on hold, so I’m going to have to order enough of my refreshments products to get me through that period. It would be much better if the two were separate.

I’m still going to order some deodorant, cartridge refills, and shave cream on occasion. The rest of the products either don’t fit my needs or I have another product that I prefer. However, when you’re deciding if Ipsy Refreshments is for you, it’s important that you consider your own needs and do what’s best for you! I don’t care for the citrus scent, but if you love citrus you’re going to be in heaven!

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2021 Amber Lynn

<![CDATA[5 Steps to Washing Your Face Properly: The Correct Order]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/5-Steps-to-Washing-Your-Face-Properly-The-Correct-Orderhttps://bellatory.com/skin/5-Steps-to-Washing-Your-Face-Properly-The-Correct-OrderThu, 22 Apr 2021 17:17:49 GMTThere are so many confusing skincare routines out there. I’m here to simplify it and explain how to wash your face step by step!

Tori loves trying out new makeup looks and sharing her expertise and tutorials with others.

Learn how to wash your face the correct way with five simple steps.

The Correct Order to Use Skincare Products

I have tried all kinds of skincare products and regimens, especially during the time in my 20s when I worked part-time at a big makeup store. Most skincare regimens seem to follow a similar path of application. No matter what products you decide to use, there’s a simple list of five steps you can follow for your skincare routine.

How to Wash Your Face the Right Way

  1. Makeup Remover (optional): If you are a person who wears makeup, apply makeup remover to a cotton pad and gently wipe away your makeup. No scrubbing.
  2. Cleanser: Apply to your face with water. Rinse off and gently pat your face dry. Some cleansers should be applied when your face is dry, so be sure to read the directions.
  3. Toner: Apply toner to a cotton pad and pat on your skin. Let dry completely before using treatments.
  4. Treatments and Serums (optional): If you are a person who uses acne or anti-aging serums, creams, etc., apply them now. Let them fully absorb and dry before moving on to the next step.
  5. Moisturizer and Sunscreen: Gently massage these into your face. Don’t skip the sunscreen, especially if you will be outside.

Step 1: Makeup Remover

If you are a person who wears makeup, you should always begin cleansing your face by using a makeup remover. Makeup remover should be used before the cleanser. While cleansers can be acceptable for removing some foundations and blush, they require too much scrubbing to effectively remove makeup around the eyes and lips. The best makeup remover is going to be one that can remove all of your makeup, and also not be super harsh and drying. (Source)

Over the last several years, micellar water has taken the makeup removal market by storm. It is preferred by skincare enthusiasts and dermatologists alike. My personal favorite micellar water makeup remover is Garnier SkinActive Micellar Cleansing Water All-in-1. Micellar water is a mixture of purified water and mild surfactants. When you combine these ingredients, they create round micelles, which make it easier to remove makeup and excess oils from your face.

When you add micelles to water you get micellar water. An oil-sucking, makeup-removing machine!


How Micellar Water Works

In a nutshell, oil and water don’t like each other. Surfactants like both oil and water because they have a water-loving head (blue in the illustration) and an oil loving tail (the zigzags). When surfactants touch water, the heads point out towards the water, and the tails group inwards away from the water. They are easily rearrangeable when they touch different things.

When you pour micellar water onto something like a cotton pad, the water loving heads attach to the cotton because it absorbs the water and the tails point outwards, looking for an oil to attach to. When you wipe your makeup off, the tails grab on to the stuff on your face and takes it along for the ride, making for a significantly gentler face washing experience. (Source)

Step 2: Cleanser

Cleanser is a big part of washing your face. People think that makeup remover can function as a cleanser, but that’s not always the case. Not every cleanser is made the same, and most cleansers do not contain ingredients powerful enough to remove waterproof makeup. So, it’s best to have a makeup remover and a separate cleanser.

A cleanser’s main purpose is to wash away dirt and debris. Throughout the day, your face collects dead skin cells, dirt, pollutants, and debris. Your face has glands under the skin that produce an oil called sebum, which uses hair follicles to travel outwards to the skin to create a barrier that prevents all that stuff from getting in and causing infections or acne. But, if all the pollutants collecting on top of the sebum don’t get washed away, it can build up and cause hair follicles to get clogged, which can cause acne and other issues. (Source)

At the same time, washing your face too much or using a method that is too harsh can wash away too much sebum and cause dirt and debris to get in. This can cause dryness, itchiness, infection, and other problems. Stay away from harsh scrubbing brushes and washcloths. I usually just use my fingertips (after washing my hands with hand soap, of course, to prevent introducing additional bacteria).

Additionally, try to stay away from cleansers that contain sulfates if possible. Your skin is naturally acidic (sitting at about a 5.5 on the pH scale), and sulfates cause many cleansers to skew alkaline (higher pH), which can break down the protective barrier of sebum. Using plain old soap, which has a pH of 9 or 10, will break down that layer especially badly. You’ll know if the cleanser was too harsh if your face starts to feel dry, tight, and itchy after cleansing. (Source)

The two cleansers I use depending on what I need that day. Neutrogena for daily use, and Murad for acne breakouts.

My Favorite Cleansers

With that being said, I have used Murad Clarifying Cleanser in the past and really love it for when I have acne breakouts because it contains salicylic acid, which helps dissolve acne-causing dirt and debris. I feel that it is too acidic for normal daily use, so I only use it regularly when I’m having a breakout. For regular days, I use Neutrogena Ultra Gentle Hydrating Daily Facial Cleanser, which is known to be pH balanced in addition to being fragrance free and sulfate free.

Step 3: Toner

Toner is a great step for preparing your skin to absorb any treatments you need to apply. Toner removes any remaining traces of makeup and debris not caught by your cleanser and tightens up pores to make them less visible throughout the day. A long time ago, toners contained alcohol, which dried out your face, and left people feeling itchy and tight. Today, toners have been refined to actually be helpful instead of harmful. (Source)

Toners are usually thin liquids and look like water. Toners are formulated in a variety of ways to address different skin problems. In all of my research, it seems like the most common toner on the market for all skin types would be a witch hazel-based toner that contains skin soothers such as cucumber, rose oil, or aloe vera. Witch hazel is a plant that has been used for thousands of years because of its medicinal properties.

When witch hazel is used as a facial toner, it reduces the size of pores, removes any remaining debris from the face, and can provide additional moisturizing properties when combined with other ingredients. My hands-down favorite toner of all time is Thayer’s Alcohol-Free Cucumber Witch Hazel Facial Toner with Aloe Vera Formula. The cucumber and aloe vera are skin soothers for sensitive or dry skin. This toner also contains glycerin which is a popular vegetable-based moisturizing compound. However, as with everything in the world, don’t overuse it. Even with all the great skin-soothing ingredients, witch hazel is still an astringent, and using too much of it can cause excess drying—applying once or twice per day is plenty.

How to Apply Toner

Toners are best applied using a patting method with a cotton pad after removing makeup and washing your face. Run far, far away from toners that contain any trace of alcohol. Make sure to allow the toner to dry completely before applying your treatments and moisturizers.

Serums absorb into the skin very quickly due to their thin consistency.


Step 4: Treatments and Serums

Once your toner has dried completely, it’s time for treatments. Treatments like anti-aging serums, topical acne medications, eye creams, etc., provide a variety of benefits and target your specific skin concerns. This step is totally optional.

Serums are highly concentrated with antioxidants and vitamins formulated for different skin types depending on their ingredients. Serums are supposed to go on before moisturizing because the super-concentrated ingredients get sealed in by the moisturizer, which gives the skin a better chance of absorbing it. (Source)

Many people swear by serums made with vitamin C and hyaluronic acid because both contain anti-aging properties that make skin appear brighter. My mother loves Juice Beauty Stem Cellular Anti-Wrinkle Boosting Serum which contains fruit stem cells and vitamin C to combat fine lines and wrinkles and provide extra moisture absorption.

When my acne was at its worst in my early 20's, I turned to Murad’s Clarifying Acne treatment to help control breakouts because it contains a high concentration of salicylic acid that penetrates the skin to help address the root cause of breakouts. If you’re currently using a prescription treatment for any skincare issues such as rosacea, this is a good time to apply them.

Step 5: Moisturizers and Sunscreens

The final step in your skincare routine is going to be your moisturizers and sunscreens. I group these together because you can get a moisturizer that also functions as a sunscreen, or you can apply two separate products.

Moisturizers come in all different types, and it can be tricky to know what is going to be best for you, but in general, it acts as a healthy barrier on top of your skin that seals in your toner and treatments, keeps the bad stuff out of your pores, and keeps your skin hydrated. (Source)

Your skin is going to fall into general categories based on several factors, including genetics, diet, and exercise level. Here’s the kind of moisturizer you should try based on your skin type.

  • Dry or Mature Skin: Dry skin will sometimes appear red and flaky. Use an oil-based moisturizer. Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Cream is a good one to try. It has nearly a perfect 5-star rating from literally thousands of reviews on Amazon, Sephora, and their website.
  • Oily or Combination Skin: If your skin starts looking shiny and needs to be blotted throughout the day, don’t skip moisturizer! You still need it. Try a water-based, oil-free moisturizer. My favorite daily go-to is Neutrogena Oil-Free Moisturizer for Sensitive Skin.
Follow this 5-step skincare routine for clean and healthy skin.


How to Choose the Best Sunscreen

When talking about sunscreen, most experts agree that you should wear SPF every single day. Even on overcast days, 80% of the harmful rays from the sun still make it through the clouds, and your skin is going to absorb those rays and cause damage.

Being a scuba instructor myself, I also harp on choosing sunscreen that is reef safe. There are several factors that contribute to the death of ocean ecosystems. 14,000 tons of sunscreen ends up in the ocean every year (Source). Many sunscreens contain harmful ingredients that exacerbate the issues the ocean is experiencing (such as increased water temperature and ocean acidification). As a result, many popular tourist destinations in locations such as Hawaii, Bonaire, and Palau have banned the use of non-reef-safe sunscreens (Source).

Here's an example of what coral bleaching looks like in the Great Barrier Reef. This is due to a variety of factors including non-reef-safe sunscreen usage, climate change, and ocean acidification.

The Travel

My Favorite Reef-Safe Sunscreen

Even if you aren’t planning on being in the ocean any time soon, it’s still a great idea to choose a reef-safe sunscreen so that it doesn’t rinse down the sink and enter another waterway near you. My hands-down favorite reef-safe sunscreen is Stream2Sea Tinted 30 SPF Sunscreen. A little goes a long way since this is a mineral-based sunscreen. You only need a drop or two (warmed up by rubbing on the back of your hand first) to cover your entire face.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

<![CDATA[How to Eliminate Acne With an Anti-Acne Diet]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/How-To-Eliminate-Acne-Through-An-Anti-Acne-Diethttps://bellatory.com/skin/How-To-Eliminate-Acne-Through-An-Anti-Acne-DietMon, 12 Apr 2021 17:48:58 GMTLearn about which foods to avoid and which foods to embrace when battling acne.

Amber is a web writer whose articles focus on beauty, skincare, health, and wellness!

What foods you eat can help fight breakouts.

Possible Causes of Acne

There’s nothing fun about acne. Birth control can possibly cause acne (I’ve been there), puberty and acne seem to go hand in hand (my child has been there), and hormones can give you acne before or during your period. That doesn’t mean that you’re stuck with acne though.

Factors such as hormones can make you more prone to acne, but they are not the deciding factor in whether you develop acne or not. In fact, even genetics can’t determine whether your face will be covered in pimples throughout puberty. What you eat may play a major role in whether or not you have acne.

Hormones Don’t Mean You’re Destined to Have Acne

Hormones do play a role in acne, but they aren’t the only culprit behind a face full of pimples. Acne is caused by your pores being clogged with dead skin and oil. Hormones make your body produce more oil than it normally does, which can mean that your pores are more likely to get clogged.

That does not mean that you’re definitely going to have acne if your body is producing more oil. Instead, you’ll need to control what you can. Studies that have contributed to articles like this one show that there is a clear link between nutrition and acne development.

How Does Diet Affect Acne?

Diet affects acne in various ways. It helps determine whether you wind up with more pimples later on this month or not. Your diet can also have a drastic impact on the overall health of your skin in general.

Food Allergies Make You More Prone to Developing Acne

If you have a food allergy, acne might be because of that. Dairy intolerances have been linked to skin conditions like eczema, for example. If you have mild gluten intolerance but continue to eat it anyway, this food allergy can cause blemishes. Consider whether your acne flares up when you eat a food that you have a food allergy to. If it does, it’s time to eliminate that food from your diet.

Spikes in Insulin Make Your Body Produce More Oil

Hormones from puberty and periods aren’t the only things that can make your body produce enough oil to help pimples develop. Insulin can do the same thing, and this doesn’t just happen in diabetics. When you consume sugar, your body will release insulin to help your body remain in homeostasis. However, surges in insulin can make your body secrete more oil.

Your Body Gets Rid Of Toxins Through Your Skin

When we consume toxins, such as those in processed food, our body has multiple ways of getting rid of them. It comes out in our urine, bowel movements, and when we sweat. In fact, more toxins can make a person more likely to develop body odor than a person that eats a natural diet. When your body pushes those toxins out through your skin, you wind up with bacteria on your skin, which could be behind infected pimples or pimples in general.

What Foods Help With Acne?

An anti-acne diet involves eating specific foods that can help you combat pimples from the inside of your body. These foods work hard to produce healthy bacteria. They help your body fight free radicals, toxins and make sure that you’re healthy so your skin is healthy, too.

Foods High in Zinc

Diets that are high in zinc have been linked to fewer cases of acne. It’s believed that this is because zinc is known to reduce inflammation. Some foods that are high in zinc include:

  • Oysters
  • Lobster
  • Beans
  • Nuts
  • Beef
  • Chicken
  • Tofu
  • Mushrooms

Foods High in Antioxidants

Antioxidants are known for helping reduce the number of free radicals in our bodies, therefore limiting the damage that they can do. Eating a diet rich in antioxidants can help prevent acne by reducing free radical damage and reducing inflammation. (Inflammation alone can cause clogged pores.) Foods rich in antioxidants include:

  • Green tea
  • Red bell peppers
  • Papaya
  • Blueberries
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Avocados

This brief list is going to be a great place to start with your anti-acne diet. However, there are plenty of other foods that are packed with antioxidants to help you eat your way to clear skin. These foods are simply at the top of the list of foods based on how many antioxidants they contain.

A Mediterranean Styled Diet Can Clear up and Prevent Pimples

Acne is more prevalent in developed nations, particularly in Western culture than in other nations. This is not because of our geographical location. In fact, it’s believed to be because of our diet.

Most Western diets are packed with trans fat, sugar, and other processed junk. This is simply not healthy. Opting for a different styled diet can not only be healthier, but it can also help you get the clear skin you’re after. The key features of a Mediterranean style diet include:

  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Olive oil
  • Whole grains

As you can see, there is not a lot of refined sugar or even processed meat in this diet. Instead, it tends to be more natural than any other diet. Personally, I don’t think it would harm anything if you were to add some chicken but still were able to stay primarily on the natural side. You want an anti-acne diet that you can stick to, not one that makes you miserable.

Natural foods are better for your skin.

Foods To Avoid If You Have Acne

It has been well documented that a Western diet can contribute to cases of acne. However, there are so many foods available, it can be hard to pinpoint exactly which ones to avoid on your own. Consider canceling these foods to prevent future breakouts.

Refined Sugar

Sugar is in almost everything that we eat. Even starches like pasta and white bread turn into sugar in our bodies. They make our body produce more insulin, which in turn makes it produce more oil. Try to say no to sweets, and eliminate a lot of starchy foods like pasta, white bread, and processed foods.

Processed Foods

Processed foods, like those you would find in the freezer section, are packed with things that are not good for us. They have toxic ingredients, sugars, preservatives, and far more things that are going to damage our bodies than ingredients that are good for us. They also have a lot more sugar than natural foods.

Processed foods contribute to the level of free radicals and chemicals in our bodies. They are unhealthy for our mind, body, and our skin.

Fast Food

Fast food does the same thing to our body that other processed foods do, but they also have more grease and unknown ingredients than processed foods you pick up at a grocery store. Most people don’t look at the ingredients on chicken nuggets before ordering a 20 piece, and that’s what makes them that much more dangerous. Check out this website for a glimpse at what the world of fast food offers you via chicken nuggets. (They actually have to use something as an “anti-foaming agent” in them.)

Not only do the toxic ingredients cause cancer, but they are also expelled out of the body through our skin, which can lead to acne and pimples. It’s better to remember that you have food at home than to put that toxic stuff in your body. Besides, it can help reduce breakouts!

Avoid fast food to help reduce acne.

In Conclusion

To help combat acne, eat plenty of foods that are rich in zinc and antioxidants. Avoid foods that are processed, full of sugar, and stay away from fast food. This will benefit your entire body, including your skin.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and does not substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, and/or dietary advice from a licensed health professional. Drugs, supplements, and natural remedies may have dangerous side effects. If pregnant or nursing, consult with a qualified provider on an individual basis. Seek immediate help if you are experiencing a medical emergency.

© 2021 Amber Lynn

<![CDATA[DIY Hyaluronic Acid Serum Recipe]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/The-Best-DIY-Hyaluronic-Acid-Skin-Serum-Recipehttps://bellatory.com/skin/The-Best-DIY-Hyaluronic-Acid-Skin-Serum-RecipeSun, 28 Feb 2021 00:17:41 GMTLearn how to make a simple hyaluronic acid skin serum with this recipe.

Cat is a life-long skin care enthusiast with a special interest in DIY beauty. She has been creating beauty potions for over 15-years.

This hyaluronic acid serum will leave your skin hydrated and glowing.

Photo by Mathilde Langevin, via Unsplash

What Is Hyaluronic Acid?

In layman's terms, hyaluronic acid (HA) is the juicy substance responsible for plumping our skin and lubricating tissue and joints. It plays an essential role in skin elasticity, softness, and radiance.

Plentiful in our youth, this precious moisture molecule steadily diminishes with age, leaving us with half of what we started with by the time our 50's roll around. If you're already in your 50's like me, then you understand the frustration that comes with navigating an entirely new stage of skin health.

This skin serum is perfect for all skin types because hyaluronic acid is already a substance produced by our own bodies. This is an easy and affordable DIY beauty serum that can be made in large batches and stored in your fridge for refills!

Skin Changes as We Get Older

In my early 40's, I began noticing a profound change in my skin's texture, moisture, and resiliency. I swear that my daily basic skincare routine failed me on the morning of my 40th birthday—yes, it happened that fast! I went to bed as always the previous night (when I was still in my 30's), thinking everything was fine, only to wake up the next morning to a moody stranger peering at me in the mirror.

Who is this? I thought to myself.

Suddenly my predictably smooth, resilient skin was showing signs of, dare I say, frailty? Living in a cold, dry climate exacerbated these changes leaving me with flaky, rough, thirsty skin. I was doing all the wrong things for my skin, such as slathering on coconut oil, fragranced oils, and expensive but useless creams and serums.

I asked myself, Why are you paying for products that simply do not work?

My frustration led me to research more about my skin's changes and ways I could improve it or at least not make it worse. That was when I discovered the benefits of hyaluronic acid and knew it would become essential in my new skincare routine.

Hyaluronic acid serums, especially applied beneath and on top of my favorite CeraVe moisturizer, helps retain my skin's moisture without causing me to appear, shall we say, slimy.

Drop of my Silky DIY HA Serum

Cat Radke

How Can Hyaluronic Acid Benefit Your Skin?

I'm glad you asked!

Hyaluronic acid benefits all skin types. However, for those of us with, say, more experienced skin, hyaluronic acid can be a literal game-changer. This is because hyaluronic acid is as gentle as it is powerful. It can hold 1000 times its molecular weight in water while acting as a barrier against the outside world by locking in moisture.

In my 10-plus years of using HA serums, I've never experienced skin irritations. If you ask me, this superpower skin serum belongs in everyone's skincare arsenal. It is even perfect for minimalists such as myself, who prefer to keep daily skincare routines as simple as possible.

Benefits of Using Hyaluronic Acid Serums

  • Increases skin's moisture
  • Smooths the appearance of fine lines and dry skin
  • Imparts a subtle glow without appearing shiny
  • Less likely to cause skin irritation
  • Promotes healing through providing a protective skin barrier
  • Layers well with other skincare products
  • It can be used everywhere, including hair, face, elbows, lips, and other sensitive body parts

However, one downside to HA serums is that it's very easy to go through an entire bottle much quicker than you would expect—especially if, like me, you practically bathe in it.

Also, as with all store-bought beauty products, efficacy can be compromised with improper and lengthy storage. I like knowing how long my skincare products have been sitting on the shelf and under what conditions. I also like knowing exactly which ingredients and how much of them are in my skincare products.

Why I Started Making My Own Serum

Not all hyaluronic acid serums are created equally. I discovered this after studying ingredients and experiencing varying degrees of product consistency and pricing.

Because I was already making my own moisturizing skin mists and aromatic oils (and I had a lot of time on my hands when the pandemic started), it only made sense to explore DIY HA serums when it was time to purchase more.

The following HA serum recipe is based on experimentation with a few researched recipes and products. I found that it produces a silky, luxurious, oil-free skin treatment that attracts and retains moisture giving my skin a smooth, grease-less, natural feeling.

Silky DIY Hyaluronic Acid Serum

Cat Radke

How to Make Hyaluronic Acid Skin Serum

I'm a little OCD when it comes to organizing my materials and maintaining sterile working conditions while making skincare products.

I set everything on paper towels and wipe everything down with alcohol before using. After using, I wash, boil, and use alcohol to sterilize everything again before sealing it in plastic containers or zip lock bags. When making skincare products for others, I always wear gloves. I also wash and use alcohol to sterilize my hands; and sometimes the gloves.

Items Needed

  • Small funnel
  • Gloves
  • Measuring spoons
  • Glass measuring cup (with ounces)
  • Small glass or plastic stir stick
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Cotton balls
  • Paper towels
  • One 4-ounce cobalt or amber glass bottle
  • One or two 2-ounce cobalt or amber glass bottles


  • 3/4 teaspoon pharmaceutical/cosmetic grade sodium hyaluronate powder
  • 3/4 teaspoon vegetable glycerin
  • 100 drops leucidal liquid
  • 3 ounces distilled water, hydrosol, or other food/cosmetic grade flower water
  • essential oils (optional)


  1. Add leucidal liquid, glycerin, and 1.5 oz. distilled water, flower water, or a combination of both equaling 1.5 oz. to a 4 oz. sterilized glass bottle.
  2. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil (my favorite is neroli). This is optional.
  3. Vigorously shake the bottle of liquid ingredients.
  4. Using a small funnel, carefully add hyaluronate powder, gently tapping the outside of the funnel to ensure all powder gets in. This is where I sometimes use a small plastic or glass stirrer to aid in getting all the power down the funnel.
  5. Cap the glass bottle and shake vigorously until most of the powder is blended. At this point, your formula will be thick and lumpy. This is normal.
  6. Add remaining liquid, cap, and shake, shake, shake—and shake some more.
  7. Once your formula smooths out, it will be somewhat thick and should feel silky, and it should easily be drawn into a dropper. Sometimes it turns out perfect the first time around, and other times I add a bit more liquid for a thinner consistency.
  8. Allow your new serum to settle, shaking more if necessary, before pouring into smaller glass bottles for ease of use. I usually store the largest in my fridge to refill my smaller bottles.
  9. Now, you are free to swim in your new, custom-made HA serum guilt-free. Because believe me, there is enough powder to last a very long time. I've been using mine for over a year, and I always have freshly made serum on hand. Enjoy!

Sodium Hyaluronic Acid Powder

View the original article to see embedded media.
My happy, soft skin.

Cat Radke

Why I Love This Serum

I assume that others appreciate transparency as much as I do when evaluating skincare products (or anything else), which is why I am inspired to share my experience and thoughts with this, and all other hyaluronic acid serums.

Anyone can research products and come to their own educated conclusions regarding their potential. However, I have found some information not to be entirely truthful, which is why I only list benefits that have proven true based on personal experience.

Also, I will never purchase hyaluronic acid serum ever again. Why? Because this homemade formula is hands down the best HA serum I've used for a fraction of the cost. I know exactly what's in it, how it's stored, and for how long because I made it myself.

Hyaluronic acid serums possess many amazing qualities, including locking in moisture when used alone or layered with other moisturizers. As previously mentioned, I have never experienced irritation, oiliness, or negative reactions. I have nothing but great experiences, but I honestly haven't seen any substantial diminishment in the appearance of wrinkles or sagging skin because, seriously, wrinkles are deep, and sagging skin requires lifting or volumizing for noticeable results.

HA Serums Aren't Magic

Topical HA serums do not lift, volumize, or reverse the effects of gravity. They do not turn back the hands of time, but they sure make time more tolerable, and they feel amazing on my skin. The benefits of HA serums are much simpler and more subtle but enough to make them entirely worth using—in my humble opinion.

Leucidal Liquid

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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2021 Cat Radke


Cat Radke (author) from Puerto Rico on February 28, 2021:

Thank you.

Cat Radke (author) from Puerto Rico on February 28, 2021:

Thank you. I hope you found it useful!

Umesh Chandra Bhatt from Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, India on February 27, 2021:

Good information.

<![CDATA[Bioderma Sebium Hydra Moisturizer Review]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Bioderma-Sebium-Hydra-Moisturizer-Reviewhttps://bellatory.com/skin/Bioderma-Sebium-Hydra-Moisturizer-ReviewFri, 19 Feb 2021 07:05:37 GMTMy review of the Bioderma Sebium Hydra Moisturizer.

Want to hear candid views on products? You have come to the right place!

My sister introduced me to this brand a few years ago. I have used a couple of products in the past from this brand including their famous Sensibio H2O Micellar Water, but after reading reviews on the internet, I tried their Sebium Hydra moisturizer. This is my review of the moisturizer.

About Bioderma

In 1977, pharmacist Jean-Noel Thorel started the Bioderma brand, and Bioderma has come a long way since then. Throel came up with a skincare line in collaboration with renowned biology and dermatology specialists. The idea behind the skincare range was that the product should not treat the skin, rather the range should work with the skin's biology to repair and improve the skin's function. Today, Bioderma has over 50 patents.

What Is Bioderma Sebium Hydra?

The Sebium range is designed for people with combination to acne-prone skin. The formula has a Fluidactiv™ patent. The formula helps fight against sebum thickening, "to keep pores from becoming clogged and to minimise the risk of blemishes appearing". The brand claims that the product keeps the skin moisturized for 24 hours. The Bioderma Sebium Hydra is non-comedogenic.


The product has the following ingredients:


About the Ingredients

Price of the Product and Packaging

The product is priced at INR 1135 (USD 18.90) for 1.33 Fl. Oz. (40ML). It comes in a plastic tube packaging. The packaging is very minimalistic and travel-friendly.

The Product

The moisturizer is extremely lightweight, white in color and has a very light fragrance. The fragrance reminds me of any other medical moisturizer. It is not at all overpowering. On application, the moisturizer immediately blends into the skin, and you can feel the difference almost instantly. The moisturizer doesn’t feel greasy on the skin after application, which is a major advantage. After application, the skin feels softer and hydrated.

How to Use the Product

I generally like to apply the moisturizer after using cleanser and toner and before applying sunscreen in the morning. The moisturizer can be used both in the morning and night skincare routine. I use the moisturizer at night time after I have cleansed and toned my face.


  • The moisturizer is extremely moisturizing and lightweight.
  • The moisturizer is non-comedogenic.
  • The effect stays on for almost 8-10 hours on my face.
  • It blends into the skin almost instantly and is non-greasy.
  • The packaging is travel-friendly.


  • I couldn't think of any cons with regard to this product.

Personal Opinion

The moisturizer makes my skin feel very soft after use. I think it is extremely hydrating and lightweight. The moisturizer is specially designed for people with combination skin, so without causing any acne, the product is able to make a difference on my skin.

I can feel the effect of the cream for about 8–10 hours after use which is also a great deal. It is a great moisturizer for my skin type, which is a combination skin type. I give this product 5 out of 5 for its instant moisturizing effect.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2021 PGupta0919

<![CDATA[Innisfree Jeju Life Perfumed Hand Creams Review]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Innisfree-Jeju-Life-Perfumed-Handcreams-Reviewhttps://bellatory.com/skin/Innisfree-Jeju-Life-Perfumed-Handcreams-ReviewFri, 29 Jan 2021 14:19:50 GMTMy thoughts on the Innisfree Jeju Life Perfumed Handcreams. Do check it out before buying it for yourself.

Want to hear candid views on products? You have come to the right place!

Innisfree Jeju Life Perfumed Hand Creams

About Innisfree

Innisfree is a Korean brand that claims that it is a 100% natural beauty brand. The brand offers products ranging from sleeping masks, face serums and mists, face creams, body lotions, etc. The brand sources the natural ingredients for its products from the South Korean volcanic island of Jeju.

About Innisfree Jeju Life Perfumed Hand Creams

I recently got my hands on the Innisfree jeju Life Perfumed Hand Creams. I was able to get 3 variants, namely

  • 01 January - Guest House
  • 04 April - Small Wedding
  • 09 September - Black Tea

Each of the hand creams represents a month of the year and has a distinct fragrance. There are 12 in total, out of which I would be reviewing 3.

The hand creams are meant for daily use, and are meant to provide on-the-go moisture to your hands. I absolutely love the concept of these hand creams. Each of these scents represents a fragrance that expresses a scenery that would be able to captivate your mind during a stay on Jeju Island every month. These hand creams are loaded with a semi-wax technology that helps retain the fragrance for a longer duration as compared to other perfumed hand creams.


The products have the following ingredients. The ingredient list might seem daunting, but the function of the ingredients can be understood seeing the table below.

01 January - Guesthouse Laundry -


04 April - Small Wedding Bouquet -


09 September - Black Tea -


Comparison of the Hand Creams Ingredients

Price of the Product and Packaging

The product is priced at USD 5.00 for 1.01 Fl. Oz. (30ML). It comes in a plastic tube packaging. The packaging is sturdy and can be easily put inside a bag. The size is one of the advantages of this product. It is so compact, that it can even be put inside a small hand bag. The tube also maintains its shape on use, unlike some tubes which get all wrinkly as the product is used.


  1. 01 January - Guesthouse Laundry - It has a light powdery and citrusy fragrance.
  2. 04 April - Small Wedding Bouquet - It has a very floral fragrance.
  3. 09 September - Black Tea - It actually smells like tea but has a very sweet smell to it.

The Product

The product is a white colored rich cream. It is easily applicable on the hands, and it easily absorbs into the skin. It may seem a little sticky at first, but it absorbs quickly. Only a small quantity of the product goes a long way and keeps the hands moisturized. The product’s effects stay on for a good 3-4 hours on my hands, provided I don’t wash my hands in between of course.

The creams have mostly similar ingredients. They have distinct fragrances, and with such creative names, I like to imagine the feeling that those names may give.

How to Use The Product

Apply the cream onto clean dry hands. This can be used in the morning or at night or as per the requirement of an individual.

Pros of Jeju Life Perfumed Hand Creams:

  • The cream is extremely moisturizing, and doesn't feel greasy at all.
  • The packaging is travel friendly.
  • Many good ingredients like glycerin are present in the formula.

Cons of Jeju Life Perfumed Hand Creams:

  • I think it is kind of expensive for a 30 mL tube.
  • Some people may not get accustomed to the fragrance. That would depend from individual to individual.

Personal Opinion

The product does a really good job at moisturizing hands. The fragrances are really distinct, and personally I really liked them, especially the September one. According to me the price is significant for the quantity, but the efficacy of the product is great. I would totally recommend this product and give a rating of 4.5 out of 5.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2021 PGupta0919

<![CDATA[How to Make Rosewater at Home]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/How-To-Make-Rosewaterhttps://bellatory.com/skin/How-To-Make-RosewaterSat, 23 Jan 2021 22:50:09 GMTLearn how to make rosewater facial toner from organically grown roses.

Thelma has lived and worked for almost three years in the Republic of Ireland as a spa wellness massage therapist.

It's easy to make rosewater facial toner at home.

Thelma Alberts (aka thellyscucina)

Rosewater is one of the beauty products available in drugstores and beauty shops here in Germany. I can buy it online, but as I am prone to allergic reactions using any product, I am cautious. Whenever I can, I make my own beauty treatments like this rosewater facial toner that I have made from the roses in my friend's garden, which I happily harvested last summer.

You can follow my step-by-step guide on how I make my organic rosewater facial toner at home. It is very easy to make; all I need is organic roses and distilled water. Making my own rosewater is not only easy, but it's also affordable.

“Rose never propagandize its fragrant, but its own fragrance spreads surrounding.”

— Sukarno

Gorgeous organically grown red rose.

Thelma Alberts (aka thelme55)

Ingredients and Items Needed

  • 4–6 fresh red fragrant roses, depending on how big they are
  • 2–3 cups of distilled water
  • cooking pot
  • kitchen paper, if needed
  • strainer
  • ladle
  • 3–4, 50ml–100ml spray bottles for storing the rosewater

Step-By-Step Instructions

  1. Remove the petals from the roses.
  2. Wash the petals in the sink with flowing tap water.
  3. Swirl the water around to make sure you get rid of any insects.
  4. Use a strainer to drain them well.
  5. Put the drained rose petals in a cooking pot.
  6. Add two to three cups of distilled water, making sure the roses are covered.
  7. Simmer the rose petals on medium heat for about half an hour or until the color of the rose petals changes to pale pink.
  8. Use a strainer to separate the pale-colored petals from the rosewater and discard the petals.
  9. Let it cool.
  10. Pour the rosewater into glass or plastic jars for storing.
  11. Store in a cool, dry place or refrigerate for later use.
  12. This recipe is good for 3–4 50ml bottles.

Best Roses for Making Rosewater

“You may break, you may shatter the vase, if you will, but the scent of the roses will hang round it still.”

— Thomas Moore


  • Use organic, fresh roses for making rosewater. Of course, you can use your own garden roses if they're grown without pesticides.
  • You can use dried roses as long as they were not grown with chemicals or pesticides.
  • Keep the homemade rosewater in a cool and dark place or in the fridge so it will last longer than a month.

Uses for Homemade Rosewater

  • Facial Toner: Use rosewater as a facial toner after cleansing your face before putting on facial cream. You can do this both in the morning and at night.
  • Body or Facial Spray: Spritz rosewater on your face. It is great for keeping you fresh and moisturized, especially in the summertime. It's also soothing for the skin.
  • Room Spray or Air Freshener: Refresh and deodorize any room by spraying it in the air.
  • Linen Spray: Spray bed linens to keep them fresh and fragrant.
  • Mouthwash: Swish rosewater as an alternative to mouthwash.
  • Luxury Bath: Add rosewater to your bath for both the fragrance and your skin.
  • Cooking: Use rosewater as a flavoring in desserts and other dishes.
  • Laundry: Add some rosewater to your iron. It will make your clothes smell amazing as you iron them. Just be careful of transferring the color to light-colored clothing.
  • Skincare: Add rosewater to any face mask, cold cream or cleanser.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rose_water

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2021 Thelma Alberts


Thelma Alberts (author) from Germany on January 24, 2021:

Hi Peggy,

You are very welcome. Thanks for your visit. Take care of yourself, too.

Peggy Woods from Houston, Texas on January 24, 2021:

Thanks for the clear directions on how to make rosewater as well as its uses. Take care!

Thelma Alberts (author) from Germany on January 24, 2021:

Hi Chitrangada,

It is nice to see you again. I thought that it is time again to write on HP.

Thank you very much for your visit. Take care of yourself, too.

Chitrangada Sharan from New Delhi, India on January 24, 2021:

Very well written article about making Rose water. I liked going through the additional information.

Thank you for sharing.

Good to see you publishing after a long time, Thelma. Take care.

Thelma Alberts (author) from Germany on January 24, 2021:

Thank you very much Umesh Chandra Bhatt.

Thelma Alberts (author) from Germany on January 24, 2021:

Hi Linda,

You are welcome. Thank you for your nice comment.

Linda Crampton from British Columbia, Canada on January 23, 2021:

I like the uses of rosewater that you’ve shared very much. Thanks for sharing the instructions for making it.

Umesh Chandra Bhatt from Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, India on January 23, 2021:

Great writing. Well presented.

Thelma Alberts (author) from Germany on January 23, 2021:

Hi MG Singh,

Thank you very much for our nice comment.

MG Singh from UAE on January 23, 2021:

Wonderful article. Great information provided.

<![CDATA[Dark Circles Under the Eyes: Common Causes and How to Get Rid of Them]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Dark-Circles-Under-The-Eyes-Common-Causes-And-How-To-Get-Rid-Of-Themhttps://bellatory.com/skin/Dark-Circles-Under-The-Eyes-Common-Causes-And-How-To-Get-Rid-Of-ThemSun, 29 Nov 2020 15:38:53 GMTIt doesn’t matter how great you look, those Prada bags under your eyes will kill your entire vibe. Instead of layering on concealer as a part of your morning routine, learn common causes and how to get rid of dark circles under the eyes.

Amber is a web writer whose articles focus on beauty, skincare, health, and wellness!

Dark circles under the eyes can make you look older than you are, exhausted and a bit disheveled. It doesn’t matter how great you look, those Prada bags under your eyes will kill your entire vibe. Instead of layering on concealer as a part of your morning routine, learn common causes and how to get rid of dark circles under the eyes.

What Causes Dark Circles Under Eyes?

While being tired is most commonly associated with dark circles under the eyes, this is only one of the reasons you might look like you need a nap. Genetics, aging, allergies, anemia, stress, and dehydration are also common causes.

Lack of Sleep

If you’re not getting enough sleep, that alone can cause your dark under-eye circles. On average, we need 7-8 hours of sleep a night. Sometimes, that isn’t possible, but you need to try to get an adequate amount of rest every night. Dark circles are just one of the side effects of not getting enough sleep.


Unfortunately, genetics play a major role in whether or not you develop dark circles under your eyes. If your mom or dad was known for having the same condition, you are instantly at a genetic predisposition of developing dark circles too. However, that doesn’t mean that you’re cursed. Practicing healthy habits can give you beautiful, bag free skin under your eyes.


As you get older, your skin naturally becomes thinner. It loses collagen and elasticity, which is what makes it thinner. This results in being able to see the blood vessels or veins that are underneath the skin easier. If you’re aging, you might not have dark under-eye circles. It could just be that your skin is a little thinner than it used to be.

Iron Deficiency Anemia

Iron deficiency anemia is a very common medical condition, and one of the most common deficiencies. It’s believed that this can cause, or at least contribute, to under-eye circles because enough oxygen is not getting delivered to every part of the body. It can make your skin more likely to be discolored.

Stress Makes Them Appear More Noticeable

Stress can make your skin paler, which is going to make your dark circles really stand out. On top of that, when you’re stressed you don’t sleep as well as you normally would. This makes them darker than they already were.

Dehydration Also Makes Them Appear More Noticeable

When you’re dehydrated, your body keeps whatever water it can for vital functions, like your organs. The tiny area of skin underneath your eye does not make it to the list of vital things that need water. This ultimately leads to your eyes looking sunken in, and those dark circles underneath the eyes are more noticeable than they were before.

Dehydration also contributes by making your eyes puffy. Your body will retain water if you’re mildly dehydrated, which is why you will get bags under your eyes if you’re not drinking enough water.

Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Dark Circles Under the Eyes

Getting Plenty of Sleep Can Slowly Eliminate Dark Circles

We typically need 7-8 hours of sleep a night with the occasional exception. Some people need more, and some people need significantly less. If you wake up feeling tired, you’re not getting an adequate amount of sleep. Practice positive sleeping habits to make sure you get your eight hours a night. Here are some examples:

  • Eliminate caffeine after dinner
  • Go to bed at the same time every night
  • Don’t eat large meals before going to bed
  • Avoid screen time before bed (the light keeps your brain awake)
  • Make sure you have a cozy environment to sleep in

Taking the time to make sure that you sleep well every night will slowly make your dark under-eye circles fade away.

Practice Positive Coping Skills When You’re Stressed

Stress can wreak havoc on your entire body, including the little area underneath your eyes. Most of us hold in our emotions and stress because we have to in order to get things done throughout the day, but this does little for our mental health or the circles under the eyes. Instead, find a healthy way to release stress and practice calming techniques like these:

  • Boxing class
  • Running
  • Exercise
  • Deep breathing
  • Meditation
  • Cooking
  • Listening to music

If it helps you feel at peace, it counts as a wonderful coping skill! As your stress slowly reduces, you’ll find that you both look and feel better.

Get Plenty of Iron to Naturally Reduce Dark Circles

Iron deficiency anemia is believed to contribute to dark circles under the eyes. This is because it helps transport oxygen throughout the body, and, once again, that tiny area under your eyes is not at the top of the priority list. Make sure that you get plenty of iron by eating iron-rich foods, like leafy greens, red meat, and poultry, or by taking a daily iron supplement.

Put Cold Spoons on Your Eyes for 15 Minutes

This will not eliminate dark circles under the eyes instantly, but it does make them look a lot better. It will drastically reduce puffiness, too.

Simply put two cold spoons in the freezer for twenty minutes. Then, place them on your eyes. The coldness is the same as applying a cold compress to a bruise! It will make the dark circles look lighter, help you look refreshed instead of tired and it will get rid of bags under the eyes.

What is the Best Product to Get Rid of Dark Circles Under the Eyes?

Pur-lisse Blue Lotus 4 in 1 Eye Adore Serum

This is a bit of an older product, but it’s the one product that I swear by. I have an iron deficiency, am always busy so I occasionally don’t get enough sleep, and have three children and a grandchild. Genetics are also not on my side when it comes to bags and dark circles under the eyes. I got a sample size of this in an Ipsy bag years ago, and have been using it ever since. A tiny dab every night, and I never see dark circles under the eyes. They aren’t puffy either! This is a quick way to get rid of bags under the eyes and dark circles.

View the original article to see embedded media.

Malin+Goetz Revitalizing Eye Gel

I took a small break from my Pur-lisse when I got a full-size bottle of this in my Ipsy Glam Box (I upgraded…) It doesn’t work as well with dark circles as the Pur-lisse, but it’s worth a shot if your circles aren’t dark enough to make it look like you have a black eye. It does help lighten them and is quicker at reducing puffiness than the Pur-lisse does. If bags under the eyes are your main concern, this is a great product to try.


What deficiency causes dark circles?

It’s believed that an iron deficiency contributes to dark circles. Take an iron supplement once daily, or eat iron-rich foods to combat this deficiency. Iron-rich foods include poultry, like chicken, red meat, spinach, raising, peas, and seafood. Vitamin deficiencies of vitamin K, E, and D can also cause dark circles.

What should we eat to remove dark circles?

If you have an iron deficiency, eat iron-rich foods. If not, try to up your intake of guava, tomatoes, blueberries, cucumbers, and other foods rich in vitamins K, E, and D to help lighten dark circles by eating the right foods.

How much sleep do I need to get rid of dark circles?

You need to shoot for eight hours of sleep per night to get rid of dark circles. If you feel tired or groggy throughout the day, you are not getting enough rest at night. Some people need a little more sleep, and some need a little less. Listen to your body.

In Conclusion

Dark circles under the eyes can instantly make you look tired, stressed, and even sick. Use otc products to get rid of them fast. Then, stick with natural remedies that address the underlying cause to make sure they are not a consistent problem.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2020 Amber Lynn

<![CDATA[Laneige Watery Sun Cream SPF 50+ PA++++ Review]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Laneige-Watery-Sun-Cream-SPF-50-PA-Reviewhttps://bellatory.com/skin/Laneige-Watery-Sun-Cream-SPF-50-PA-ReviewTue, 17 Nov 2020 12:50:50 GMTMy thoughts on the Laneige Watery Sun Cream SPF 50+ PA++++. Do check it out before buying it for yourself.

Want to hear candid views on products? You have come to the right place!

About Laneige

Started in 1994, Laneige is a Korean cosmetics brand. The brand’s products are focused on skin hydration. Through research and development, the brand has been able to develop skin hydrating water solutions that form the star ingredients of the products.

About Laneige Watery Sun Cream SPF 50+ PA++++

The product is designed to recharge the skin’s moisture level while providing sun protection. One of the ingredients in the product is Birch Sap, which has immense moisture, nourishment and moisturizing properties. The brand also claims that it is resistant to water and sweat. The cream is also free from mineral oil, animal base material, tar coloring, talc, triethanolamine and imidazoline urea. The brand calls it the “6-Free Formula.”


The product has the following ingredients:

Water, Butylene Glycol, C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate, Ethylhexyl Methoxycinnamate, Bis-Ethylhexyloxyphenol Methoxyphenyl Triazine, Diethylamino Hydroxybenzoyl Hexyl Benzoate, Titanium Dioxide (Nano), Phenyl Trimethicone, Cyclopentasiloxane, Cyclohexasiloxane, Silica, Polyacrylate-13, Phenoxyethanol, Litchi Chinensis Pericarp Extract, Fragrance, Polyisobutene, Aluminum Stearate, Stearic Acid, Alumina, Glycerin, Polyhydroxystearic Acid, Propanediol, Betula Platyphylla Japonica Juice, Carbomer, Ethylhexylglycerin, Disodium Edta, Polysorbate 20, Sorbitan Isostearate, 1,2-Hexanediol, Limonene, Chenopodium Quinoa Seed Extract, Beta-Glucan, Magnesium Sulfate, Calcium Chloride, Arginine, Mannitol, Pca, Serine, Sucrose, Manganese Sulfate, Citrulline, Glycogen, Histidine Hcl, Alanine, Glutamic Acid, Lysine Hcl, Threonine, Zinc Sulfate, Ascorbyl Glucoside

Price of the Product and Packaging

The product is priced at INR 1650 (USD 24.00) for 1.60 Fl. Oz. (50ML). It comes in a yellow plastic bottle. The packaging is travel friendly. There is a conical nozzle from where the product oozes out when the bottle is squeezed.

The Product

The cream is lightweight, has a very slight yellowish tint to it, and has a prominent floral fragrance. On application, it does not blend well into the skin and leaves a whitish layer on your skin. It does not feel sticky, but does leave a very light sheen after application. I wouldn’t say the texture is very watery, it is more like a gel-cream. I think that is why it isn't easily blendable.

How to Use The Product

The sun cream should be applied as the last step of the skincare routine. There are no instructions regarding the product, but it should be applied prior to stepping out in the sun.

Pros of Laneige Watery Sun Cream SPF 50+ PA++++:

  • The cream is hydrating.
  • A small amount goes a long way.
  • It is non-greasy.
  • The packaging is travel friendly.

Cons of Laneige Watery Sun Cream SPF 50+ PA++++:

  • The fragrance is quite prominent and for some sensitive skin types, it could cause irritation.
  • The sunscreen leaves behind a whitish layer on the skin, so you have to wait for it to disappear.

Personal Opinion

Fragrance and the whitish layer aside, I have positive thoughts about the ingredients of the sunscreen. There are some great ingredients that give a high level of functionality to the product. The only drawbacks that I could find were the fragrance and the whitish layer that it leaves behind. You have to wait for it to blend into the skin which is a concern for me. Other than that it has not caused any breakouts and doesn’t make my face feel oily. I give it a rating of 3 out of 5.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2020 PGupta0919

<![CDATA[10 Secrets to Getting Rid of Dry Skin on Lips]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/10-Secrets-To-Getting-Rid-Of-Dry-Skin-On-Lipshttps://bellatory.com/skin/10-Secrets-To-Getting-Rid-Of-Dry-Skin-On-LipsFri, 23 Oct 2020 14:17:00 GMTTo get rid of dead or dry skin on your lips, follow these ten tips. Learn how to keep your lips softer than silk!

Amber is a web writer whose articles focus on beauty, skincare, health, and wellness!

10 steps to alleviate dry, chapped lips.

If you’re anything like me, winter weather is an instant recipe for having dry, cracked lips. It starts when the chilly air of fall hits. Before you know it, you’re waking up with cracked lips. The dead skin peels off, making it impossible to wear lipstick and have it look good. There are a few things that you can incorporate into your routine to make your lips kissably soft every day of the week!

Why Do We Get Dry, Chapped Lips?

Lips are one of the few areas of the body that do not have oil glands. For example, when your face gets dry, oil glands ramp up production to help keep your face moisturized. Lips are not capable of doing this, making them more prone to being dry. This, in turn, makes dead skin start to flake and peel off.

How to Get Rid of and Prevent Dry Skin on Your Lips

Dry skin seems inevitable for some people, myself included. Follow these ten tips to get rid of dry skin and prevent it from happening again.

  1. Gently scrub away dead skin with a toothbrush.
  2. Moisturize to help chapped lips.
  3. Make sure that you stay hydrated by increasing your water intake.
  4. Turn off the fan during the winter (if you can).
  5. Prevent sinus congestion to help you sleep with your mouth closed.
  6. Exfoliate your lips regularly.
  7. Develop a lip care routine.
  8. Carry Chapstick or lip balm in your purse.
  9. Invest in Neosporin lip treatment to heal scabby lips.
  10. Don’t lick your lips!

Once you start to incorporate these tips into your daily life, you won’t have to worry about dry skin every day!

1. Gently Scrub Away Dead Skin With a Toothbrush

After you’re done brushing your teeth in the morning, make sure that all of the toothpaste is rinsed off of your toothbrush. Then, gently rub the toothbrush along your lips in a circular motion. This can help remove some of the dead skin from your lips. It’s a cheap, effective alternative to exfoliating, and you can do it daily.

Coconut oil is a great moisturizer for your lips.

2. Moisturize to Help Chapped Lips

Coconut oil is one of the best ways to moisturize your lips! When you apply coconut oil will depend on your makeup routine. If you love to wear lipstick or lip gloss, apply the coconut oil at night before going to bed. If you’re not a fan of makeup or stay away from lipsticks, you can carry a small container of coconut oil with you to apply it throughout the day.

To apply coconut oil, dip your finger or a cotton swab in the coconut oil. Then, apply a small amount to your lips. Remember that a little bit goes a long way!

3. Make Sure That You Stay Hydrated

Keeping your body properly hydrated starts from within. Help keep dry skin from forming by making sure that you stay hydrated. If you’re not a fan of plain water, try:

  • Foods packed with water, like watermelon
  • Water enhancement options (I really like Mio)
  • Gatorade or Powerade
  • Water with a slice of lemon

As long as the inside of your body is hydrated, the outside of your body will be more hydrated, too!

4. Turn off the Fan for the Winter

When the wind blows on your face consistently, it results in dry, chapped skin. The same thing happens when you sleep with the fan on. If you need white noise to sleep, consider a white noise machine or point the fan away from your face at night.

5. Prevent Sinus Congestion to Help You Sleep With Your Mouth Closed

Even if you don’t breathe through your mouth all day, there’s a good chance that you’re sleeping with your mouth open. The second your nose gets congested, you open your mouth in your sleep. Pick up some decongestants to stop breathing through your mouth. This is usually the culprit behind dry skin that is worse in the morning.

6. Exfoliate Your Lips

Exfoliating your lips is just like exfoliating your face. You rub a lip scrub across your lips. Then, leave it on for the length of time the directions state. Usually, this is only a few minutes. Finally, rinse it off.

I use this organic lip scrub that works amazingly well. The directions say to use it twice weekly, but I use it during my weekly routines every Sunday with awesome results.

DIY Lip Scrub

If you want to save some money, DIY lip scrubs are always a great option! These are a bit more budget friendly, and you always know exactly what ingredients are in your DIY products. This article has three easy-to-make recipes that use ingredients from your kitchen.

7. Develop a Lip Care Routine

A lip care routine is important to make sure that your lips stay smooth. Exfoliating once is a great idea, but you need to be consistent to see continued results. My lip care routine consists of exfoliating once a week and applying coconut oil nightly.

Then, I make adjustments as needed. If I have a cold, I take something before I go to bed. When I break my own rule and pick at my lips, therefore making them significantly worse, I upgrade to a Neosporin lip treatment.

Chapstick, coconut oil, or lip balm are great ways to moisturize and protect your lips.

8. Carry Chapstick or Lip Balm in Your Purse

When your lips are dry, they need to be moisturized throughout the day. Remember, they can't moisturize themselves. Pick up some chapstick or lip balm and toss it into your purse. As the day goes on, apply it any time that your lips feel dry.

9. Invest in Neosporin Lip Treatment to Heal Scabby Lips

I try so hard not to pick at my lips. I’ve been great at sticking to proper lip care these last few years. Before that, I couldn’t help but pick at the dead skin. A friend of mine bought me some overnight Neosporin lip treatment, and I have been a huge fan ever since.

If your lips are scabby, apply a thick coating before bed at night. You’ll see a drastic improvement by morning. This lip treatment can also help protect your lips if they tend to get dry at night. People that simply cannot sleep without a fan on their face can benefit from this being part of their nightly routine.

10. Don’t Lick Your Lips!

According to this article, licking your lips is a recipe for disaster. Saliva contains powerful enzymes to break down food. If it can help break down half-eaten pieces of food because you ate too quickly, just imagine what it can do to the delicate skin on your lips! Instead, apply lip balm or chapstick.

A quick guide to healthy lips.


What Causes Dead Skin on Lips?

Lack of moisture either in the body, such as dehydration, or simply on your lips. As the skin gets chapped, it starts to peel. This turns into dead skin.

Should I Peel Dead Skin off of Lips?

No! You can accidentally peel off too much and damage your healthy skin. Instead, pick up a pair of fingernail clippers or cuticle scissors to get rid of dead skin to guarantee that you don’t accidentally peel off healthy skin. Make sure you sanitize whatever tool you use first.

How Do You Get Rid of Scabby Lips Fast?

Pick up some Neosporin overnight lip treatment. Apply a thick coat before bed. Then, reapply throughout the day. You’ll begin to see improvements in just a couple of days!

Why Do My Lips Peel When I Wear Lip Balm?

You’re sensitive to at least one of the ingredients. Purchase another brand, or opt for a natural remedy. Coconut oil is a great alternative!

Is Coconut Oil Good for Your Lips?

Yes! The moisturizing properties found in coconut oil can help keep your lips silky soft. Put some in a small plastic container to carry in your purse to have at the ready.

Prevention Is Key

If you already have dry skin on your lips, use preventative methods to make sure that it doesn’t get worse. Then, continue to use them and implement a lip care routine to ensure that you don’t have dead skin peeling from your lips in the future.

<![CDATA[Belif The True Cream—Moisturizing Bomb Review]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Belif-The-True-Cream-Moisturizing-Bomb-Reviewhttps://bellatory.com/skin/Belif-The-True-Cream-Moisturizing-Bomb-ReviewWed, 14 Oct 2020 09:53:17 GMTMy thoughts on the belif The True Cream—Moisturizing Bomb. Do check it out before buying it for yourself.

Want to hear candid views on products? You have come to the right place!

About belif

Belif is a Korean skincare brand that integrates the concepts of centuies-old herbal apothecary in its products. The company has a diverse portfolio of skincare products. The brand claims that it is the ‘most truthful skincare brand.’ It draws inspiration from a renowned medical herbalist, Duncan Napier, who was able to cure his chronic cold symptoms using various herbs to make a cough syrup. Just like the renowned medical herbalist, the company incorporates true herbs in its products to give the best results to its customers.

About The True Cream—Moisturizing Bomb

The True Cream—Moisturizing Bomb has a slightly thick gel-like consistency. The cream is free from parabens, phthalates, and sulfates. It is dermatologically tested and doesn’t include any synthetic preservatives, fragrances, mineral oils, animal origin ingredients, or dyes. The cream is suited for normal and dry skin and provides a perfect solution for flakiness and loss of elasticity.

After application, the cream is supposed to “burst” and provide moisture to the skin. The formula contains comfrey leaf, which leads to the cream’s soothing and hydrating properties. Even though it is a bit thick at first, after application, the cream blends right into the skin just like the brand’s aqua bomb. It feels like a gift for dehydrated and dry skin.


The product has the following ingredients:

Water, Glycerin, Cyclohexasiloxane, Hydrogenated Polydecene, Dipropylene Glycol, Macadamia Ternifolia Seed Oil, 1,2-Hexanediol, Bis-Peg-18 Methyl Ether Dimethyl Silane, Triethylhexanoin, Stearyl Alcohol, Glyceryl Stearate, Pentaerythrityl Tetraethylhexanoate, Peg-40 Stearate, Saccharomyces/Viscum Album (Mistletoe) Ferment Extract, Lactobacillus/Soybean Ferment Extract, Saccharomyces/Imperata Cylindrica Root Ferment Extract, Cetearyl Alcohol, Cetearyl Olivate, Sorbitan Olivate, Hydrogenated Lecithin, Sorbitan Stearate, Stearic Acid, Peg-100 Stearate, Dimethicone, Dimethicone/Vinyl Dimethicone Crosspolymer, Poncirus Trifoliata Fruit Extract, Panthenol, *Avena Sativa (Oat) Kernel Extract, *Calendula Officinalis Flower Extract, *Nepeta Cataria Extract, *Rubus Idaeus (Raspberry) Leaf Extract, *Baptisia Tinctoria Root Extract, *Stellaria Media (Chickweed) Extract, **Alchemilla Vulgaris Leaf Extract, **Viola Tricolor Extract, **Rosa Damascena Flower Extract, **Spiraea Ulmaria Flower Extract, **Althaea Officinalis Root Extract, Symphytum Officinale Leaf Extract, Trifolium Pratense (Clover) Flower Extract, Achillea Millefolium Flower Extract, Euphrasia Officinalis Extract, Thuja Occidentalis Leaf Extract, Menyanthes Trifoliata Leaf Extract, Salix Alba (Willow) Bark Extract, Chelidonium Majus Extract, Urea, Hydroxyethylpiperazine Ethane Sulfonic Acid, Glycosyl Trehalose, Hydrogenated Starch Hydrolysate, Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer, Carbomer, Xanthan Gum, Trisodium Edta, Tromethamine, ***Fragrance, Citronellol, Limonene

*Napiers Original Formula

**Napiers Moisture Formula

***Fragrances Of Natural Origin

Price of the Product and Packaging

The product is priced at INR 2660 (USD 38.00) for 1.68 Fl. Oz. (50ML). It comes in a plastic tub packaging, which is recyclable. The packaging is very minimalistic and travel friendly.

The Product

The cream is lightweight, color free, and has a citrusy fragrance. It is not overpowering, but the cream may not be suitable for people with very sensitive skin. On application, the cream immediately blends into the skin, and you can feel the difference almost instantly. The cream doesn’t feel greasy on the skin after application, which is a major advantage. It makes the skin softer.

How to Use The Product

I generally like to apply the cream after using cleanser and toner and before applying sunscreen in the morning. The cream can be used both in the morning and night skincare routine. I use the cream at night time after I have cleansed and toned my face.


  • The cream is extremely moisturizing.
  • It blends into the skin almost instantly and is non-greasy.
  • The packaging is travel friendly.


  • The product contains a lot of fragrance, which can be unsuitable for sensitive skin.
  • There is no other benefit of the cream; it is simply a moisturizer.

Personal Opinion

After trying the aqua bomb from the same brand, I thought, why not give this product a try. The moisturizer makes my skin feel very soft after use. I think it is a bit thicker than the brand’s aqua bomb. After one month of use, I have not observed this product breaking my face despite having a little rich texture. This is a huge advantage for me.

I can feel the effect of the cream for about 8–10 hours after use. It is a great moisturizer for dry skin types, and when it comes to the brand claims, I think this product does justice to that. The only limiting factor to me was the product's fragrance, which I feel could have been avoided. I give this product 4 out of 5 for its instant moisturizing effect.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2020 PGupta0919


Kalpana Iyer from India on October 14, 2020:

Informative. I have heard a lot about Belif. I would like try one day.

<![CDATA[How to Permanently Get Rid of Under-Eye Bags]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/How-to-Permanently-Get-Rid-of-Under-Eye-Bagshttps://bellatory.com/skin/How-to-Permanently-Get-Rid-of-Under-Eye-BagsSun, 27 Sep 2020 16:47:02 GMTRead about how to get rid of under-eye bags once and for all. These are my tips for how to combat unsightly bags under the eyes.

I like to look my best. Fashion and self-care are two things I prioritize, and I like to share my tips with others.

How to get rid of puffy eyes.

Jan Krnc pexels

How to Get Rid of Bags Under the Eyes Fast

I've dealt with under eye bags since my late teens. It wouldn't matter if I got a good night's sleep, I'd still wake up with puffy, tired looking eyes. Here are my tips on how to get rid of under-eye bags permanently. They can be caused by various things and are sometimes health-related, age-related, or have to do with genetics.

Common Causes of Under-Eye Bags

  • Allergies
  • Unhealthy habits (lack of sleep)
  • Genetics
  • Aging
  • Lymphatics/water retention

1. Are Allergies Causing Your Eye Bags?

Allergies are a common culprit when it comes to dark circles as well as under-eye bags. Do you find that your eyes look baggy and puffy during certain times of the year and do you rub your eyes a lot as if they are itchy? You might actually be allergic to something in the environment. That could mean that your allergies are seasonal (pollen, grass) or that you have issues like a dust mite allergy in your household or a pet allergy. Maybe you want to purchase a HEPA filter for the household or get a dust-mite allergy bed cover. You can also just try to clean or vacuum more to improve the air quality in your home.

Sometimes taking allergy medication during a bout of allergies might help reduce the puffiness around your eyes, especially if you have a runny nose or feel congested. Many times people will choose something like non-drowsy over the counter medications, or they will go for an allergy shot from their doctor. You can also try things like cold compresses or caffeine-based creams for the eyes. Whatever route you go, be sure to check with your doctor first.

Getting sleep and hydrating are guaranteed to improve your skin.

Andrea Piacquadio

2. Improve Your Health With These Tips

Your baggy eyes could be related to your health and general lack of care and healthy lifestyle.

  • Cut alcohol: You will want to drink less alcohol (or no alcohol) and avoid drugs (all of the illegal substances are horrible for your appearance). Alcohol is horrible when it comes to hydration, that is, it dehydrates the body, so you may want to avoid it entirely.
  • Sleep: Sleep is the ultimate key to staying young looking. Sleep helps your body to restore after a day of play.
  • Decrease salt intake: Salt can cause water retention, especially if you are consuming an inappropriate amount.
  • Collagen-rich food: Collagen-rich food is great for healthy skin and a youthful appearance. There are options for vegans and vegetarians. You can include a collagen peptide supplement in your food.
  • Get your fruits and veggies: It's no secret that fruits and vegetables are important for your health. You should be eating plenty of healthy foods daily.
  • Quit smoking: Smoking is horrible for your body and decreases collagen in the skin.
  • Increase vitamin C: Vitamin C is great for collagen production, so eat vitamin-C rich foods alongside your collagen intake.
  • Avoid bad sugars: Avoid unnecessary sugar in your diet. It's not good for collagen production. Sugar causes cross-linking of collagen and can lead to stiffening of the skin.
  • Hydrate: Hydration is key for supple, youthful skin. Drink plenty of water each day.
  • Cold compress or caffeine cream: Cold compresses or caffeine creams can really help to reduce puffiness underneath the eyes. Black tea bag application is popular for this reason.

3. Bags Causes by Aging or Genetics

If you are eating healthy and are sleeping and have ruled out allergies, you may have bags under your eyes from aging or are genetically predisposed to them. If this is the case, you will need to consider other options. If you have woken up with bags under your eyes since you were younger (like in your teens), this is probably due to genetics. If you developed your bags as you aged, this is likely age-related. As you get older, you lose fat underneath your eyes which can cause that puffy eye effect.

No cream (no matter how expensive and special) will be able to fix the loss of fat underneath your eyes. Spending money on these magical products will certainly be a waste of money. Although you will want to invest in a good sunscreen to protect your eyes from further aging due to sun damage. Below are some ways you can treat your puffy eyes cosmetically.

Some costemic procedures offer permanent solutions.

Gustavo Fring pexels

Fillers for Puffy Eyes

Fillers cost about $1,000 and last for a year. You are basically replacing the lost fat underneath your eyes. Fillers give instant results and there is very little recovery for this type of procedure. If you are going to get fillers, make sure you find a good plastic surgeon. They should have plenty of examples of under-eye filler procedures and results. If they don't, find someone else.

Think about it, you will save money by going this route versus constantly spending on creams and products that don't work. The good news is that if you don't like the results from the fillers, they will eventually dissolve. Some dermal fillers last 6 to 12 months or even 2 to 5 years according to Healthline. You can also have the filler dissolved manually. You don't want to be cheap about having any kind of cosmetic work done. You will save money down the line by requiring less makeup and coverups that you are used to using. A good website for finding a reputable plastic surgeon is Realself.com.


A blepharoplasty (also called an eye lift) is another good option for puffy eyes. This procedure is permanent and costs around $4700 dollars. It's expensive, but it will save you money in time and you will likely be happy with the results. This is a procedure that you really want to be careful on because it's permanent. You need to find someone who is really good at it. If you are not pleased with the results, you can offset some of the work with fillers.

If you go with someone who is good and has done numerous accounts of these, the result should be good. Make sure you review examples of their work. If they don't have examples of their work, find someone else. Maybe even go with a friend referral. You will save money after this procedure by not having to wear as much makeup or invest in as many beauty produces. You can also refer to the website mentioned above for finding a decent plastic surgeon.

Lymphatic Massage

Sometimes fluid can accumulate in the face because of sinus congestion, food allergy, hormone-related water retention, and similar. Lymphatic drainage is great for reducing puffiness and is a gentle form of massage. The lymphatic fluid in the body is responsible for removing waste and toxins in the tissue and some health conditions can cause a buildup of fluid.

Does massaging under your eyes help?

I use lymphatic massage under my eyes for days when my eyes are puffy. Regular eye massage does promote good blood flow and circulation and helps with drainage. This is especially helpful for the capillaries under the eyes if you sit and stare at a screen all day. It's especially good for clearing out the sinuses.

Other natural ways to remove eye bags include:

  • wearing a good sunscreen
  • using a cold compress
  • caffeine creams or tea bag application (black tea)
  • retinol cream
  • antihistamines
  • hydration
  • Neti pot (clearing out the sinuses)
  • cold water plunge (if you have access to a body of water)

Share your favorite secrets for youthful looking skin in the comments.

Get a good sunscreen.

cottonbro pexels

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and does not substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, and/or dietary advice from a licensed health professional. Drugs, supplements, and natural remedies may have dangerous side effects. If pregnant or nursing, consult with a qualified provider on an individual basis. Seek immediate help if you are experiencing a medical emergency.

© 2020 Brynn B Lewis

<![CDATA[My Review of the Liberex Acne Pimple Patches]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/My-Review-of-the-Liberex-Acne-Pimple-Patcheshttps://bellatory.com/skin/My-Review-of-the-Liberex-Acne-Pimple-PatchesTue, 21 Jul 2020 17:34:04 GMTMy honest and unsponsored review of the Liberex acne pimple patches. Including my personal experience and how the patches affected my spots.

Verity is a Physics with Teaching Bsc (Hons) graduate. In her spare time, she likes to cook, read and play video games.

My Review of the Liberex Acne Pimple Patches

Background and Important Information

I purchased these pimple patches on Amazon UK for £6.36. I was not sent this product in return for a review. This review is unbiased and features my honest opinions and experiences with this product.

I do not often suffer from spots but occasionally I will get one or two very big and painful spots on my hairline or on my chin. I am aware that I should not squeeze them, but sometimes when they are big and under the surface they get so painful that I do not know what to do with them. In the past, my go-to has been to slather it with Sudocrem before I go to bed. This technique takes two to three nights to work but it does work. However, these patches came highly recommended to me as people claimed they got rid of spots in 8 hours and got rid of large spots overnight. The reviews for the patches on Amazon are glowing with over 300 people rating it 5 stars. As such, I decided to give them a go and bought a pack of 60.

How I Use These Patches

I followed the instructions on the packet exactly. I have used 17 of the 60 patches to date, and I have been using them on any spot that has cropped up for the past 6 weeks. I have tested these on spots of all sizes, small to large, and on spots that were on the surface of the skin and deep under the surface.

I always apply the patch before I go to bed so that the patch has the chance to work overnight. I begin by washing my face with a mild and moisturising soap, and I let my face air dry. I then wash my hands. Each sheet of 20 patches comes sealed in a sanitised packet. With clean hands, I remove the sheet from the packet and peel a patch off the sheet. without touching the patch or my face, I apply the patch over the spot. I then go to bed and sleep with the patch on. When I wake in the morning, I remove the patch, repeat the process and wear the new patch for the full day.

The reviews claim that the patches work within 8 hours, so to give them the maximum chance I would sometimes spend two days treating a spot with the patches. I would change the patch every morning and night.

These are the instructions on the packet of the Liberex acne pimple patches that I followed.


I was bitterly disappointed with these patches. I have tested them on multiple spots, big and small and to this day they have only worked once. Every other time that I have tried these patches they have made no difference to my spots.

The first time I used these patches was on a small spot on my cheek. I wore a patch overnight and when I woke up the next morning the spot was completely unchanged. There was no distinctive white spot on the patch, instead, the whole patch had gone cloudy. This is a trend that I found was consistent every other time I have used a patch since.

The first time I tried a patch on a large spot under the surface of my skin, I woke up the next morning and my spot was much worse, it was red, inflamed and extremely swollen. I washed it and replaced the patch, and did this for two days. After two days, the inflammation had gone down and the redness was gone down, but I still felt a spot under the surface. I used my Sudocrem trick and it was gone by the next day. However, I was left with a dark discolouration in the shape of the spot, that stayed for 2 weeks before it eventually faded.

On the occasion that the patch did work, it was fantastic. I applied the patch to a very painful spot under the surface of my skin near my hairline, when I woke up the next morning the pain was gone and the skin was flat and I could no longer detect a spot under the skin. Once again, the patch did not have a distinctive white spot and was just all cloudy.

What I will say for these patches is that applying one stops me from picking at a spot or trying to pop it myself. And usually waiting the two days is long enough for it to start going away on its own, or waiting two days and not seeing results makes me so determined that I fall back on my Sudocrem method which works. So I can say that I have definitely not been popping and spots at all since I got these patches. I am just extremely disappointed that they have not worked for me.

I will also note that these patches were never clear for me in the first place which makes it extremely difficult to notice when they go cloudy or "white". Perhaps I simply got a fault batch or one that had already been exposed to air.

The front of the packaging of the Liberex acne pimple patches


I am very very disappointed in these patches, they have not lived up to their claims and have only ever worked once. If they had never worked I would be awarding them 1 star, but since it did work one time and that it has acted as a physical barrier to stop me from popping my spots, I will award it 2 stars.

I have seen these patches work for other people, and I have seen the pictures to prove it, so I am not entirely sure why they did not work for me. It is possible that I got a fault batch and I would be willing to try again. I am also very open to trying pimple patches in a different brand to see if they work. I believe that the 5-star reviews on Amazon are genuine and that the product does work for some people. But for some reason they just did not work for me.

Share Your Opinion

View the original article to see embedded media.

© 2020 VerityPrice


VerityPrice (author) from UK on August 09, 2020:

Thanks for the tip Iris! I'll make sure to try this out and see if it makes an improvement!

Iris on August 09, 2020:

I've used them before. I also found they didn't work if I just stuck them on, but then I started using them in combination with a kind of 'popping'. After washing my face, I'd very gently make a small hole in the pimple with a (sterilized) needle and then cover them up with a patch. It works great because this way, the patch prevents bacteria from entering and I'm left with no redness afterwards, which I do get if I just pop a pimple. And the fact that the skin is pierced, allows the patch to do its work more easily.

<![CDATA[Clinique Moisture Surge Overnight Face Mask vs. Origins Overnight Hydrating Mask]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/clinique-moisture-surge-face-mask-versus-origins-overnight-hydrating-maskhttps://bellatory.com/skin/clinique-moisture-surge-face-mask-versus-origins-overnight-hydrating-maskSun, 05 Jul 2020 08:13:11 GMTMy review of Clinique Moisture Surge Overnight Mask and Origins Drink Up Overnight Hydrating Mask. Both of these masks are intensely hydrating and nourish and moisturize your skin during the night. Clinique is suitable for all skin types while Origins is suitable for normal skin types.

I love to share advice and tips gleaned from my own experiences.

A review on Clinique Moisture Surge Overnight Mask and Origins Drink Up Intense Hydrating Overnight Mask.


For the last two years, I've used both Origins Drink Up Intense Hydrating Overnight Mask and Clinique Moisture Surge Overnight Mask. I've used each separately for a period of time and both do help to improve your skin.

Clinique is suitable for all skin types while Origins is only suitable for normal skin types, so these masks might not suit everybody. You apply these face masks to your skin about one to two times a week instead of your regular night cream. They are quite rich so that is why they are not used every night.

Both of these products work well for anyone experiencing dry skin especially during the winter months. These masks help by adding moisture to your skin that dries out during the day. They are both great products to have in your bathroom cabinet especially around winter time if you experience dry skin.

Both of these products do really deliver results and you should see a difference within 72 hours. After your first application it might seem like nothing is happening to your skin, but the next day, your skin will feel really soft and moisturized.

Both products also differ slightly in regards to their ingredients with Origins being gluten-free, while Clinique is not.

Clinique Moisture Surge Overnight Mask won Silver in the Beauty Bible Award awards in 2017 and Bronze in the 2019 awards.

A review of clinique moisture surge overnight mask.


Clinique Moisture Surge Overnight Mask

You apply Clinique Moisture Surge Overnight Mask to your face after you have finished your nightly skincare routine. You should use it one to two times a week if your skin is very dry. This mask is designed to help add moisture to our skin and lock it in.

In the winter if your skin is really dry, you can apply it two to three times a week. But the rest of the time only apply it to your skin one to two times a week. You massage this mask into clean dry skin and leave it to absorb into your skin.

This face mask is not a night cream, so treat it as you would a facial, something extra that you apply to give your skin a few times a week. This mask is really good for dehydrated skin and anyone who experiences flaky skin around their cheeks.

It’s designed for all skin types so most people shouldn't experience any issues while using it.

It’s available to purchase on most online beauty retailer websites and most Clinique beauty counters. You can purchase it in a 15 ml / 0.5 fl oz. tube or a 100 ml /3.4 fl oz. tube.

How to Use Clinique Moisture Surge Overnight Mask

Once you have completed your nightly skin care routine, you can apply this to your skin. You wouldn't need to apply a night cream if you were going to apply this mask to your face. Once it is applied to your skin, it sinks in pretty quickly and it doesn’t leave any residue behind on your face.


Water\Aqua\Eau, Glycerin, Cetyl Alcohol, Dimethicone, Glyceryl Polymethacrylate, Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea Butter), Cetyl Ethylhexanoate, Peg-8, Glycereth-26, Sucrose, Sorbitan Stearate, Peg-100 Stearate, Trehalose, Mangifera Indica (Mango) Seed Butter, Hypnea Musciformis (Algae) Extract, Gellidiela Acerosa (Algae) Extract, Olea Europaea (Olive) Fruit Extract, Triticum Vulgare (Wheat Bran) Extract, Cladosiphon Okamuranus Extract, Astrocaryum Murumuru Seed Butter, Cetearyl Alcohol, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Water, Peg-75, Caffeine, Pantethine, Sorbitol, Butylene Glycol, Oryzanol, Bisabolol, Panthenol, Phytosterols, Tocopheryl Acetate, Caprylyl Glycol, Sodium Hyaluronate, Hexylene Glycol, Carbomer, Potassium Hydroxide, Dextrin, Disodium Edta, Phenoxyethanol, Red 4 (Ci 14700), Yellow 5 (Ci 19140)

Texture and Fragrance

This Clinique Moisture Surge Overnight Mask comes in a 100 ml / 3.4 oz. tube and it is a pale pink colour. The mask has a very faint fragrance upon opening the tube, but once it is applied to your skin, it disappears. The fragrance does not linger upon your skin after application.


  • This mask was designed by Clinique for all skin types.
  • The texture of this mask is quite light and it is not greasy.
  • This mask doesn’t leave a residue on the skin after application.
  • It is lightly fragrances but upon application, the smell disappears.
  • Once applied it is absorbed quickly into the skin.
  • You should see results within 24 hours and your skin should feel soft and smooth the next morning.
  • It really helps to improve dry flaky skin by adding moisture to your skin.


  • Even though it is designed for all skin types, there is the chance that you could breakout after using this mask.
  • If you are allergic to any of the ingredients or have very sensitive skin, you could have a puffy face after application.
View the original article to see embedded media.
A review of Origins Drink Up Intense Overnight Hydrating Mask.


Origins Drink Up Intense Hydrating Overnight Mask

Origins Drink up Intense Hydrating Overnight Mask has a consistency similar to thick butter. This mask has a strong avocado fragrance that does linger on your skin for a while after application. You apply this mask one to two times a week as it is a very rich mask.

While it does contain honey and beeswax, it is considered vegetarian and gluten-free. They also claim to be free from many of those chemical ingredients that other brands include in their face creams and masks like parabens, phthalates, sodium lauryl sulfates and phthalates, propylene glycol, mineral oil, DEA, petrolatum, paraffin, polyethylene beads and formaldehyde.

It's also infused with glacier water and hyaluronic acid which locks moisture into your skin. They state that this product contains omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins A, D, and E which are beneficial in helping to seal moisture onto the surface of your skin to keep it nice and soft.

It’s available to purchase on most online beauty retailer websites and Origins sell it on their website as well. You can purchase it in a 30 ml / 1fl oz. tube or a 75 ml 2.5 fl oz tube.

How to Use Origins Overnight Hydrating Mask

This mask is applied to your face after you have completed your nightly skincare routine. You massaged it into clean dry clean and let it absorb into your skin. You do not use this in place of your regular night cream. This mask is applied to your face twice a week instead of your regular night cream as part of your weekly skincare routine.

Again like the Clinique Moisture Surge Overnight Mask, this is an additional skincare product that you use sparingly during the week and you use it to help treat very dry or dehydrated skin.

Wash Off

If you do not want to leave this on your skin all night, you can also apply this mask to your face for 15 minutes. After the 15 minutes are up you would massage any remaining product into your skin and wipe any excess product off your face with a cotton pad. This is similar to how you use the No7 Instant Results Nourishing Hydration Mask.


Apricot, Avocado, Water\aqua\eau, glycerin, cetyl alcohol, glyceryl polymethacrylate, niacinamide, hydroxyethyl urea, peg-75, dimethicone, persea gratissima (avocado) oil, ppg-15 stearyl ether, peg-8, glycereth-26, sorbitan stearate, citrus aurantium amara (bitter orange)leaf/twig oil*, citrus aurantium dulcis (orange) peel oil*, ricinus communis (castor) seed oil*, osmanthus fragrans flower extract, rosa damascena extract, ribes nigrum bud extract, cinnamomum camphora (camphor) leaf extract, benzaldehyde, hexenyl acetate, gamma-decalactone, ionone, ethyl acetate, alcohol, linalool, limonene, isopropyl isostearate, peg-100 stearate, citrus aurantium dulcis (orange) peel wax, prunus armeniaca (apricot) kernel oil, mangifera indica (mango) seed butter, sucrose**, hypnea musciformis (algae) extract, avena sativa (oat) kernel extract, triticum vulgare (wheat bran) extract, cladosiphon okamuranus extract, cetearyl alcohol, caffeine, oryza sativa (rice) extract, gelidiella acerosa extract, butylene glycol, aloe barbadensis leaf extract, pantethine, olea europaea (olive) fruit extract, cocos nucifera (coconut) oil, punica granatum (pomegranate) sterols, sorbitol, caprylyl glycol, tocopheryl acetate, oryzanol, trehalose, bisabolol, cetyl ethylhexanoate, sodium hyaluronate, carbomer, hexylene glycol, potassium hydroxide, dextrin, disodium edta, potassium sorbate, phenoxyethanol <ILN45386>

Texture and Fragrance

This Origins overnight face mask comes in a 75 ml/ 2.5oz tube and is a pale green color. The mask has a very strong fragrance and it has a consistency that is similar to a soft butter.

Once you have applied this mask to your skin, the smell does linger for a little while, but it does gradually fade away. I would apply this an hour before bedtime to assuage this issue.


  • This mask is designed for normal skin types.
  • This overnight mask is quite thick and creamy and it leaves your skin feeling very hydrated the next morning.
  • Once you have applied this mask you should notice an improvement in your skin within days.
  • It’s a good mask for anyone who has very dry or flaky skin or for anyone who uses a BHA exfoliant.
  • It can be used on flights to help keep your skin hydrated.
  • Since this mask is thicker than the Clinique Moisture Surge Mask, a little bit goes a long way. So you don't need to apply massive amounts onto your skin to get results.
  • This mask can be used during the week as an extra step in your weekly skincare routine.


  • If you don’t like strong fragrances, then this mask won’t suit you as the fragrances is quite strong upon application.
  • This mask has a similar consistency to a soft butter so if you don’t like thick creams or you break out when using these types of products, then this mask won’t suit you.
  • If you have very sensitive skin or you are allergic to any of the ingredients listed, then your skin might have a reaction and become red and inflamed.

Full Comparison


The price of both of these products varies because Clinique Moisture Surge Overnight Mask comes in a 100ml /3.4 fl oz. tube and Origins Drink Up Intense Hydrating Overnight Mask comes in a 75 ml / 2.5 fl oz. But you are getting more in the Clinique tube than you are in the Origins tube.


Both Clinique and Origins have a very long list of ingredients but Origins is probably the better of the two as it has more natural ingredients.

Value for Money

In this instance, Clinique is better value as the amount you get in their product is more compared to what you get in Origins. However, Origins and Clinique do offer this product in a trial size. The Clinique mask comes in a 15ml /0.5 fl oz tube while the Origins mask comes in a 30ml / 1 fl oz tube. Origins mask is the dearer of the two to purchase as it is a larger in size.


If you are not a fan of fragrances, then again Clinique is probably a better choice for you as Origins has a mild fragrance in their mask which is a lot stronger than what you get in the Clinique.


While both of these masks deliver on results, if you have issues with your skin or you are prone to issues with skincare that has fragrances, then you should pick the Clinique face mask.

The Origins face mask is great and it does work, but the texture and the fragrance might put many people off.

If you plan on trying either of these products, you should probably purchase the trial size ones first to make sure you don't have any issues.

View the original article to see embedded media.

Further Reading

Origins Drink Up™ Intensive Overnight Hydrating Mask with Avocado & Glacier Water | Origins, https://www.origins.com/product/15346/61505/skincare/treat/mask/drink-up-intensive/overnight-hydrating-mask-with-avocado-glacier-water#/sku/97725

Clinique Moisture Surge™ Overnight Mask, https://www.clinique.com/product/14706/24569/skin-care/masks/moisture-surge-overnight-mask?size=3.4_oz_%2F_100ml

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2020 Sp Greaney


Sp Greaney (author) from Ireland on July 22, 2020:

@Sarah Anderson, yes if you get a chance do give them try. They are both really good products.

Sarah Anderson on July 21, 2020:

I never try it before, something I should try, thanks for sharing :)

Sp Greaney (author) from Ireland on July 07, 2020:

@ Liza, yes Clinique have some products on the market that you never see advertised. Then you find them at beauty counters and there brilliant.

Here in winter with central heating in offices, it messes with your skin.

Liza from USA on July 06, 2020:

I have never used or tried Clinique products. Perhaps I should give it a try. Though I have moved to the US for the past five years, I am still adjusting to the weather. I used a few other products for a face mask but, it wasn't for overnight. Thanks for sharing!

Sp Greaney (author) from Ireland on July 05, 2020:

@Pamela Oglesby, thank you. They are never advertised. I purchased them after talking to the lady at the beauty counter.

Pamela Oglesby from Sunny Florida on July 05, 2020:

I have never tried either of these products. Thank you for this very thorough information about these products.

<![CDATA[How to Deal With Dry, Flaky Skin]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/How-to-deal-with-dry-skinfor-menhttps://bellatory.com/skin/How-to-deal-with-dry-skinfor-menSun, 28 Jun 2020 22:37:42 GMTLearn the 5 simple tricks I use to help deal with my dry, flaky skin—from a man's perspective.

Suffering from dry and itchy skin for years I've figured out what helps.

5 simple steps to better skin.

Photo by Vincent Burkhead, via Unsplash

How to Combat Dry Skin

I’ve had dry skin since I was a teenager. I’m mostly talking around my face and head. I don't have psoriasis or anything too serious. Just dry, flaky skin. Those that suffer from this know that it's not only annoying, it's uncomfortable. It can also become embarrassing. Most men just ignore it because they don't know how to tackle the issue. Some guys even feel the solutions in this article are things that men just don't do. Well, it's 2020 guys. I'm here to show that skincare routines are for everyone.

So with that in mind, I wanted to share with you the things I’ve found that help. Before you begin, you need to know that these things are going to have to become a routine—and by that, I mean daily. The good news is they’re quick, easy, and after a while even become a pleasure.

Use a good moisturiser.

Photo by Vincent Burkhead, via Unsplash

1. Moisturise

So I’m going to start with the obvious one here and say you should be using moisturiser. As a teen, I didn’t focus on skincare for three reasons.

  1. I thought it was a bit of a girly thing to do, and people might make fun of me. (How would they even know?)
  2. There weren't really any creams on the market designed for men’s skin.
  3. Most creams were heavily perfumed, which irritated my skin.

Luckily, the skincare market has come a long way since then. For a start, people don’t really care if a man uses moisturiser. Second, now we have a huge range of products specifically designed for men’s skin.

Find the Best Moisturiser for You

If you’ve used moisturiser before, and it didn’t work, don’t let that put you off. I tried five or six different moisturisers before I finally found one that worked for me. My advice is to look for ones made specifically for men and made for your skin type. In this case, it would be dry, tight skin. You may also have combination skin—oily in some areas and dry and flaky in others. In this case, you want to look for a moisturiser that is for dry, combination skin. You should also make sure it is fragrance-free and contains no alcohol. Both of these things can make your condition worse.

How to Begin Your Skincare Regimen

Once you found the one you want to try, you’ll have to use it daily for at least two or three weeks. Shower daily, and use an exfoliating sponge to gently clean your face. Then apply a liberal amount of cream all over your face focusing on where your skin is driest (for me, it's my cheeks and in between my eyebrows).

For the first few days, this might make your skin red or flushed. It might even tingle a bit. This is usually because your skin isn’t used to moisturisers. It should settle. The important thing is you do it daily. If, after a few weeks, your skin is still red, flushed, or irritated, then you might have to move onto another product. Don’t forget; I went through five or six creams over the course of a few years before I found one that worked for me.

You can try a cream like E45, which is mostly for medical conditions like eczema and dermatitis. Personally, I found it made my skin go bright red, but admittedly, I haven’t tried the full range. The one product I have found that works best for me is Bulldog Original Moisturiser for men. It's one of the few male products that doesn’t make my face either flush, tight, or sore. If you are struggling with a place to start, then I suggest starting here.

Conditioner will fix dry hair.

Photo by Vincent Burkhead, via Unsplash

2. Take Care of Your Hair

Believe it or not, your hair plays a big part in your skin. Your hair is thirsty and draws moisture away from your skin. I try to keep my hair short, which means a trip to the barbers every three weeks. Less hair means less moisture needed to feed it.

You need to use a hair conditioner. Once you've used it, you'll wonder why you haven't used it all your life. Most men's products come in a combined 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner, but you'll genuinely be better off with two separate products (buy the better brands—trust me, it's worth it). As with the moisturiser, you really need to make a routine of it. Use conditioner either daily or every other day.

If that isn't enough, then you can use a “hair food” cream that you rub into your hair before you comb it. I actually use macadamia nut oil. You can usually find it in the hair care aisle in most supermarkets. It doesn't make your hair greasy; it should just feed your hair and make it less thirsty. So, couple all these things together, and you'll feel like David Ginola (a reference for the over 30s).

Finally, in the hair section, I need to mention facial hair as well. Yes, your beard is also thirsty. Either shave it off or if you insist on having one, use a beard moisturiser daily.

A silk pillowcase not only feels luxurious, but it can also help with acne.

Photo by Vincent Burkhead, via Unsplash

3. Use a Silk Pillowcase

Again, women have known this for years. This isn’t about luxury, although it is nice, it's about the fact that cotton pillowcases can dry your skin out. It’s as simple as that. You’ll have to splash some cash on this one, but it’ll be worth it. Don’t underestimate this one. It made the biggest impact for me in improving my skin. You’ll notice the difference after just two nights.

There are plenty of lesser-quality pillowcases around that you want to avoid. Look for 100% mulberry silk and take notice of the silk weight. Maybe something around 19 to 22. It's also worth noting that silk pillows are also good for acne.

A humidifier not only helps your skin, but it has many other benefits.

Photo by Vincent Burkhead, via Unsplash

4. Use a Humidifier

No, not a de-humidifier, a humidifier. Many people may not have heard of this before. Humidifiers are small devices that you can place on your bedside table, fill with water, and leave on overnight. It sprays a gentle cool mist of water into the air and helps keep your hair and skin hydrated. Humidifiers are also beneficial for people who have dry, cracked lips, dry eyes, allergies, and sinus headaches. There’s even some evidence that they can help reduce the risk of catching the flu.

I find these especially good in the winter. The cold is bad enough on your skin, but having the heating on can dry your skin out even more. There are different types of humidifiers, but for the sake of this article, I’ll recommend a steam vaporizer. As long as you can live with the slight humming noise, you’ll really feel the benefit.

There are some things you need to look out for when using a humidifier though. Making sure you use clean water and using hard water. Make sure you do some research and find the right kind for you.

Don't just hydrate on the outside, you have to hydrate on the inside, too!

Photo by Vincent Burkhead, via Unsplash

5. Stay Hydrated

I'll finish with an obvious one. Drinking plenty of water will keep your skin hydrated. Now the actual science on this isn't clear. But most skincare professionals will advise plenty of water throughout the day. This also goes for the opposite—avoid alcohol! I can already hear people clicking the "close window" button after that, but just listen. It's something to think about. Whilst the science also isn't clear about the effects of alcohol on dry skin; there's plenty of anecdotal evidence that suggests it plays a part in the health of your skin. I know people who quit drinking because beer made their psoriasis significantly worse. So I'm not saying you should quit drinking. It's just something you should keep in mind.

Skincare Is Enjoyable

One thing I need to add here is that you really should open up and enjoy the things you usually wouldn't guys. One thing I've enjoyed for the past few years is face masks, face peels, and even facials. It's something you can enjoy with your girlfriend or wife. She'll definitely appreciate it, after all, soft healthy skin isn't just for women. You'll find it relaxing and you'll have nicer skin as a result. So the next time you're in the supermarket take a walk down the health and beauty aisle and pick out a face mask.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2020 Andy Thomson

<![CDATA[Frugal Beauty Tips That Will Save You Money]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Frugal-Beauty-Tips-That-Will-Save-You-Moneyhttps://bellatory.com/skin/Frugal-Beauty-Tips-That-Will-Save-You-MoneyTue, 21 Apr 2020 14:57:02 GMTLearn about some simple yet effective money saving tips!

Often we tend to spend a lot of money on skincare products just because products are branded and your favourite celebrity or social media influencer is endorsing that particular product which did wonders for them. But do you feel that the branded products make your pockets smaller? We all have been through this. I feel your pain too.

In this article, I will be discussing some tips that can help you save money in your beauty regime.


Use Natural Ingredients

First and foremost, beauty does not have to be expensive. There are a lot of ways in which you can create your own routine using natural ingredients. Here are some of them that I tried out for myself, and have been really great for my skin.


Try using coconut oil for your skin. It acts as a natural moisturizer. At first it might feel sticky on your skin. But as time passes, it absorbs quickly.

Make sure to try it on a small patch of your skin first before applying it to a larger surface.

Not only that, you use coconut oil as a makeup remover too.

Face Mist/Face Toner

Rose water can act as a natural toner. The benefits of rose water are as follows:

  • Rose water acts as a natural astringent
  • It also helps in balancing the skin’s pH level
  • It tightens pores and reduces skin irritation
  • It smells really good and hydrates your skin

You can DIY your own rose water using just water and some rose petals and purified water. It is so simple and super cost effective.

Steps for Making Rose Water At Home

  1. Take around 5-6 roses and take out their petals. Wash the petals thoroughly to remove any residue from them.
  2. Dry the petals. In a large pan, take a small heavy container which has a circumference less than that of the larger pan and place it upside down.
  3. Around the smaller heavy container, place your rose petals around them uniformly and add water till it reaches the top of the upside down container.
  4. Next, take another small container, and place it the right way on top of the upside down container. This will be used to collect the rose water.
  5. Next, start the gas stove, to start boiling the water. Cover the lid with a flat surface and add a few ice cubes on top of it. This will ensure that the condensation of the rose water happens quickly.
  6. Stop after you see that the rose water has collected in the smaller container that was used to collect water.
  7. Store this rose water preferably in a glass container. This can be used for 3-4 months.

Google for more recipes. They are easily available and you can make your own in no time.

Body Scrub

The internet is home to tons of recipes for body scrubs. Here are a few recipes that are my personal favorites.

Coffee Scrub Recipe

  1. Take a bowl and add one spoon granulated coffee, one spoon granulated sugar and one spoon aloe vera gel.
  2. Mix the ingredients well and apply on the skin.
  3. Rub the scrub on your body to exfoliate and remove the dead skin cells
  4. Feel your soft and smooth skin in no time.

Sugar Scrub Recipe

  1. Take a bowl and add one spoon granulated sugar (white or brown) and one spoon coconut oil.
  2. Mix the ingredients well and apply on the skin.
  3. Rub the scrub on your body to exfoliate.

Honey-Sugar Scrub Recipe

  1. Take a bowl and add one spoon granulated sugar (white or brown), one spoon honey and one spoon coconut oil.
  2. Mix the ingredients well and apply on the skin.
  3. Rub the scrub on your body to exfoliate.

Use these scrubs at least 2-3 times a week, to have beautiful and soft skin.


Try using a mixture of 1 part of baking soda and 3 parts of water as shampoo. Use the paste on damp hair. Leave it on the hair for 5 mins, before washing it with water.


Ran out of shaving cream? Try using a conditioner instead of a shaving cream for your arms and legs. It gives the smoothest shave, and due to its moisturizing properties, it keeps your arms and legs smooth.

Simplify Your Beauty Routine

A complicated beauty regime is never a good idea. So to save on money, it is better to go for easy and a simplified beauty regime. Instead of using 10 different products, reduce the number of products in the routine. See which skin products make the most difference, are the products doing any good for your skin or not. Keeping a track of this for 3-4 months, can help you develop a simplified routine in the long run.

Eat Healthier

Switching to healthier eating habits, and including lots of vegetables and fruits in your diet along with whole foods give you essential vitamins and minerals. These days you can easily Google the recipes using whole foods to make delicious recipes from them. Who said only pizza tastes good?

Drinking plenty of water keeps your skin hydrated from within. It is very economical, and making a habit of it will take you along a long way.

Try Samples or Travel Sizes for New Products

If you are willing to try new beauty or skincare products, make sure you first try using samples (often in luxury brands, they give away samples for their products) or purchase the travel size products to make sure that it suits your skin, rather than purchasing the full size, and letting it go to waste later.

Switch to Reusable

Everyday we use multiple makeup wipes and cotton pads to remove our makeup or to apply toners. This is not only wasteful for the environment but the costs can also add up in the future.

Many brands have come up with amazing alternatives that are reusable and give the same results, if not better. Initially, it can seem like an investment, but if you can reuse it over and over again, it will give you a better deal for sure.

Reusable Makeup Remover Pads

An easy alternative to cotton pads. After you’re done using the pack, just pop them into the washing machine with the laundry mesh bag (that comes with the pads) and Voila- you are good to go!

Microfiber Wash-Cloths

An easy switch for makeup wipes, this is not your standard washcloth that ruins your whites when thrown into the laundry. Microfibers are able to attach themselves to even the smallest, most microscopic dirt particles- and hence successfully take off the makeup. They are quite travel friendly too.

Incorporate Multi-Purpose Beauty Items

One of the best ways to get your money’s worth is to invest in multi-purpose items. You can get really creative with the items that you own, you just need to look around!

For instance, you can get Lip and Cheek Tint which would act as both a lipstick and blush. You can take it one step further and use it as an eyeshadow too!

A neutral eyeshadow Palette could give you all: You can use the black/brown eyeshadow as an eyeliner or eyebrow filler, the champagne/silver shade for highlighting.

Vaseline is another home favorite that we all have lying around! You can, of course, use it as a lip balm, on your hands and feet, but an unknown hack is that you can use it on your lash line to remove your fake eyelashes with ease.


As I mentioned before, skin care does not have to be expensive. Hope you liked these simple tips that are definite money saving hacks.

© 2020 PGupta0919

<![CDATA[Product Review: Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Body Lotion]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Product-Review-Aveeno-Daily-Moisturizing-Body-Lotionhttps://bellatory.com/skin/Product-Review-Aveeno-Daily-Moisturizing-Body-LotionWed, 25 Mar 2020 04:30:47 GMTAveeno Daily Moisturizing Body Lotion is a quality lotion that can be used all over your body to heal dry and cracked skin and to prevent future skin damage.

Cassidy has struggled with dry, itchy skin for most of his life and reviews products that have helped him.

Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Body Lotion with Soothing Oat and Rich Emollients

Product Details

Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Body Lotion with Soothing Oat and Rich Emollients is a popular body lotion by Aveeno that contains an oatmeal formula meant to help protect and heal dry skin. It has been clinically tested and was found to be effective.


The lotion advertising makes the following claims:

  1. Moisturizes dry skin for a full 24 hours
  2. Absorbs quickly
  3. Improves skin's health in just one day
  4. Helps prevent, protect, and nourish dry skin
  5. Fragrance-free
  6. Non-greasy
  7. Non-comedogenic (doesn't cause blackheads)
  8. Gentle enough for daily use

Does Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion Work?

I have been struggling with dry skin for most of my life, and Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Body Lotion has been a tremendous help to me for years. Originally I used it to heal cracked and bleeding skin on my knuckles from washing my hands too much during the winter. After the area healed, I continued using it as a preventative measure after each hand wash, and I have not had any occurrences of cracked skin on my hands since.

Later, I developed cracked heels from wearing rain-soaked socks, and I tried using the lotion on that as well. Though it took much longer to heal because my feet tend to sweat, I did have success with using the lotion twice a day every day. More recently, I have used the lotion for dry skin on my face and back. It works great for my face and only requires one application per day. It works okay on my back, helping to ease the prickly itchiness of the dry skin, although it does leave the area a bit sticky.

Evaluating The Claims

This is my experience with regard to the above claims:

  1. While it can provide long-lasting moisturization on certain parts of the body, such as the face, areas that experience frequent washings or sweating such as hands and feet will require reapplication of the moisturizer.
  2. The lotion does absorb quickly.
  3. I have not experienced improved skin health within one day, but daily use does help to heal dry or cracked skin.
  4. Consistent use of the lotion can prevent dry and cracked skin. However, you will need to use it multiple times a day for areas that frequently dry out.
  5. There is a slight earthy fragrance when the lotion is first applied, but it quickly dissipates as the lotion is absorbed.
  6. The lotion is not greasy once it has been absorbed by the skin. However, it is greasy if you expose the area to water before it has been absorbed. It can also be a little sticky when in contact with sweat.
  7. I haven't noticed any increase in acne after use.
  8. I have had no problems using it many times a day.

Overall, my experiences with the lotion back up the claims with a few caveats.


  1. The lotion is a great preventative measure against dry and cracked skin with consistent usage.
  2. It can heal damaged and dry skin over time.
  3. It does not have a strong fragrance.
  4. It is not overly greasy.


  1. It does take quite a while to heal cracked skin, especially if the area is frequently in contact with water or sweat.
  2. The lotion does not moisturize for 24 hours in most cases. It will require regular reapplication.
  3. The lotion pump dispenser leaves quite a bit in the bottom of the container (about an inch of lotion).

My Recommendation

I would definitely recommend Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Body Lotion. It has worked wonders for me over the years to heal and prevent dry skin on many parts of my body. The only downsides of this lotion are that it does not actually moisturize for 24 hours most of the time and can take quite a while to heal cracked skin. I also wish the pump dispenser bottles had a better design for getting all the lotion in the bottom, but you can always unscrew the top and scoop out the leftovers. Alternatively, you can get it in a tube, but I find the pump dispenser to be more convenient. Overall, it's a quality lotion, definitely worth a try. As you can see from the picture, I use it all the time.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

<![CDATA[4 Easy Skincare Hacks for Getting Rid of Blackheads]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Skincare-Hacks-For-Blackheadshttps://bellatory.com/skin/Skincare-Hacks-For-BlackheadsWed, 29 Jan 2020 17:23:04 GMTThis article will share my favorite tips and tricks for removing blackheads and minimizing pores to leave your face looking flawless—even without makeup!

I began seeing blackheads on my skin after giving birth to my daughter. But now I know a few tricks for how to clear them out.

This article will break down some tips and tricks I've learned over the years to minimize your pores and get rid of blackheads.

Laia Núñez, CC0, via Unsplash

What Are Blackheads?

Blackheads are essentially impacted pores. Excess sebum, build-up of dead skin cells, and bacteria reacting with oxygen all contribute to giving them their signature black color.

Many people suffer from them, and squeezing them out is not only painful but also damaging to your skin. Although it might be rather satisfying, I highly suggest you avoid that method at all costs (even though sometimes we just can't help ourselves . . . myself included).

I've been pretty blessed my whole life in that I really didn't need to wash my face excessively and never really had bad acne. After giving birth to my daughter, however, I noticed that I had a load of large blackheads covering my nose and was having breakouts pretty regularly, possibly due to hormones. So on my adventure to rid myself of this problem, I picked up quite a few tricks to clear out blackheads and minimize my pores.

In this article, I'll share those tips and tricks to help you get a handle on those pesky blackheads.

In order to properly treat your blackheads, you need to determine what kind of issues your skin is actually having—for instance, are you getting this build-up of acne from dry skin or oily skin?

Hack #1: Exfoliating Face Wash

My biggest issue that I realized I have is dead skin build-up. People will put labels on skin types as dry, oily, etc. But my face tends to be dry and oily at the same time, and the result is a lot of build-up on the skin after just a day or so.

The first and most important step of getting rid of acne and blackheads is just a good face washing routine. So you need to determine: what kind of issues is your skin actually having? Are you getting this build-up from dry skin, like myself, or oily skin?

My issues are mostly in my T-zone (nose, forehead, and the skin next to nose), and this is true for a lot of people. If your skin is just oily and not very dry—and you're not noticing a build-up or anything when you wash—you may not need to exfoliate as often as others. I do so every other day and also follow up with another pore clearing and brightening face wash afterwards.

My Favorite Exfoliator and Face Wash

Personally, I use Posh BFF (Best Face Forever) Exfoliating Face Wash, along with Innisfree Brightening and Pore-caring Facial Cleanser. I have very sensitive skin, and for years I just thought it was normal to have burning red face after washing. But that's absolutely not healthy!

If you can find something cheaper that works for you, however, go for it! As long as you're seeing results, the price tag doesn't matter. For me, even Oil of Olay sensitive formulas caused me issues. So while I am spending quite a bit on my regular routine, it's worth it for me. The amount of product you get in each one makes it worth it as well, because it does last a long time, and you really don't need to use more than a pea-size amount of each.

I was using just the Innisfree for a little while, but I realized that my face really needed the exfoliating—and it was leaving me very, very dry. What introduced me to that brand in the first place, however, was that I was in desperate need of a moisturizer and was unwilling to spend the money on shipping for Posh to get their Moisturize 911.

My Favorite Moisturizer

So I picked up the Innisfree Intensive Hydrating Cream with Green Tea Seed. This is absolutely the best moisturizer I've ever used hands down. It smells amazing, and it does such an amazing job and goes so far. I've had it for at least three to four months now, and I'm not even halfway through it.

If you get a lot of build-up, then combining hydrating masks with exfoliating ones can be a lot of help in the long run by reducing how much you're actually shedding.

Isabell Winter, CC0, via Unsplash

Hack #2: Face Masks

There are a lot of face masks out there, and I personally love them. As someone with lots of build-up, I really like exfoliating types of masks to help on a more long-term level.

If you're someone with extremely oily skin, however, you may benefit a lot more from a clay-type mask. Hydrating masks are also extremely beneficial for dry skin types. If you get a lot of build-up, then combining these with exfoliating masks can be a lot of help in the long run by reducing how much you're actually shedding.

Most of the face masks that I've used have been from Posh. And while I do really love most of their products, they are very pricey. I have experimented a lot with different sheet-type masks, and these are definitely great alternatives. This is especially true if you're not looking to spend $20 and just want to give it a go and see what the results are.

I highly suggest trying cheap, quick pick-up masks for experimenting to see what benefits your skin the most.

Hack #3: Peel Masks and Nose Strips

There is a lot of controversy on whether or not these are good for your skin. But the bottom line for me is that the Bioré Nose Strips do an amazing job of clearing out your pores. If you haven't had much success with using them, I have some tricks that will help you.

If you've read the instructions, you already know you need to have dampened skin for the nose strips to stick on properly. You don't want it to be too wet. But if you don't have enough moisture, then they will definitely not be lifting up much.

Opening Up Your Pores With Heat

With that in mind, you may or may not know that heat will open your pores. My suggestion is to use a very, very warm (not burning) wash cloth and just leave it on your face for a few minutes before using the nose strips. This will help open your pores up and give that strip a better opportunity to help grab at it.

Making a Baking Soda Paste

Another trick that I have seen work but have not personally used myself is to use a little baking soda and turn it into a paste. After heating up your face and opening your pores, as suggested above, massage the paste into your nose and those side cheek areas next to it. This should help bring those blackheads even closer to the surface, giving the nose strips a much better chance at grabbing them and pulling them out. Make sure to wash it off before applying the strip.

Are Nose Strips Actually Bad for You?

Now, some people will say that you're not supposed to be using these nose strips. They say the strips will only enlarge your pores, and you're pulling out something that is supposed to be there and will always, always grow back. This is true and not true. Of course, they will grow back if you leave your pores open and do nothing to reduce them. Yes, even if you do reduce them, they will still grow back anyways. It's just the natural order of things. With my next hack, however, you will be able to reduce that effect drastically. So in the long term, you will have less noticeable build-up—without the gaping pores.

Are Peel-Off Black Masks Effective?

As far as those peel-off black masks go, I do use them myself. I do not apply them fully to my face unless I'm really needing to pick up dead skin, however, because honestly they don't really do a great job of picking up the blackheads. The one I use contains charcoal, so it still does something as far as clarifying the pores. Normally, I will only apply that to my T-zone.

Since heat opens up pores, try using a very, very warm (not burning) wash cloth and just leave it on your face for a few minutes before using nose strips.

Hack #4: Close and Shrink Your Pores

There is a method to follow as far as skincare routines, and I would consider this last hack to be the most important one.

On a typical day, you would cleanse and moisturize and call it a day, right? Say you wanted to do a face mask though. Instead of moisturizing directly after cleansing, you would moisturize after the face mask. It's the same with nose strips: after cleansing, before moisturizing.

What I do is add in an extra step that comes before moisturizing. If you haven't been using facial toners before, you will be so amazed by what an impact this has on your overall skin health.

The Facial Toner That Dramatically Changed My Skin

I use a facial toner from Bioré with witch hazel, and it's absolutely changed my skin's appearance dramatically. I was struggling really badly with large pores and blackheads, and this completely eliminated my problem more so than anything else. I hardly use the nose strips anymore, just because I don't really need to now that I've added this into my routine. If you're at the point where you need an immediate fix for blackheads, definitely use the nose strips beforehand.

So my daily routine, without anything fancy now, is to cleanse, tone, and then moisturize. Have you ever seen those videos where they were dunking their faces in cold water after cleansing? Toning is kind of the same idea as that. Warm/hot water will open your pores and cold will close. Toning leaves a cooling feeling on your skin, while also cleansing, and it does an amazing job of shrinking your pores.

So, remember those complaints about nose strips enlarging your pores in the long run? This is the solution! I only wish at this point—now that I'm sharing it with the world—that I had a before picture of how bad my blackheads were and how large the pores on my nose were before I started this routine.

If you plan on using a face mask after cleansing, follow up with toner and then moisturizer. I started noticing results in a week and, like I mentioned before, I don't even really use nose strips anymore, because I just don't need them. I'm not saying I don't use them at all. But now instead of using them once a week, it's maybe once a month or once every two months.

If you're sweating a lot, doing a lot of heavy activities, or cooking in places where there's a lot of grease in the air, you may have a different experience than myself. But that also means you should be cleansing and doing a full skincare routine (cleanse, tone, moisturize) more often, especially after the above mentioned circumstances.

Innisfree is a South Korean cosmetics brand that I quite like, especially their green tea moisturizer.


Recommended Products and Where to Find Them

I mentioned before that I really like Posh. It is really expensive, however. And while you can go online and order it, unless you're ordering multiple items, it can be pretty expensive to ship. Their products are really great and, to my knowledge, all naturally derived. If you can find a consultant near you who has things on hand, I would highly suggest reaching out to them if you like brands that are focused on naturally derived ingredients.

Innisfree is also quite pricey. I personally got mine from Sephora, but I've noticed that it's also available on Amazon. So that's extremely convenient and honestly a great brand that I really fell in love with. It is a South Korean cosmetics brand, and I again highly suggest their green tea moisturizer. I will likely pick up their exfoliating cleanser when I run out of my Posh BFF to try it out. I'll probably update this once I do to let you know how I liked it and how my extremely sensitive skin handled it.

You can find Bioré products all over, from pharmacies to grocery stores and, of course, Amazon. I have personally never tried any other toners, because this one has just worked for me and the price is great. You get a pretty large bottle for between $5–$10, and it does the job. If you take nothing else from this article, take away that toner is your solution to large pores.

If you have any suggestions on different products or methods that I haven't mentioned, please feel free to leave it in the comments! I love trying new things, and it's always great to hear what worked for others and get some ideas on new things to try out. Thanks for reading, and I hope this article has helped you in some way!

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

<![CDATA[The Best Skin Care for Older Men]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Best-Skin-Care-for-Older-Menhttps://bellatory.com/skin/Best-Skin-Care-for-Older-MenTue, 03 Sep 2019 21:13:38 GMTThe best skin care options for older men.

GreenMind publishes authoritative and detailed guides to the things you're curious about.

The Best Skin Care Products for Older Men

As a man who will not see 50 again (except in the rear-view), I know very well how much work and attention it takes to keep up appearances. I don't have the hair I once had, and I certainly don't have the knees, but there are some things I can do to make sure I look and feel as good as possible. One of these things is to take care of my skin.

It seems that too many of us just let it all go after a certain age, which I think is a real shame. I think that men actually tend to look better as they age—but only if they show that they actually care about their health and their looks. We can look lean, mean, and powerful if we try. There's no substitute for experience, so I think we should let it show in the best possible way.

Brad Pitt, aging brilliantly

Aging Skin: What We Can Change and What We Can't

I try to keep balanced and healthy by thinking of aging as a two-part process: one part is required, and one part is optional. The required elements are those things that Father Time has deemed non-negotiable—skin that's no longer full and rosy, bones and joints that creak and sometimes ache a bit, and hair going gray or just plain going. I'm totally fine with all of that, just as I think most older men have come to terms with the natural aging process as well (although there are always a few souls who try to fool the world by going out in 30-something drag. I have always felt that the only ones they're fooling is themselves).

The real challenge in aging, I would argue, is accepting the process without surrendering to it. We can identify the optional parts and take steps. Aging pushes us and challenges us; we can fight back by eating thoughtfully, lifting heavy weights, and dressing sharp. And, as this article argues, by making sure that our skin, the number-one target of old age's attack, is thoroughly cared for.

I have always recommended Jack Black skin care for older men like me.

Why I Prefer Jack Black Skin Care

There are so many skincare products out there it is literally overwhelming—but relatively few are designed especially for men. Even fewer seem to understand what older men's skin needs. I like Jack Black products because they "get me," from the scent to the consistency to the results. My go-to is Jack Black Double-Duty Face Moisturizer, which I do believe has kept years off my face and made the lines I do have look good. I have come around to being, as men like me don't usually say, totally geeked about the stuff.

A young man is a theory, an old man is a fact.

— E. W. Howe

What Happens to Men's Skin as We Age?

The aging process for men's skin is both relentless and inevitable. The human body is a marvelous machine, but no machine runs forever, and nowhere is this more obvious to the eye than our skin. Older men like me can take extra-good care of it, but there are some things about aging that simply cannot be changed. As men age, our skin:

  • tends to develop lesions and benign tumors,
  • becomes rougher and drier,
  • loses elastin and collagen; the result is wrinkles and "slack" skin,
  • becomes more translucent due to thinning of the epidermis,
  • becomes more fragile, due to a flattening of the area where the epidermis and dermis come together,
  • bruises more easily,
  • and becomes damaged due to sun exposure.

In addition to this list of horrors, our skin also loses the layer of fat that made us appear cherubic when we were young. While this process is perhaps the number-one issue for women as they age, for men it can be a plus. Aging can give us a wise, tough, "weathered" look that I think is appealing. It's at least something we can work with!

For men, looking good has little to with age.


Ingredients and Products That Can Help Older Men's Skin

My skin, like all older men's skin, has taken a beating over the years. It has been sun-burnt, wind-whipped, and razor-scraped for half a century, and there's no hiding that. So instead of hiding my skin's weathered presence, I try to highlight it. For this, there are several great skin products that give older skin a look that looks, if not young, then just plain good.

According to the Mayo Clinic -- I would never trust the word of a company trying to sell me something -- here are the best ingredients to look for in skin care for older men:

  • Retinoids: These are vitamin A compounds, such as retinol and retinoic acid.
  • Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid): Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant. In this capacity, it can protect the skin from free radicals—unstable oxygen molecules that break down skin cells and cause wrinkles.
  • Hydroxy Acids: Alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) include glycolic, citric and lactic acid. Look for products that contain these ingredients—they have some of the most robust research supporting their effectiveness.
  • Coenzyme Q10: This ingredient may help reduce fine wrinkles around the eyes and protect the skin from sun damage.
  • Peptides: Peptides are naturally occurring molecules that stimulate collagen production, and may improve skin texture and wrinkling.
  • Tea Extracts: Green, black and oolong tea contain compounds with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. This may help skin stay elastic and resilient.
  • Niacinamide: This is a potent antioxidant related to vitamin B-3 (niacin). It helps reduce water loss in the skin and may improve skin elasticity.

When you choose a skin care product, I try to find ones that have at least some of these ingredients.

Sean Connery, aging magnificently


Let's Go, Men!

It takes some work and attention, but older men like us can look good if we try. It all begins with skin that looks good without looking like new.

Looking for some great gift ideas for the older men in your life? Here's a great place to start.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.


Edward valeau on November 21, 2019:

All these comments seem to apply to aging white men, What about men of color. IS THERE A BIAS HERE

<![CDATA[DIY Peel-Off Face Masks for Acne and Dull Skin]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/DIY-Peel-Off-Face-Mask-For-Acne-and-Dull-Skinhttps://bellatory.com/skin/DIY-Peel-Off-Face-Mask-For-Acne-and-Dull-SkinThu, 15 Aug 2019 20:10:12 GMTMake your own peel-off face masks with these simple recipes. You can make these masks at home with only a few ingredients to tackle acne or clear up dull skin. Most can be made with common ingredients like honey, tea tree oil, and gelatin.

Katy has been making beauty products at home for years and strongly believes you can get professional results at home with enough research!

How to Make Peel-Off Masks at Home

Peel-off face masks feel so luxurious, but they're so pricey at spas and salons. You can actually get the same effect at home and really pamper your skin.

The key is to find ingredients your skin needs. Mix them with a substance like gelatin or honey that will form a mask you can peel off.

Learn how to make your own peel-off mask and what ingredients to add.

Mask Benefits

You should try a peel-off mask, even if you've tried other skincare products without results. Here's why: peel-off masks let the moisture and astringent ingredients sit directly on your skin. The removal process can pull out toxins and dirt and leave your pores super healthy.

Masks are a way to deliver a concentrated dose of a skincare product. I use them to clear up acne after a particularly bad break out or get my skin out of a dull rut. It helps to jump-start any skin makeover.

As with any new beauty routine, it’s important to take it slow to give your skin time to adjust. Only do one per week and don't add any new products. If you’re new to any of the ingredients, try the mixture on the back of your hand first. Give it 24 hours to react before committing to your face.

Adding honey is an easy way to make a DIY peel off mask without gelatin.


How to Make a Mask

All masks need some substance to act as the "glue." This keeps the mask together after its dried so you can peel it off and get the gunk out of your pores.

Gelatin is a good way to form a mask. You can usually find gelatin in powdered form, which is the easiest to use for an at-home mask.

I've seen some people try to do masks with just honey and leave out the gelatin. Usually the mask doesn't stay together well enough to peel off. That can be okay if you're willing to do just a normal wash off mask. But if you want the cleansing effect of a peel-off mask, gelatin works great.

The other option is sheets. To use a sheet you can either buy them or use tissue. You put the mask puree directly on your skin and then pat the sheet on top. Once everything is dry you can peel everything off by peeling off the sheet. These do work pretty well but it can take some practice.

Peel-Off Mask for Acne


  • 1 tbsp Gelatin
  • 1 tbsp Honey
  • 2 drops Tea Tree Oil


  1. Start with a clean face and remove all makeup.
  2. Add gelatin to a small microwave-safe bowl and microwave for 10 seconds.
  3. Stir gelatin and let cool until it starts to thicken (a few minutes).
  4. Add honey and tea tree oil drops. Stir.
  5. Apply to face.

Why These Ingredients?

Honey is a natural anti-microbial and holds the mask together. Tea tree oil will penetrate your pores and dry up acne. Be careful to not use too much or it will dry out your skin.


Want even more pore-clearing power? Give the mask a boost by adding a 2% salicylic acid solution. You can get these solutions from most beauty stores or by ordering online. They're all the same products so don't shell out extra cash for the fancy brand.

To make this mask extra effective I give my face a gentle steam before applying. Use the few minutes you're waiting for the gelatin to cool to do a quick steam. I just use a pot of boiling water on the stove. This opens up your pores so the mask can do its work.

Tea tree oil helps dry up pimples when used in peel off masks.

Peel-Off Mask for Dull or Dry Skin


  • 1 tbsp Gelatin or Honey
  • 1/4 Avocado
  • 2 drops Lemon Essential Oil


  1. Start with a dry, clean face.
  2. Add gelatin or honey to a small microwave-safe bowl and microwave for 10 seconds.
  3. Stir and let cool until it starts to thicken (a few minutes).
  4. Add mashed avocado and lemon oil drops. Stir.
  5. Apply evenly to face.
  6. Wait 10–15 and then peel off.
  7. Gently cleanse skin with water.


You can tweak this mask to fit your skin type by using different ingredients. I'm pretty prone to breakouts, so I will add salicylic acid to any moisture mask.

If you want to venture into the realm of chemical peels then adding lactic acid to this one could be a good place to start. Lactic acid is pretty gentle as far as chemicals go, and it can make a big difference to your skin. It exfoliates and moisturizes at the same time. So you'll find it will clear out stubborn dull patches and skin issues.

Check out the Ingredients explanation below to find out which ones to add for dry skin and which ones to add for more oily or breakout-prone skin.


The two mask "recipes" above are a great starting point. When you're ready to customize them to fit your skin you'll need the information below.

Start with what skincare problem you're trying to address. Do you have dry skin, redness or stubborn acne? All of the above? try out some of the recommended ingredients in a face mask or in any at-home skincare product.

You'll recognize some ingredients that I use in my masks above.


The right ingredients in a mask can clear out pimples and prevent new ones from forming.

  • Charcoal: Activated charcoal is used to pull out toxins and soak up oil. You can find it in most health stores. Add a scoop to any DIY skincare product to see its effects.
  • Lemon: I use the juice from half a lemon to add a little natural cleaning power to whatever face product I'm using. You can also use lemon essential oil but don't use worry than 1 or 2 drops. It helps to clear out your pores.
  • Honey: We've already talked about honey in the mask for acne since it acts as a glue. It's super easy to add and is antimicrobial so will fight breakouts.


  • Milk or Yogurt: Both milk and yogurt are rich in proteins that give the skin a moisture boost. Add to a mask by warming the milk or yogurt and mixing in before you apply.
  • Coconut Oil: Coconut oil hydrates your skin without clogging up your pores. It helps that it's antimicrobial so breakouts are less likely.

Soothing, Redness Reducing

These ingredients help reduce redness and inflammation. Add them to a face mask to soothe your skin.

  • Green Tea: You'll find green tea as an ingredient in many over the counter beauty products. This is because it can reduce inflammation. It also has anti-microbial properties, which makes it great for fighting acne.
  • Aloe Vera: Use aloe vera for soothing sunburns and for healing damaged skin. Aloe is very easy to use because it's usually added to glycerin in store-bought products so you can use it to thicken up face masks you make at home.
  • Rosewater: Rosewater is known to reduce redness and soothe the skin. I find it difficult to add to masks and instead use a face spray. Learn more effective ways to use rosewater for at-home skincare.
  • Lavender: Get a small bottle of lavender essential oil to add to your masks. It smells great and will reduce redness.

Easiest DIY Mask

What's the easiest way to make a custom peel of mask? Add your own ingredients to a store-bought mask.

I do this all the time. I can add what I want based on what my skin needs right then and add it to a clay or charcoal mask from the store. That way, I get a mask customized for my skin without having to build it from scratch.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2019 Katy Medium


Katy Medium (author) from Denver, CO on April 06, 2020:

Hi Kele, mix the powder with the directed (from the bottle instructions) amount of water before putting in the microwave.

Kele Dobson on April 04, 2020:

When you say to microwave the gelatin, what are we supposed to mix the powdered gelatin with to microwave it or does the powder melt in heat without the addition of liquid?

<![CDATA[My Review of Beauty Formulas Purifying Charcoal Cleansing Nose Pore Strips]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/My-Review-of-Beauty-Formulas-Purifying-Charcoal-Cleansing-Nose-Pore-Stripshttps://bellatory.com/skin/My-Review-of-Beauty-Formulas-Purifying-Charcoal-Cleansing-Nose-Pore-StripsThu, 18 Jul 2019 13:26:11 GMTThis is my honest and un-sponsored review of Beauty Formulas Purifying Charcoal Cleansing Nose Pore Strips (with peppermint oil).

Verity likes to try out affordable beauty products and share her findings with others.

My review of Beauty Formulas Purifying Charcoal Cleansing Nose Pore Strips (with peppermint oil)

Background and Information

I picked up this product for £1.19 at Bodycare. I was not sent this sample in return for a review, nor am I being paid or sponsored for this review. This review is my honest opinion. I picked up this pack of six nose pore strips as I have had previous positive experiences with this brand and their activated charcoal clay mask, which I have also reviewed.

Since high school, I've never had to deal with problem skin. I only tend to get the odd monthly break out (due to hormones), and even then, they tend to appear around the hairline and forehead, which means I can cover them with my fringe if I have to.

I do, however, suffer from oily skin (especially around my forehead), and I have always been a little bit self-conscious about the blackheads that I get in the creases around my nose and my chin. This problem has gotten worse as summer has started, the outside temperatures have soared, and I have been spending hours per day out in the sun. I bought this product with the primary intention of reducing the appearance of blackheads on my nose and achieving a more even complexion.

It is important to know that I do not have a regular facial skin routine, other than the use of a mild cleanser before bed that I use to remove oils that have built-up throughout the day. I also do not wear makeup daily, and when I do, I primarily use concealer, powder, and eye makeup (mascara, eyeliner and eyeshadow). I do not wear foundation, bronzer or any other face makeup.

How I Use This Product

I use this product according to the instructions as shown in the image below.

I use a facecloth to wet my nose and the surrounding areas, making sure to get the creases around my nostrils too. I then open the individual sachets and peel the nose pore strip away from the plastic backing. One side is white and textured, the other is black and smooth, I apply the smooth side down. I use my fingers to make sure that the nose pore strip gets into the creases around my nostrils and is firmly adhered.

I leave the product for 15 minutes until it is stiff and then, starting at the bottom-right edge, I slowly peel off the strip. If there is any residue I use a facecloth to give my nose and surrounding skin a gentle wipe down.

The instructions on the packaging of the Beauty Formulas Purifying Charcoal Cleansing Nose Pore Strips


This product is very quick to use, the entire experience is over in 20 minutes, so I use it while I'm eating or having a cup of tea.

The removal process is completely painless and over in a second, there is no discomfort or skin irritation after using the product. I have very sensitive skin and can react to products but I did not react to this product or even suffer any redness.

Looking at what comes off onto the strip is very satisfying and it is always more than I think it's going to be!

After using this product my nose is always so soft, and continues to stay smooth until I use the product again the following week. The nose strips have very much reduced the appearance of blackheads around the creases by my nostrils and have given me such an even complexion on the bridge of my nose. I can even see my very few freckles peeking through so much more clearly.

The Beauty Formulas Purifying Charcoal Cleansing Nose Pore Strip in use on my face

Important Points to Note

This package contains six strips, I use a strip once per week, this means that I can get six weeks use out of ine box. This is excellent value for money, and I have never seen as high quality a product for a cheaper price.

The packaging does not state if this product is cruelty-free, or whether it is suitable for use by vegetarians/vegans. If these are issues that are important to you, I would recommend doing some research and perhaps contacting the brand to confirm their stance before buying.


Beauty Formulas Purifying Charcoal Cleansing Nose Pore Strips do exactly what it says on the tin and are so quick and painless to use. I have seen visible results, and for this price point, you really can't do much better than that.

I would definitely recommend this product for weekly use, and adopt it as part of your skincare routine, especially if the nose is a problem area for you!

My Rating

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View the original article to see embedded media.

© 2019 VerityPrice

<![CDATA[5 Best Natural Moisturizers for Healthy Skin]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/best-natural-moisturizershttps://bellatory.com/skin/best-natural-moisturizersMon, 24 Jun 2019 23:01:20 GMTCommercial moisturizers are filled with pore-clogging oils and chemicals that actually dry out your skin, leaving it feeling sticky and parched. Natural, green, organic moisturizers truly replenish your skin with wholesome, natural ingredients. Here is my list of the top 5 natural moisturizers.

Sunny is obsessed with natural skin and hair care. She switched to natural products 10 years ago and continues to try new green brands.

Best natural moisturizers

Top 5 Natural Moisturizers

  1. Andalou Naturals Age Defying Resveratrol Q10 Night Repair Cream
  2. EO Everyone 3-in-1 Lotion
  3. Juice Beauty Antioxidant Moisturizer
  4. Nourish Organic Ultra Hydrating Face Cream (Argan & Pomegranate)
  5. Alba Botanica Smoothing Jasmine & Vitamin E Hawaiian Moisture Cream

1. Andalou Naturals Age Defying Resveratrol Q10 Night Repair Cream

Hands down, this is the best all-around moisturizer to use in any season and at any time of the day (don't let the name fool you).

This moisturizer not only quenches dry skin, but also repairs damaged skin (fine lines, scarring, etc.), and prevents aging. You don't have to be old to use it either. In fact, I would recommend teenagers start using this because it is chock full of vitamins and minerals to nourish the skin and maintain youth. I started using this my senior year of high school, and my dull skin turned to glowing, youthful skin after a week's use.

It's a bit on the pricey side, but a little goes a long way. You'll only need a dime-sized dollop to cover your whole face, and a quarter of that to cover your neck.


  • Resveratrol Q10 antioxidants fight free radicals to maintain skin's youth
  • Goji berry smooths fine lines and improves skin tone
  • Vitamin C brightens for glowing skin
  • Fruit stem cells repair and revitalize skin texture and health
  • Aloe vera and shea butter hydrates and moisturizes

Texture: Thick, soft, and buttery, but not heavy

Scent: Light, fruity/flowery scent (coconut/jasmine). The smell doesn't linger.

How Skin Feels After Application: Velvety soft and smooth to the touch. You won't even notice you're wearing anything. Your skin just feels naturally soft.

Price: Andalou Naturals Night Repair Cream costs up to $24.99, but you can often catch it on sale for $19.99 or less on Vitacost or Amazon.

2. EO Everyone 3-in-1 Lotion

The EO 3-in-1 Lotion is actually my favorite body lotion, but it works equally as great on facial skin. While this lotion doesn't contain active ingredients to fight aging or to revitalize dull skin, it does moisturize and hydrate magnificently well.

This is great to use as a daytime moisturizer because it is lightweight. The best part about this lotion is that you get a lot of bang for your buck! The bottles are huge and last forever. They also have smaller bottles and tubes that are much more travel-friendly.

This lotion comes in a variety of scents, but my favorite is Unscented, Citrus & Coconut, and Apricot & Vanilla.

Texture: Light and thin (similar to Cetaphil).

Scent: Depends on the scent you purchase but smells like very mild essential oils. The smell doesn't linger.

How Skin Feels After Application: Hydrated and completely weightless.

Price: $24.99 for two 32-ounce bottles of EO 3-in-1 Lotion.

3. Juice Beauty Antioxidant Moisturizer

This creamy yet lightweight moisturizer hydrates and smooths fine lines without leaving a greasy feeling. It is full of vitamins, peptides, and powerful antioxidants that work at a cellular level to plump, brighten, and hydrate your skin.

It is definitely a splurge, but worth it for the organic and natural ingredients. I don't recommend buying on Amazon because the Juice Beauty products there are fake and sold by a company that claims to be Juice Beauty. I suggest visiting Whole Foods or Sprouts, or buying directly from their website.


  • Vitamin C brightens and revitalizes skin
  • Fruit peptides smooths lines and wrinkles
  • Plant-derived hyaluronic acid plumps skin
  • Antioxidant-rich grape and apple fights free radicals
  • Jojoba, avocado, and sunflower oils hydrate and moisturize

Texture: Light and creamy

Scent: Fruity (citrus smell). The smell doesn't linger.

How Skin Feels After Application: Refreshed and hydrated. No greasy feeling.

Price: $42 for 2 fl. oz. I'd recommend not purchasing through Amazon, as the product is often fake. Instead, buy directly through the website, at Vitacost.com, or at Whole Foods or Sprouts.

4. Nourish Organic Ultra Hydrating Face Cream (Argan & Pomegranate)

This thick and nourishing cream is the ultimate thirst-quenching product your skin needs. The ingredients are all-natural, there's no fragrance, and it restores moisture to fatigued and dehydrated skin. Because the cream is a bit on the thicker side, I like to use it as a night cream rather than a day cream. In the winter time, however, it is perfect day or night.

I love that it's a squeeze bottle because it makes it travel-friendly and super easy to apply. The ingredients are also safe for sensitive, mature skin because they are all organic and non-GMO.


  • Aloe vera hydrates skin and provides a protective layer
  • Fragrance-free
  • Anti-oxidant rich pomegranate fights free radicals
  • Argan oil softens skin and provides a natural glow

Texture: Thick and creamy

Scent: No fragrance

How Skin Feels After Application: Super nourished and protected

Price: Nourish Organic Argan and Pomegranate Face Cream is $16.25 for 1.7 oz on Amazon.

5. Alba Botanica Smoothing Jasmine & Vitamin E Hawaiian Moisture Cream

If you're looking for a lightweight moisturizer that won't leave any sticky or heavy residue, this Alba Botanica Hawaiian Moisture Cream is perfect, whether you want to wear it during the summertime months or you have oily skin.

The scent is also extremely light. It's not exactly a Jasmine smell, but just overall a fresh scent. It's also super affordable for an all-natural product.


  • Jojoba, kukui nut, and almond oils intensely nourish skin
  • Papaya provides a boost of antioxidant and beautiful summer glow
  • Vitamin E soothes and repairs skin
  • Hypo-allergenic and cruelty-free

Texture: Light and almost watery

Scent: Light fresh scent

How Skin Feels After Application: Supple and like there's nothing there

Price: Alba Botanica Hawaiian Moisture Cream is $12.98 for 3 oz. on Amazon.

Natural Moisturizers for Beautiful Skin

There you have it. My top five picks for the best natural moisturizers. I encourage you to give the products on this list a try if you're looking to make the switch from nasty pore-clogging chemicals to real, natural, and healthy ingredients. Your skin will thank you!

<![CDATA[Aveeno Ultra-Calming Nourishing Night Cream Review]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Aveeno-Ultra-Calming-Nourishing-Night-Cream-Reviewhttps://bellatory.com/skin/Aveeno-Ultra-Calming-Nourishing-Night-Cream-ReviewSun, 16 Jun 2019 20:18:26 GMTI tried Aveeno Ultra-Calming Night Cream, and this is what I thought of it. It's a cream that I often use at night for its calming and anti-redness effects.

Jessica loves all things creative in the world of entertainment, crafting, and cosmetics.

I have been purchasing high-end face serums, creams, lotions, and eye products (everything except cleanser) for a couple of years now. Entering my 30s, it gives me comfort to spend a little extra money and buy the best products I can find when I can afford to do so. Price is one thing, but the product has to hold up as well. That means I have been trying a lot of different things. It turns out that not every product is worth the extra cost. There are still so many great products at the drugstore, and I always have an open mind, which lead me to my latest find: Aveeno Ultra-Calming Nourishing Night Cream.

I want to do makeup tutorials, and I wanted an inexpensive cream to apply after removing my makeup from filming a tutorial (or two or three a day) without using up my expensive creams at a faster rate. I knew that I wanted to purchase Aveeno Ultra-Calming night cream because of the claim that it is calming, nourishing, and gentle. Often after removing my makeup, no matter how gentle I am, my face looks a little irritated, and I wanted a good cream (rather than a lotion) for extra nourishment.

I now use this often at night when I feel my skin needs a little TLC. I have been so pleased with the results, I wanted to write a review!


You can pick this up anywhere that sells Aveeno products such as CVS, Walgreens, Walmart, other drugstores, Ulta, and Amazon. I bought mine at CVS for $18.99 and I probably had some coupons through the CVS app to bring the price down (I can’t remember). You can purchase it straight through Amazon using the link above.


Water, glycerin, C12-15 alkyl benzoate, cetearyl alcohol, dimethicone, arachidyl alcohol, avena sativa (oat) kernel flour, cetyl alcohol, phenyl trimethicone, cetearyl glucoside, behenyl alcohol, sodium polyacrylate, caprylyl glycol, ethylene/acrylic acid copolymer, panthenol, phenoxyethanol, polyacrylamide, arachidyl glucoside, C13-14 isoparaffin, chlorphenesin, chrysanthemum parthenium (feverfew) flower/leaf/stem juice, disodium EDTA, pentaerythrityl tetra-di-t-butyl hydroxyhydrocinnamate, laureth-7, pentylene glycol, ceramide NP.

What This Night Cream Claims to Do

This an ultra-calming, nourishing night cream that is fragrance-free. It is designed for sensitive skin. It will help soothe the appearance of irritated, red, and dry skin in just 1 week. It also claims to help restore the skin's protective moisture barrier overnight. It contains active naturals oat and calming feverfew, two of nature's most effective and clinically proven ingredients for sensitive skin This daily moisturizer leaves your sensitive skin feeling soothed and nourished to help reveal your natural beauty.

It doesn't claim to be an anti-aging/anti-wrinkle cream, so I wouldn't expect those results. This claims to simply moisturize skin that is prone to redness and irritation due to sensitivity.

Easily Stackable Packaging

It comes in a 1.7-ounce jar packaged in a cardboard box. It is a practical jar, nothing fancy, but I like it. It doesn't have "too much jar." What I mean by that is when a jar has an ounce or two of product, but it looks like it could easily hold twice that (see pictures below.) This jar is not like that. It also has a flat top. A lot of my Estee Lauder creams are slightly rounded on the top, making it hard to stack them in my medicine cabinet, so that's nice! I know a lot of people don't like to dip their fingers into a jar for sanitary reasons, but I personally don't mind it. I like the simple packaging of this.

I love my Estee Lauder creams but look at the difference in the size of the jar. They are both 1.7oz! EL has gorgeous packaging but comparing it to the Aveeno, it seems so wasteful and takes up more space. I love the simplicity of the Aveeno jar.
Both are 1.7 ounces!


It says to smooth this cream over the entire face after cleansing. This is a night cream, but I know Aveeno also has a day lotion version of this with an SPF. I don't see why you couldn't use this in the day if you're not going to be outside. However, be aware that there is no SPF in this.

It is fragrance-free, which is nice. It is really creamy, and I don't find it greasy at all. It seems to sink right into my skin. I think it feels very luxurious and goes on very smooth. It is an off-white colored cream.

Uncolored, unscented cream.

The Verdict

This cream did exactly what it said it would do for me! What won me over is that I would apply this cream at night (it is a night cream) and when I woke up in the morning, my skin had no irritation or redness. Like I mentioned earlier, I use a lot of high-end creams but they’re all anti-aging creams, not calming anti-redness creams.

This one works as well as I would want it to. With anti-aging creams, you often need to give them a while to work and see results. With redness, results are very quick (overnight).

I will definitely buy this again because:

  • It’s inexpensive.
  • It does what it says it will do.
  • it nourishes and calms the skin.

I will still purchase and use my anti-aging creams but this is a nice variation a night or two a week. Highly recommended if you suffer from some redness from time to time and want a little TLC aside from your regular products. I may need to buy another jar by the time I actually get around to filming my videos!

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2019 Jess B

<![CDATA[How to Use Rose Water - Plus a DIY Toner Spray]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/How-to-Use-Rose-Water-DIY-Toner-Sprayhttps://bellatory.com/skin/How-to-Use-Rose-Water-DIY-Toner-SprayWed, 12 Jun 2019 16:03:00 GMTRose water has so many uses in skin and hair care. Learn how to make the best use of homemade or store bought sprays for your beauty needs. Make a DIY toner spray at home with just rose water and few easy ingredients.

Katy has been making beauty products at home for years and strongly believes you can get professional results at home with enough research!

How to Use Rose Water

Did you know you can use rose water in both cooking and beauty applications? Real rose products are very fragrant and make a great addition to drinks and desserts.

I'm mostly buy rose water for skin and hair. For beauty it’s both hydrating and a mild cleanser. But since it’s water it does need to be patted into the skin or the evaporation will end up drying skin more.

Apply to your skin in a spray or with cotton swabs. If you’re looking for serious hydration, add it on under a lotion. The lotion will help seal in the moisture. Alternatively you can mix it with glycerin before it’s applied. Many sprays and solutions sold in stores are rose water mixed with glycerin.

Homemade rose water for face mists or toner.

Rose Water Toner Recipe

You can make this skin toner spray with homemade rose water or from bottles. It’s super easy to put together and you can customize it to your skin’s needs.


You will need:


Add witch hazel, and some drops of vitamin E and your favorite essential oil to a bottle. Fill the rest of your bottle with rose water and give it a good shake.

You can add tea tree oil if your skin is acne prone or oily. I have dry skin so even a small amount of tea tree oil makes this spray too drying for my face.

I add Vitamin E to give my skin a moisture boost, making this a little more “moisturizing spray” than a strict toner. If you want to go this route find a Vitamin E solution you like by itself. Then add 1 tsp to your toner bottle.

More Information

If you're wondering about all the rose water hype and what this spray is actually going to do for your skin read on about the benefits.

You can get rose water in the store or make your own at home. Check out the Rose Water DIY section below to make it yourself.

Beauty Uses

Check out these awesome ways you can use rose water in your beauty routine:

  • Light-Tasting Cocktails
  • Facial Toner
  • Dry Shampoo Alternative
  • Mild Makeup Remover

Hair Benefits

I love using rose water sprays on my curly hair as an alternative to dry shampoo in between washing days. Dry shampoo and similar products usually contain alcohol or other drying agents in them to soak up oil. But curly hair will majorly frizz if it loses moisture. Rose water adds some texture and moisture to my hair without drying it out!

I mix it with my regular hair oil in a spray bottle. It needs to be shaken well before each use to mix up the oil and water.

It can benefit hair of any texture. The hydration will naturally add shine to your strands.

Rose products hydrate and cleanse for glowing, natural skin.

Skin Benefits

The skin benefits of rose products go beyond the flowery smell!

Anything made with rose water will be antibacterial. This means it will naturally fight acne. So you can layer it on without worrying about breaking out.

I first heard of rose water as a trusted way to reduce the redness I had from acne scars. I was relieved to find out it was so easy to mix into sprays and topical creams I already use. It reduces inflammation, which helps fade redness.

You'll notice rose water really lends itself to enhancing natural beauty. Regular use will leave your kin more moisturized and glowing without clogging pores and can actually relieve redness and acne. What could be better than that?

Rose Water DIY

You can either buy rose water or make it yourself from rose petals.

The first step in making it yourself is to find the roses. You can find untreated roses at most florist shops or garden centers. If you’re lucky enough to have a rose bush in your yard or neighborhood take the roses that have already lost some petals. You will need at least four flowers worth of petals for making your own water, six is ideal.

To make rose water:

  1. Add petals to a medium pot and cover with distilled water.
  2. Simmer for 20 minutes.
  3. Then strain the petals out and let the water cool.

Store it in a glass bottle either in the fridge or at room temperature away from sunlight.

Where to Buy

Sometimes you can find rose water sold in bottles at a local Asian or Indian market. This is the best place to find good deals.

I don’t have a place near me so I order it online. It can seem a little pricey at $3-$8 but remember that a little goes a long way.

How Do You Use Rose Water?

There's a bunch of ways to use rose water in your daily beauty routine. I hope you found some new methods to try.

How do you use it? What methods do you find the most effective for you? Share in the comments below.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2019 Katy Medium

<![CDATA[5 Affordable Beauty Hacks to Keep Your Skin Looking Amazing]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Amazing-Beauty-Hacks-to-Keep-Your-Skin-Beautifulhttps://bellatory.com/skin/Amazing-Beauty-Hacks-to-Keep-Your-Skin-BeautifulFri, 31 May 2019 16:31:13 GMTNeed ideas for things you can do to make sure your skin stays youthful and glowing? Here are five amazing beauty hacks to keep your skin beautiful that won't break the bank.

Evie Sparkes is a published novelist, content writer and company director from the UK.

Try these beauty hacks for amazing, hydrated, glowing skin.

Analise Benevides via Unsplash

Mature Skin

As we age, our skin changes. It becomes less elastic as we produce less collagen and sun damage begins to take its toll. Sometimes our skin looks duller than it did when we were in our thirties. So how do we keep our skin in great condition into our forties and beyond?

1. Lock in Moisture With Vaseline

I absolutely love this simple little hack for keeping my skin soft and glowing. Good old Vaseline! I initially thought that this might leave my skin greasy and prone to spots, but it doesn't. I've used it under my eyes for a long time but never all over my face.

I decided to give it a try so that I could say with absolute confidence that it works. I've been doing this for a couple of weeks now, and my skin had never felt softer. My skin is naturally fairly dry, so I'm always on the lookout for anything that will make it less so.

Not only is this product super-effective in keeping my skin soft, but it's also very inexpensive. I'm not a believer in spending lots of money on skincare products as most extremely pricey items are not all that they are cracked up to be.

How to Use Vaseline on Your Face for the Best Anti-Aging Results

Put a small amount (pea-sized) on the back of your hand and separate it evenly. Spread half on one side of your face and half on the other. Go right up under your eyes, as this area is extra prone to dryness. What you want to be careful not to do is to use too much. I don't want my hair sticking all over my face while I sleep! Rub it in as much as possible and always make sure that it's the last item of skincare that you use before retiring to bed. Do it every night for the best results.

Note: Vaseline will not have lasting effects on your skin if you stop using it. It's merely a product that enhances your skin whilst you are using it.

Tip: Put a little vaseline on your eyelashes before you apply your mascara. It really helps to give those lashes a boost.

2. Use Highlighter Under Your Eyes

Using a spot of highlighter or illuminator on darker areas is a really neat little trick. Use it under your eyes to make them pop. Don't use much at all; it is possible to go over the top and make them look a bit odd, so less is more here.

The illuminating highlighter I use is the strobing liquid from Maybelline. I absolutely love it. Of course, it's actually supposed to be used in other more obvious areas of the face, but using it directly under the eye area has a real brightening effect.

How to Use Illuminating Highlighter Under Your Eyes

Dab a tiny amount under your eye and keep pressing until it has soaked right into the skin. Don't rub, just press.

3. Exfoliate With Flannel and Oil

Again, this is a simple little hack with maximum results. A dry flannel dipped in a little warm water mixed with olive oil or baby oil is a great exfoliator, especially if, like me, you use Retin-A or even retinol.

How to Use This Method of Exfoliation

Use tiny circular motions while applying a little force. Go over the whole face until you have covered all of the skin. Go down to your neck too. We often forget about the neck when it comes to exfoliation.

Peeling and dead skin will come away easily with this method, and it certainly saves money on more expensive exfoliators.

4. Use a Brown Sugar Scrub

Brown Sugar and Olive Oil Scrub Recipe

I use this method more often than not. Mix a tablespoon of soft brown sugar with half a tablespoon of olive oil. When you have a thick consistency and you can still see the grains of sugar, you are ready to use this amazing, moisturising exfoliator.

Use circular motions and rub gently so as not to scratch your skin. Go over each area just once. Wash off gently with warm water and then use a hydrating cream over your clean exfoliated skin. This method will leave your skin feeling super soft and clean.

5. Drink Water

Water! This really is a great way of keeping your skin plump and glowy. You don't have to go all out and down two litres a day if you don't particularly like drinking plain old water. If you can manage five medium-sized glasses a day, then you will notice quite a significant difference in the appearance of your skin.


Evie Sparkes (author) on June 01, 2019:

It's great Abigail, I'll continue to use it while it's working fo me :)

Abigail Hreha on May 31, 2019:

That’s really interesting about the Vaseline. I would have thought it would be greasy too but people have used it for a long time!

<![CDATA[Estee Lauder Revitalizing Supreme Global Anti-Aging Cell Power Creme Review]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Product-Review-Estee-Lauder-Revitalizing-Supreme-Global-Anti-Aging-Cell-Power-Cremehttps://bellatory.com/skin/Product-Review-Estee-Lauder-Revitalizing-Supreme-Global-Anti-Aging-Cell-Power-CremeThu, 04 Apr 2019 18:37:35 GMTThis is my personal review of Estee Lauder Revitalizing Supreme Global Anti-Aging Cell Power Creme.

Jessica loves all things creative in the world of entertainment, crafting, and cosmetics.

I am not affiliated with Estee Lauder in any way. I am just a consumer and enjoy their products.

I had been on the hunt for a really good, high-end, anti-aging night cream for a while. After a while of looking and reading lots of reviews, I settled on this one because of its high rating and number of reviews on most websites. It is always hard for me to try something new when the price point is so high, but I know that is the only way to know for sure. Here is my experience.


I bought this jar at Ulta. It can be purchased anywhere Estee Lauder products are sold, both online and in stores. Some places include Ulta, Ulta.com, Estee Lauder.com, Sephora, Sephora.com, Amazon, and department stores.

It costs about $85.00 for 1.7 ounces, and that is the standard size. On Estee Lauders website, they have a 1-ounce jar for $55.00 and a 2.5-ounce jar for $100.00.

They have a version of this creme with SPF 15 and they have an eye balm as well.


Just like all of Estee Lauder's creams, this one comes in the signature baby blue box. The jar itself is a luxurious, glass jar with a gold cap just like all of their creams. I personally do not mind when a cream comes in a jar, I always have freshly washed hands when I take some product out so I do not feel it is unsanitary.


Revitalizing Supreme+ Cell Pwr Crm Division: El (Estee Lauder)Ingredients: Water , Dimethicone , Glycerin , Isohexadecane , Butylene Glycol , Bis-Peg-18 Methyl Ether Dimethyl Silane , Peg-10 Dimethicone , Disteardimonium Hectorite , Pentylene Glycol , Cucumis Sativus (Cucumber) Fruit Extract , Narcissus Tazetta Bulb Extract , Magnolia Officinalis Bark Extract , Hordeum Vulgare (Barley) Extract/Extrait D'Orge , Sigesbeckia Orientalis (St. Paul'S Wort) Extract , Lens Esculenta (Lentil) Fruit Extract , Pyrus Malus (Apple) Fruit Extract , Whey Protein/Lactis Protein/Proteine Du Petit-Lait , Citrullus Vulgaris (Watermelon) Fruit Extract , Moringa Oleifera Seed Extract , Laminaria Digitata Extract , Triticum Vulgare (Wheat) Germ Extract , Opuntia Tuna Extract , Acetyl Hexapeptide-8 , Sorbitol , Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seedcake , Caffeine , Algae Extract , Sodium Hyaluronate , Sodium Lactate , Squalane , Polysilicone-11 , Isododecane , Tocopheryl Acetate , Sucrose , Acetyl Glucosamine , Polyethylene , Propylene Carbonate , Citric Acid , Peg-32 , Propylene Glycol Dicaprate , Peg-6 , Isoceteth-20 , Sodium Dehydroacetate , Aminopropyl Ascorbyl Phosphate , Fragrance , Sodium Pca , Sodium Citrate , Disodium Edta , Bht , Phenoxyethanol , Iron Oxides (Ci 77491)


Estee Lauder claims this cream will help with multiple signs of aging, such as lines, wrinkles, loss of firmness, dullness, and dehydration. They claim that in clinical tests skin looks smoother, clearer, and more radiant instantly. They also say that 92% of women showed significantly firmer skin in just four weeks.


They recommend that you use it day and night, but I have been using this as my night cream because of the lack of SPF. I am currently using another Estee Lauder cream during the day with SPF (I didn't know about the version of this with SPF at the time).

It is a thick cream that is very moisturizing. I find it very rich, but not too heavy or greasy. I really like the texture and feel.

It does have a scent that some could find offensive. I personally like the scent it, but I would not mind if it were unscented.

I like to pat this on my skin, and I also put it on my neck and my decollete. I have not had any adverse reactions to this, but I usually do not tend to.


I have been using this cream for several months now in the evenings, and it is the best night cream I have used so far. My skin feels so nourished after I put it on. The next morning, my skin is supple and smooth. Applying this over a high-quality serum really makes me feel like I am giving my skin the best defense against aging. I do not mind shelling out the cash when I can get a product as high quality as this.

When I ran out of my day cream, I purchased the version of this with the SPF and I wrote a review for that cream as well. I also now want to try the eye balm when I run out of my current eye cream. I will either update this review with those results or write separate reviews for those products.

View the original article to see embedded media.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

<![CDATA[Product Review: Lancôme Advanced Génifique Youth Activating Concentrate]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Lancme-Advanced-Gnifique-Youth-Activating-Concentrate-My-reviewhttps://bellatory.com/skin/Lancme-Advanced-Gnifique-Youth-Activating-Concentrate-My-reviewSat, 30 Mar 2019 18:28:01 GMTThis is a three month long review of Lancôme Advanced Génifique Youth Activating Concentrate.

Jessica loves all things creative in the world of entertainment, crafting, and cosmetics.

I am not in any way affiliated with Lancome or Estee Lauder. I am just writing an honest review of my own experience.

I have been crazy about skincare ever since I was a teenager. Back then, it was mostly acne products that took over my vanity. Luckily for me, I only had a mild case of that wretched skin condition during my teenage years (and again in my mid 20's for a brief time), so I quickly became interested in anti-aging products (even back then). People have always regarded me as someone with great skin, and I think that is not only nature but nurture.

As I have transitioned into my 30s, my skincare routine has also transitioned. I used to rely solely on drugstore skincare. I still use many items from the drugstore, such as cleansers, but for my lotions, I have come to depend on the higher end stuff. It wasn't mentally an easy thing for me to cross that bridge though. I hesitated and even when I started, I would only buy one thing at a time. It wasn't until last year that I switched my entire skincare routine to high-end.

I don't know for sure if the products are actually better. I have felt bad about my skin some days even despite using really pricey products, but I feel it can't hurt, so it's what makes me feel the best. I found through different samples and research that Estee Lauder is one of my favorites and I have been a HUGE fan of the Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair serum for a few years now. I know that is a brand that has been around for years and many of our mothers and grandmothers kept their skin perfect for years with those trusted products.

As much as I love Estee Lauder, I am a skincare junkie at heart and have been curious about what Lancome has to offer. I know they are comparable to each other so I'm not afraid by any means to stray away from my trusted products, in fact, I'm excited.

I thought a good place to start would be with the Lancôme Advanced Génifique Youth Activating Concentrate serum. So this article will be a review of my experience using this product and how it compares to my beloved Estee Lauder ANR.


This costs about $78.00 to $178.00 depending on the size you buy. It is available in 1oz, 1.69oz, and 3.38oz bottles.

You can buy this at most department stores, Lancome.com, Sephora, Amazon, and Ulta.com.


It should come in a box with plastic wrapping on it. Inside the box will be a glass bottle with a dropper applicator for easy sanitary and easily measurable application.


Bifidus Extract

Water, Bifida Ferment Lysate, Glycerin, Alcohol Denat., Dimethicone, Hydroxyethylpiperazine Ethane Sulfonic Acid, Ascorbyl Glucoside, Sodium Hyaluronate, Sodium Hydroxide, Sodium Benzoate, Phenoxyethanol, Adenosine, Faex Extract/Yeast Extract/Extrait De Levure, Peg-20 Methyl Glucose Sesquistearate, Peg-60 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Salicyloyl Phytosphingosine, Ammonium Polyacryldimethyltauramide/Ammonium Polyacryloyldimethyl Taurate, Limonene, Xanthan Gum, Caprylyl Glycol, Disodium Edta, Octyldodecanol, Citronellol, Fragrance.


It claims to be good for all skin types, from oil to dry, normal to sensitive, and everything in between. It claims to reveal more radiant and smoother skin in as little as a week. It also claims to revive dull skin, improve texture, and help diminish fine lines and wrinkles. It is free of parabens, sulfates, and phthalates. In my internet research, I have found it to have a good solid 4–4.5 out of 5 stars in customer reviews on most sites.


It says to apply morning and night before your other skincare products. It has a dropper that they say dispenses the right amount of product per application.

One Day of Use

I started using it at night. It has a light, non-greasy consistency, much like the Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair serum. It is more of a white color and has a very light, clean scent that was not offensive to me in any way. I feel it absorbs very quickly compared to the ANR. Also, I had no irritation or reaction from it at all. I woke up with dewy, hydrated skin, much like I do with ANR. So far, it is very comparable, but I actually kind of like the texture and absorption of this product a bit better. So far so good!

One Week of Use

After a week (almost) twice a day use, I like the result. So far, my skin still looks just as good, if not better, than when using the Estee Lauder. I still like the fact that this serum seems lighter and absorbs quicker. I also, still have no allergic reaction and no irritation from this product. So far so good!

The Verdict

After using this product (almost) twice a day every day for about a month, I love it! Even though they both just as good for me, I'm going to continue to use this instead of going back to the Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair. I really like that it absorbs quickly into my skin, allowing me not to have to wait as long before I apply my moisturizer. Not to mention, I feel my skin looks about as good as it can with topical products, so for me, it is well worth the money.

After a couple of months, I started using it once in the evening to stretch the rest of the product out. I found it maintained my skin very well and I got some extra time out of the bottle. I find that by adjusting and using a little less when I apply it and/or using it once a day from time to time, I can make a bottle this size last between 3-5 months. That means I only have to invest in a high-end serum 2-3 times a year. I did end up going back to my Estee Lauder ANR because I went to Ulta and they don't sell Lancome at my store, but that's the only reason why I didn't repurchase this last time. I do like them equally as much and would buy and use either one. I will probably try to alternate purchasing and using them to get benefits of both!

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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

Questions & Answers

Question: Approximately how long will a 1.7 ounce bottle of the Lancôme genifique youth activating serum last if you apply it twice a day?

Answer: I usually end up purchasing a 1.7oz bottle of either the Lancome or (Estee Lauder ANR) about 2-3 times a year. So I can make it last between 3-5 months.

<![CDATA[My Review of Superdrug's Naturally Radiant Range]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/My-Review-Of-Superdrugs-Naturally-Radiant-Rangehttps://bellatory.com/skin/My-Review-Of-Superdrugs-Naturally-Radiant-RangeSun, 17 Mar 2019 16:52:08 GMTSuperdrug recently updated their naturally radiant skincare range. Here are my thoughts on the Brightening Hot Cloth Cleanser, the Glycolic Overnight Peel and the Brightening Radiance Balm.

I've been an online writer for several years. My articles focus on a wide range of topics, including skin care, fashion and holidays.

Read on to find out how to achieve that radiant glow without running up the light bill!


Who Is the Naturally Radiant Range For?

The Naturally Radiant range is Superdrug's way of supplying an affordable and vegan-friendly alternative to high-end skincare without us customers having to compromise on the results.

After taking a quick look through the range of products they on offer, there seems to be something for almost everyone, but today we are going to be looking at three products in particular:

  • The Brightening Hot Cloth Cleanser
  • The Brightening Radiance Balm
  • The Glycolic Overnight Peel

I purchased these products myself and I am not affiliated with the brand in any way.

In recent years, skincare has become a rising trend which has seen beauty bloggers, vloggers and celebs indulging in strict 10-step (minimum!) regimes that they swear is the key to their otherworldly results.

While I'm not quite sure us regular Joe's have enough free time left in our busy days to regularly spend upwards of half an hour cleansing our faces (it's hard enough to remember to clean our makeup off after a long night!), there's definitely some truth in the old saying ''quality over quantity''.

This brings us to today's review of Superdrug's Naturally Radiant range, which promises to give even the laziest (or time-restricted) skincare lovers a natural glow without breaking the bank.

This specific cleanser contains cocoa butter.


1. The Brightening Hot Cloth Cleanser

The Brightening Hot Cloth Cleanser is targeted at those with normal to dry skin and comes with a simple, white muslin cloth which is essential for buffing off the product.

I'll be honest, until purchasing this cleanser I never once considered putting cocoa butter anywhere near my face. To me, that was just asking for clogged pores and greasy skin. But hey, I'll try anything once.

As far as first impressions go, I was immediately taken in by the smell of the cleanser. Imagine a refreshingly subtle concoction of kiwi fruit, mulberry and cocoa butter. Yum! As you might have guessed for yourself, the texture of this cleanser is super thick and creamy due to the cocoa butter which actually makes for a pleasantly luxurious application!

Not only does this cleanser literally melt away your makeup (say goodbye to wet wipes for good!), but it gently exfoliates and leaves skin feeling super hydrated. Seriously, if like me, the dreaded winter months have left you with dried out and dull-looking skin, then this product is definitely a must-have!

Like the cleanser, the Brightening Balm is created from plant extracts, kiwi fruit and mulberry


2. The Brightening Radiance Balm

The Brightening Radiance Balm's price seems a little steep when you consider that this is a 50ml product and the Hot Cloth Cleanser is a 150ml product for the same price.

Like the cleanser, the Brightening Balm is created from plant extracts, a combination of kiwi fruit and mulberry give off a refreshing scent that you might expect from a higher-end skincare product.

According to the packaging, the radiance balm is designed to ''awaken the skin's natural glow'' while evening out skin tone and texture. Sounds like a win-win, right?

The thing I love most about this item is how lightweight it is, and how quickly it absorbs into the skin. There is an almost immediate change after application and it forms a perfect base for applying makeup, though the hints of glitter which effectively gives a subtle all-over highlight mean going makeup-free for the day wouldn't be an issue!

I have been using this product daily for over a week now, and I can definitely see a change in how healthy my skin looks, and while I do wish it was a little cheaper, I can't fault its performance.

My acne prone skin has been noticeably brighter and smoother since I started using this overnight peel.


3. The Glycolic Overnight Peel

I won't lie, the Glycolic Overnight Peel was the product I was most excited to try after reading glowing reviews from everyone and their cat (no, not literally—well, at least I hope not!) about how including skincare grade acids into their daily routine was the secret uncovering perfect skin.

Glycolic Acid is the holy grail for exfoliation, effectively removing the outermost layer of dead cells from the complexion, revealing brighter, fresher skin. Products that contain Glycolic Acid are used often to treat scarring, skin discolouration and signs of ageing, like fine lines and wrinkles.

Now that we've got that bit out of the way, let's get into Superdrug's Overnight Peel!
First off, it's a relatively small tube at just 30ml, but compared to other Glycolic acid products on the market, it's actually a fairly standard size and price.

Superdrug recommends using this item around 2 to 3 times per week, but for those who are prone to dry skin, I would recommend limiting that use to 1 to 2 times per week as the overuse of Glycolic Acid can dehydrate your skin unless compensated with an intensive moisturiser the following morning.

Though I was a little disappointed to discover that it's not a peel in the sense that you have to remove the product like you would a traditional peel-off mask, but instead rinse your face with warm water, this product works like a dream!

I can't speak for the effect on fine lines and wrinkles, but my acne-prone skin has been noticeably brighter and smoother since I started using this peel twice weekly. As for acne scars, the colouration is more even, and I would like to hope that in a few more weeks they will have reduced.

Would I Recommend It?

While I would definitely recommend these products to anyone on the hunt for some new high quality, affordable, vegan and most importantly cruelty-free skincare items; I will say that I was shocked to discover that although Superdrug has been at the forefront of vegan/cruelty-free beauty, they have neglected to make their plastic packaging on these specific items recyclable.

I hope you have found this review thorough and informative, but if you have any further questions about the products mentioned in this article, then please don't hesitate to ask. Likewise, if you have experience with other products from this range, I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below.

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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2019 BunnyClaws

<![CDATA[Product Review: Estée Lauder Advanced Night Repair Eye Concentrate Matrix]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Product-Review-Estee-Lauderhttps://bellatory.com/skin/Product-Review-Estee-LauderSat, 09 Mar 2019 16:58:28 GMTThis is my personal review of Estée Lauder Advanced Night Repair Eye Concentrate Matrix serum.

Jessica loves all things creative in the world of entertainment, crafting, and cosmetics.

Estée Lauder Advanced Night Repair Eye Concentrate Matrix

I absolutely love Estée Lauder products. I have some I love more than others, but after much searching, I finally feel I have settled into a very solid skincare routine. I have loved Estée Lauder's Advanced Night Repair face serum for the last few years, so when I needed a new eye-care product, this caught my eye (no pun intended).

I turned 34 last fall and, while that is not old by any means, I felt like my eye area was starting to show some fine lines and crepeiness and it needed a little extra attention. I needed something other than what I was using to make myself feel better. I was at Ulta and picked this up on a whim.

I usually diligently read reviews before buying anything, especially a pricey skincare product, but I didn't and had some remorse when I got home and read some reviews. This doesn't have the strongest rating, but I was determined to give it a shot.


This eye serum costs about $69.00 for 0.5 ounces. It can be bought anywhere that sells Estée Lauder, such as, Ulta, Sephora, department stores, Amazon, and EstéeLauder.com.

Estée Lauder offers a few other products in the Advanced Night Repair line, such as a synchronized recovery complex for face and eyes, eye and facial sheet masks, and another product or two.

I have tried and LOVE the synchronized recovery complex facial serum, but I didn't have remarkable results with the supercharged complex synchronized recovery for eyes.


When you purchase this, it will come in Estée Lauder's signature baby-blue box. Inside will be a brown glass bottle with a gold cap with a plastic wand applicator attached inside.


It claims to be good for dry, oily, combination, normal skin types, and all ethnicities. It says that it will help with eye dullness and puffiness by repairing, fortifying, and hydrating the eye area for a more awake look.

Estée Lauder Advanced Night Repair Eye Concentrate Ingredients

Advanced Night Rpr Eye Conc Matrix Division: El (Estee Lauder)Ingredients: Water, Dimethicone, Isohexadecane, Glycerin, Butylene Glycol, Bis-Peg-18 Methyl Ether Dimethyl Silane, Peg-10 Dimethicone, Disteardimonium Hectorite, Isopropyl Isostearate, Ppg-15 Stearyl Ether, Sucrose, Trehalose, Pentylene Glycol, Hydroxyethyl Urea, Cucumis Sativus (Cucumber) Fruit Extract, Garcinia Mangostana Peel Extract, Anthemis Nobilis (Chamomile) Flower Extract, Hordeum Vulgare (Barley) Extract/Extrait D'Orge, Silybum Marianum (Lady'S Thistle) Extract, Glycine Soja (Soybean) Seed Extract, Lactobacillus Ferment, Algae Extract, Sorbitol, Betula Alba (Birch) Extract, Scutellaria Baicalensis Root Extract, Morus Bombycis (Mulberry) Root Extract, Poria Cocos Sclerotium Extract, Camelina Sativa Seed Oil, Bifida Ferment Lysate, Propylene Glycol Dicaprate, Caffeine, Sodium Hyaluronate, Sodium Polyaspartate, Hydrogenated Lecithin, Aminopropyl Ascorbyl Phosphate, Phytosphingosine, Yeast Extract/Faex/Extrait De Levure, Ethylhexylglycerin, Sodium Rna, Hydrolyzed Algin, Tripeptide-32, Polysilicone-11, Isododecane, Tocopheryl Acetate, Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seedcake , Polyethylene , Propylene Carbonate , Polyacrylate Crosspolymer-6 , Sodium Dehydroacetate , Potassium Sorbate , Lecithin , Disodium Edta , Bht , Phenoxyethanol , Iron Oxides (Ci 77491)


It says to apply it morning and night with the wand applicator. It says to use the wand to massage it under the eyes, then to finish by patting into the skin with your ring finger until absorbed.

It is a good consistency, not runny but light, and it doesn't seem to have a scent at all.

I used it mostly just in the evening using the wand to put some product under each eye. Then I just patted it all around my eyes and concentrated on the outer corner/crow's feet area of my eyes. I didn't follow the directions precisely, but it seems to work just fine for me.

The Verdict

I find it to absorb pretty well. The next day when I wash my face, I don't have that slimy feeling on my eyes like I do with other eye products that feel like they just sit on top of my skin.

I felt that the morning after my very first application, my eyes looked refreshed and hydrated. I was hooked!

I have now been using this for about 2 months and I must say . . . I STILL LOVE IT! It seems to have dramatically reduced my fine lines and crows feet. I also feel the skin right underneath my eyes has tightened. I was also dealing with dry/flaky skin under my eyes that was only noticeable when I had makeup on, that is now a thing of the past. It doesn't burn or sting my eyes and it doesn't make my vision blurry like some creams do.

I am still able to use the wand to get the product out. In reviews, a top complaint was that the wand doesn't reach the bottom, making it hard to get all the product out when it starts to run low. When I run low (which I haven't yet), I will either store the bottle on its side, upside-down, or get a makeup spatula. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I am not worried about not being able to get all the product out.

I tend to use this every night and a couple of mornings a week. So far I have had it over two months. I will update this when I finish the bottle to let you know how long it lasts.

In conclusion, this will be my go-to eye product as long as it works as well as it has the last couple of months. I would give it 5 out of 5 stars and worth every penny for me.

Update After 5 Months of Use

I have just used up the entire jar. It lasted me 5 months of using almost every evening and sometimes during the day. When it got to low for the wand to reach, I took the piece (I can't remember if it was rubber or plastic) out of the jar so I could get a makeup spatula to fit. I used the spatula for about the last month or so. There was a lot of product left when the wand stopped doing a good job.

The makeup spatula pays for itself because the $5.00 I spent on it was easily in the bottom and sides of the jar. That was not a problem for me. I think everyone should own one. This product made it a necessity for me to finally purchase one.

I still love the product, but now that the warmer months are here and I spend a lot of time in the water, under my eyes have gotten a little dry again. I may need to occasionally beef this up with another eye cream on top from time to time. But I still love this product. My crow's feet are so much better than they were. It's a great product to wear alone or with another cream sometimes. I will be buying another jar.

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View the original article to see embedded media.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2019 Jess B

<![CDATA[How to Get Rid of Teenage Spots and Acne in 3 Simple Steps]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/how-to-get-rid-of-teenage-spotshttps://bellatory.com/skin/how-to-get-rid-of-teenage-spotsMon, 21 Jan 2019 14:01:34 GMTMy daughter recently developed teenage spots. Seeing how self-conscious and unhappy this made her, I decided to try to find out how to get rid of teenage spots and acne.

Mom 24-7 is a beauty expert who has worked for major beauty publications.

How I Helped My Daughter Get Rid of Her Acne

My daughter recently developed teenage spots, or acne. Seeing how self-conscious and unhappy this made her, I decided to try and find a solution to her skin problem and work out how to get rid of teenage spots. I really didn't want her to go through her teenage years feeling bad about the way that she looked.

We tried several at-home treatments such as Clearasil and Neutrogena, none of which worked for her skin, other than to give maybe the slightest improvement. At this point, I decided to take her to a dermatologist. He gave me a regime to follow to get rid of her acne—and it worked! She now has only a very occasional small pimple, and none of those under-the-skin, painful, red lumps.

As the cost of going to this dermatologist was hundreds of dollars and the things that he recommended were things that you can buy in a pharmacy, I am sharing the regime here so that other people don't have to pay all that money to help clear up their own skin.

Please note: My daughter had what I would call moderate acne. It was more than just a few pimples, but it wasn't full cystic acne. If you have very severe acne, you might need an antibiotic or prescription medication as well, so this might not work for you.

Picture posed by model, as my daughter did not want a picture of her acne on the internet.

Step 1: Cleanse Your Skin

The first step is simply to cleanse your skin. You do this to remove the excess oil, which in people with acne can be quite substantial. You should do this morning and night. It cleanses the skin so that the treatment cream (I'll show you that later) is free to work without a barrier of oil between it and the spots.

My dermatologist recommended Cetaphil cleanser because it's cheap and gentle on the skin. He said it was just as good as any of the more expensive alternatives.

Step 2: Treat With Benzac Benzoyl Peroxide Cream

This cream is the second step in the treatment that my dermatologist recommended. Benzoyl Peroxide cream (again a cheap, but highly effective, cream that you can buy at the pharmacy) comes in three strengths: 2.5%, 5% and 10% benzoyl peroxide.

According to my dermatologist, you should start with the 2.5% or 5%. This allows your skin to adjust, as 10% is too strong to start with, and your skin would just become dry.

We started with the 2.5% cream, using that for ten days. During this time my daughter's skin improved, but it didn't improve dramatically, so we decided to move up to 5% strength.

After 2 weeks at 5% strength, my daughter's skin was looking much better. The spots on her chin and cheeks were about 80-90% better, however, she was still self-conscious as she had quite a few red spots on her forehead that hadn't gone. Because of this, we went out and bought the 10% cream. I used this on her forehead only, continuing to put the 5% on her chin and cheeks. About a week to ten days into this new regime her skin was about 99% clear. It has stayed that way since, as long as she continues with the cream.

She did get some very dry patches of skin when she first started using the 10% cream, but as her skin adjusted they have settled down. Please do remember that you really do have to work up to using the 10% cream slowly. When my daughter stopped using it for a while and then reapplied without weaning her skin onto it, her skin became red and inflamed. Be cautious; use every other day at first if your skin seems to be reacting.

Please note that Benzac is just one brand of benzoyl peroxide cream. There are many others, if Benzac is not available in your country. However, I have been told by readers that it's difficult to find 10% benzoyl peroxide cream in the UK, so you may need to buy it online or from an overseas retailer.

Keep reading for the final step . . .

Step 3: Moisturise. Yes, Really!

This regime takes all the oil from your skin (and the spots too, hurrah!) but can leave your skin feeling very dry and flaky if you aren't careful, especially at first.

The dermatologist told me to use this moisturiser from Cetaphil. Luckily it is very cheap and oil-free and doesn't seem to make the skin more oily at all. We have found it makes a real difference in stopping dry and red patches when using the Benzac cream. (Incidentally, he told me that this is just as good as any moisturiser you'll buy anywhere, so I often use it on my more 'mature' skin now too!)

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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2019 Rachel Thomas

<![CDATA[Nourishing Facial Cleansing Grains Recipe]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Nourishing-Facial-Cleansing-Grains-Recipehttps://bellatory.com/skin/Nourishing-Facial-Cleansing-Grains-RecipeSat, 22 Dec 2018 15:19:04 GMTFacial cleansing grains are a fun DIY skincare project that requires only a few ingredients. These are great for gift-giving or for using yourself as an alternative face wash.

I have an interest in handmade bath and body products, so I am continually experimenting with new soap-making recipes and techniques.

After purchasing facial cleansing grains a few times and liking the experience of washing my face with them, I decided I’d like to try making my own. I prefer to make most of my own skincare products, but sometimes I will try someone else's product to see if it's something I want to pursue. Cleansing grains appeal to me for a number of reasons:

  1. With only dry ingredients, they don't need a preservative.
  2. They are travel-friendly since they aren't liquid.
  3. They are exfoliating without being coarse. Some exfoliants are just too damaging to delicate facial skin.
  4. Milk and oatmeal provide hydration.

I loosely based my recipe off of the ingredients of a cleansing grain powder that I purchased. The ingredient list included:

  • kaolin clay,
  • oats,
  • coconut milk powder,
  • honey powder, and
  • lemon peel.

Since I didn’t know how much of each ingredient was used in their recipe, I referenced other cleansing grain recipes online to decide on my ingredient ratios and mixed things up a little to suit my own tastes.

Here is what I came up with.

Oatmeal, Milk, and Honey Cleansing Grains Recipe

Supplies Needed

  • 1 T Oat Flour
  • 1 T Milk Powder
  • 1 T Honey Powder
  • 2 tsp Kaolin Clay
  • 1 tsp Powdered Orange Peel
  • 1 tsp Rosehip Powder

Yield: Just over 2 oz

If you can't find oat flour or powdered orange peel, you can just buy them whole and grind with a coffee grinder. I stirred all the ingredients in a bowl with a whisk until they were combined, and then funneled the finished product into a 2-ounce square French glass bottle.

How to Use Cleansing Grains

It’s easy; just splash water on your face and leave your hands wet, then put about a teaspoon of the product on your fingertips (just eyeball it). Add a few more drops of water, rub your fingers together, and then apply to your face. The grains won’t be fully moisturized before you put them on your face, but your face is wet, so that will hydrate the rest of them. Now scrub your face with it and rinse. Easy peasy.

The verdict: I love the facial cleansing grains. When developing your own recipes, you can’t always tell if it will be a flop or not. I really lucked out that my first try at this turned out so well. My face loves this stuff—it has the gentlest of exfoliation and leaves my skin feeling soft and moisturized.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2018 Katie Adams


Pamela Oglesby from Sunny Florida on December 22, 2018:

I have never used facial cleansing grains. I have very dry skin so I have been using good facial cleansing soap and cream. I don't know how the grains would work for me, but I would be willing to try them.

<![CDATA[Homemade Skin-Soothing Salve Recipe]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Easy-Homemade-Winter-Soothing-Salvehttps://bellatory.com/skin/Easy-Homemade-Winter-Soothing-SalveMon, 17 Dec 2018 12:56:10 GMTDoes cold weather wreak havoc on your skin? Do you experience dry, itchy, irritated, winter skin ailments this time of year? This simple and easy homemade salve will have your skin back in tip-top shape in no time.

Mel loves creating and making her own herbals, cleaning products, air fresheners, bath, beauty, and body products.

Homemade Skin Soothing Salve

©Melissa Meadow

Winter Skin Woes

If you're like me, this time of year can really take a toll on your skin. The air is drier during the colder months, so your skin may become thirsty and dehydrated. This can quickly lead to irritation. Your skin may start to itch and burn, become red and angry. You may develop uncomfortable patches of rough and bumpy skin areas throughout your body that look and feel unpleasant and inflamed. This can be terribly annoying, and the itch and irritation can drive you crazy, especially at night when you're trying to sleep, and clothing is rubbing against your irritated skin.

I've battled this problem for my entire life. I have dry, sensitive skin that hates any sort of situation that it deems to be neglectful or harsh, or any type of extreme circumstances such as cold weather. At the first sign of crisp, cool air, my skin becomes a desert almost instantaneously. It gets angry quickly, and misery soon ensues.

I've tried dozens of store-bought lotions, creams, and salves over the years, some good, some not so good. One day as I was slathering on a popular name brand body lotion as a part of my daily morning routine, a thought occurred to me . . . I should make a cream of my own! And so, after doing some experimenting with different ingredients and after a few trial and error attempts, I made a salve that soothes and calms my angry, irritated skin amazingly well.

I fell in love with it because it works beautifully, it's made with my own two hands in my very own kitchen, and I know each and every ingredient that goes inside. If you've experienced similar skin ailments as I have mentioned here and have an interest in possibly making your own soothing skin salve, you've come to the right place. Now, let's get started!


  • 2 cups of almond oil
  • 2 Tbsp. dried lavender flowers
  • 2 Tbsp. dried chamomile flowers
  • 2 Tbsp. dried calendula flowers
  • 2 Tbsp. dried comfrey leaf
  • 2 Tbsp. dried plantain leaf
  • 1 tsp. dried rosemary leaf
  • 1 tsp. echinacea root
  • Approx. 1/4 cup of beeswax pastilles or grated beeswax
  • 1/2–1 tsp. of vitamin E oil (used as a preservative)
  • Large canning jar with airtight lid (Mason or Ball)
  • Cheesecloth or a fine-wire handheld strainer
  • Double boiler
  • Small storage tins or clean glass jars for storing/keeping salve (Approx. 8–10 containers, depending on size) *It's always best to have more than you think you'll need on hand. It's better to have too many than not have enough*
Soothing Lavender Flowers



  1. To begin, you will need to infuse the herbs into the almond oil. To do this, combine all herbs and almond oil (as well as the vitamin E oil) into a large canning jar and seal with an airtight lid. Allow to sit for 4–6 weeks, shaking daily. *Speedier method*: heat herbs and almond oil together over very low heat in a double broiler for approximately 2–4 hours or until the oil is very green to greenish-yellow in color. Make sure the temperature is very, very low!
  2. Once herbs are infused into the oil, strain well either by pouring through the cheesecloth (make sure to squeeze out all remaining oil from the herbs) or by straining the oil mixture through a handheld fine wire kitchen strainer.
  3. Discard the herbs.
  4. Heat the well-strained infused oil in a double boiler with the beeswax until melted and mix well.
  5. Pour immediately into small storage tins or clean glass jars. Allow to cool. Cover tightly. Congratulations, it's that easy! Your soothing skin salve is now complete.
Calming Chamomile Flowers


How to Use Your Salve and Other Helpful Information

Dip fingertips into the salve and apply to needed areas. Rub into skin thoroughly. Use generously daily and as needed on legs, arms, hands, feet, back, stomach, chest, elbows, heels, knees, and even on your face. If you have irritated, chapped, windburned, or sunburned skin, this salve works wonderfully. I've had great success using this salve on my dry, cracked heels, too. My feet just love this stuff.

This salve can be used for a wide array of skin ailments and problems and can be used over almost all are of the body. Avoid getting into the eyes and do not apply to gaping or oozing wounds, surgical site areas, etc., just as a precaution.

Many ingredients used in this salve are said to be anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, and also have antibiotic properties. This would certainly explain why it's so soothing, helpful, and calming to the skin.

This salve keeps almost indefinitely unless it's exposed to poor conditions such as excessive amounts of heat, water, debris, etc. Washing hands thoroughly before use and keeping salve free of contaminates/debris will greatly help to extend the shelf life. Store in a cool, dry area, tightly covered and away from direct sunlight for best results.

This recipe is very versatile. If there are ingredients that I've listed here that you do not like, by all means, omit them. If there are ingredients that you'd rather use that I did not include, feel free to experiment until your heart's content. This, of course, is just one way of many, but the sky is the limit here.

As with anything you use on your body, if you are allergic to or think that you may be allergic to any of these ingredients or ingredients like these, please do not use and exercise extreme caution. Discontinue use and consult a physician if irritation occurs or if you have a concern as to how something may affect you. Please use sensibly and with discretion.

View the original article to see embedded media.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

Questions & Answers

Question: Where did you get your tins for your salve? They are beautiful and I’d love to know where you get them.

Answer: I get my tins, along with many other supplies, at Mountain Rose Herbs online.

© 2018 Melissa Meadow


Umesh Chandra Bhatt from Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, India on February 27, 2019:

Interesting formulation.

Melissa Meadow (author) from United States on December 26, 2018:

You're very welcome, Tim.

I'm always trying to think of ways to make my own body care products and I love to experiment with different remedies. The natural way is awesome, isn't it?

Thanks so much for stopping by. I do hope you have great success with this salve if you do decide to give it a try.

Warm holiday wishes to you!


Tim Truzy from U.S.A. on December 25, 2018:

Thanks, Melisa. This looks like worth the try.

I'm always looking at new ways to address itches and pains in a natural way.

Happy holidays to you.



<![CDATA[How to Get Through the First Three Months on Retin-A]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/How-To-Get-Through-The-First-Three-Months-On-Retin-Ahttps://bellatory.com/skin/How-To-Get-Through-The-First-Three-Months-On-Retin-AFri, 30 Nov 2018 18:14:50 GMTAre you becoming frustrated with Retin-A? If you are struggling and thinking about giving up then these tips may help you to continue.

Evie Sparkes is a published YA novelist with a passion for all things fashion, hair and beauty.


Help Is At Hand

I can help. I am 47 and have been using Retin-A for almost a year now. I have had the dry skin. the flaking, the irritation. All of it!

I'm over it, and so can you be if you follow these tips.

Benefits of Retin-A

Improves skin texture, thickens the skin over time, encourages collagen production, improves fine lines and deeper wrinkles, lifts eyelids.

There are so many reasons to use Retin-A. I have experienced all of these benefits.

Products You Will Need

Prepare Your Skin Before You Start

Moisturise well and use retinol's for a couple of months before you use Retin-A

Start Slow And Steady

This is definitely the way to go. Otherwise you'll stress your skin out so much that it will rebel to the max!

Start off applying a pea size amount of the cream or gel every three evenings. Use a 0.025%. Don't go right for 1% as it's too harsh at first.

I am up to 1% strength now but I went from 0.025% then up to 0.05% and lastly up to 1% when I knew that my skin could cope with it.

Mix with a light moisturiser if you are concerned.

Be Careful

You can use Retin-A around your eyes, I do in fact. Lots of people will say not to as the skin is quite thin here, but as long as you stick to the 0.025% in this area and moisturise first and after, you should be fine.

Just dab a tiny weeny amount in and let it dry before applying a light moisturiser.

Exfoliation is key

I can't stress enough how important it is to exfoliate your skin when you are using Retin-A.

How To Handle Irritation

I found it incredibly tough to find a way to combat the dryness. It was far more troublesome than the flaking.

My skin is fairly dry anyway, so it was not happy with me, not at all. In fact it played up completely. It has a tantrum and was clearly telling me to stop or else.

I am not a giver upperer though!

I was determined that I was going to win this particular battle. I had started to notice lines I had either not noticed before or hadn't been there before. I wasn't sure to be honest, as when I hit 44 I suddenly became more aware of my skin, and all of it's flaws.

Retin-A For Beginners - A Complete Guide

When Will I start To See Results?

It will take at least three months before you start to see a difference in your skin. The thing is that you will only notice how horrible your skin feels for the first three months. Even if there are improvements, you probably won’t appreciate them. At six months, you will notice a significant change in your skin. I’ve also noticed some of my sun damage is less visible.

The first improvement you will notice is the texture of your skin.

My Night Time Routine

I wait until I'm about to go to bed before I apply my skin care products. I am a face toucher, and want to go to sleep right after I treat my face to avoid irritation caused by my hands!

  • Cleanse skin
  • Massage a small amount of squalene into my skin and around my eyes
  • Massage in some Hyaluronic acid
  • Apply a pea size amount of Retin-A
  • Let it sink in for a couple of minutes
  • Lightly rub in some rich Nivea night cream
  • Go to bed


My Morning Routine

  • Wash face in cold water
  • Exfoliate
  • Apply a glycolic toner
  • Apply a squalene oil
  • Apply a mineral spf (at least 30)
  • Apply foundation and make-up
  • Go to work!

To Sum Up my thoughts

I can say in all honesty that deciding to use Retin-A to hold back the years is not for the faint hearted amongst you.

It is irritating, flaking, drying. Yes all of that and more. You will feel like giving up at times, indeed many women do give up. The thing is, they end up regretting it and have to then start the cycle all over again, going through all of the same trials.

If you can have the staying power, I can promise you that you WILL see results. I have heard it said that Retin-A is a long term partner, not a one night stand. I think this is a very good analogy.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.


Evie Sparkes (author) on February 07, 2020:

As long as you gently exfoliate it's fine. I have to in order to keep my skin bright :)

L on February 06, 2020:

You definitely should not exfoliate when on Retin-A!!!

<![CDATA[How Often Should You Shower? The Answer: Less Than You Might Think!]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/How-Often-Should-You-Showerhttps://bellatory.com/skin/How-Often-Should-You-ShowerTue, 27 Nov 2018 08:05:13 GMTHow often should you shower? Once a day? This article explores the science behind showering and explains why you're probably doing it more than you should. It also covers the negative effects of over-showering (and how to avoid them) and why people started showering so often in the first place.

K S Lane is a student of science and is deeply passionate about educating others on her favorite topics.

The concept of a daily morning shower is ingrained in many cultures across the globe. Approximately 75% of Americans report that they shower every day, and in warmer climates like Mexico, Colombia, and Australia that number skyrockets to almost 95%.

But is all this showering really necessary? Is it unhygienic or unhealthy to go for three or even four days without showering? And where did the concept of a daily shower even come from? This article discusses the science behind showering and explains why your once-a-day shower might actually be doing you more harm than good.

This article explores how often science says you should be showering. Spoiler alert: it's less often than you think!

How Often Do Scientists Say I Should Shower?

Scientists don’t agree on a lot of things, but there’s one fact that every dermatologist worth his degree can come to a consensus on; showering once a day is showering too often. Unless you’re rolling around in mud all day, there’s simply no need to be having a shower every morning. Good personal hygiene can be maintained even if you’re only showering once a week, especially if you live in a cold climate and lead a mainly sedentary life (i.e. if you’re an office worker or couch potato).

For people who find this just a little bit gross or tend to be more active during the day, showering once every two or three days is fine too. Save for not showering at all, pretty much anything is better than showering each and every day. In an interview with Buzzfeed, dermatologists Dr. Zeichner and Dr. Hirschan even said that showering too regularly can "dry out and irritate skin, wash away the good bacteria that naturally exists on your skin, and introduce small cracks that put you at a higher risk of infection."

Dermatologists agree that showering once a day is too often and can lead to dry, irritated and cracked skin.

Showering Is Harmless Though, Right?

While showering more often than you need to technically isn’t hurting anyone, it can be pretty harmful to your skin. As mentioned before, showering too often can cause dryness, irritation and cracking. It can also exacerbate skin conditions like eczema and cause rashes. Yikes.

But it’s not just your skin that your daily shower routine is damaging. The average shower lasts about 9 minutes and uses roughly 65 litres of water. If you shower every day, that means you’re using about 23,700 litres of water a year. Cut your showers down to once every two days and that number halves, which means that you’re saving a whopping 11,850 litres a year. That’s a whole lot of water that isn’t going down the drain thanks to one simple lifestyle change, and it shaves a nice sum off your annual water bill too.

How Can I Shower Without Harming My Skin?

For those who just can’t stand going without their daily shower, there are ways to go about your usual rituals while minimising damage to your skin. The first and most obvious tip is to take shorter showers. As mentioned earlier, the average person in the U.S. showers for 9 minutes. However, most dermatologists recommend cutting back majorly on that time. A two minute shower, experts say, is long enough to get you clean.

The type of soap that you use also contributes to how showering affects your skin. If you’re scrubbing head to toe with harsh soaps that contain ingredients like lauryl sulphate every single day, your poor skin is probably crying out at you to make a change. Replacing harsher soaps with more mild ones can make all the difference.

If you’re not sure how to identify gentler soaps from the stronger ones, try picking out products designed for babies. Baby soaps, lotions and shampoos rarely contain any harsh chemicals because of the sensitivity of babies’ skin, making it perfect for adult skin too.

View the original article to see embedded media.

How Often Should I Wash My Hair?

How often you should wash your hair depends a lot on your hair type, the climate you live in, how naturally oily your scalp is and how much you sweat. However, one concrete rule that dermatologists all agree on is that once a day is too often.

Washing with shampoo strips your hair of oils, and if you’re doing it too much then your scalp is going to overcompensate by producing even more oils, which is going to make your hair greasy and even smelly. It’s paradoxical, but washing your hair too often makes it dirtier. Every three days is a good general rule for washing, but no one knows your hair better than you. If you can comfortably go a week or longer between washes without it getting greasy or matted, then that’s perfectly fine.

Washing your hair every day causes your scalp to start overproducing oils, making it greasy.

Frank Juarez via Flickr

Why Did People Start Showering So Often in the First Place?

For people that work in trades like building and plumbing or who engage in serious manual labour every day, showering every day can be a necessity. Similarly, regular gym-goers who work up a sweat daily need to shower if they don’t want their friends and family to complain about their smell. Those who live in hot, tropical climates may have a similar need. However, most people don’t lift heavy objects or have to deal with blistering heat day in and day out. Office workers and people who live practically sedentary lives can still feel the need to shower every morning and in some cases every night too. Why is this?

The answer lies with societal pressure. Being clean, presentable and smell-free is an ideal that’s ingrained in modern society. Many believe that skipping a morning shower will be immediately noticeable to everyone around them; that they’ll be ridiculed and deemed unhygienic. This idea is, in part, pushed by shampoo, soap and lotion companies, which idealise showering and bathing in general in a bid to sell more products.

In reality, if you live a mostly sedentary lifestyle and if you use deodorant, no one is going to be able to tell if you showered two hours or two days ago. You’ll look and smell exactly the same. Cleanliness is important, but taking two showers a day doesn’t necessarily make you more clean than someone who showers every second day. It’s all about moderation.

Cutting Back on Showers Can Save Time, Money and the Environment

You really don’t need to shower each and every day. It can damage your skin, and frankly is just a waste of water. Instead, experts say, showering every two to three days is much better for you and is more than enough to keep you clean and smelling fresh.

Hair also shouldn’t be washed daily, but rather every three to four days, depending on hair type. If you’re an active person or regularly get dirty in your line of work and need to bathe daily, taking shorter showers with lukewarm water and using baby soap can minimise damage to your skin. The routine of daily bathing is so ingrained in some cultures that it might shock some to realise that it isn’t necessary. But it’s a simple fact that cutting back on showers can save time, money, and help the environment too.

Sources and Further Reading

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2018 K S Lane


Brian Leekley from Bainbridge Island, Washington, USA on November 29, 2018:

Thank you, K S, for this welcome news. Now I won't feel guilty when I shower just two or three times per week unless I do sweaty work or exercise.

Back when I was growing up in the 1940s and 1950s, my family didn't have a shower. We each had a Saturday night bath, and each morning the rest of the week we had a "bird bath" at the bathroom sink. No one complained. We looked and smelled OK. We got a makeshift shower--a rubber hose that fit over the bathtub faucet at one end and stuck with a suction cup to the wall at the other end--when an exchange student staying with us said he didn't want to lie in dirty water like a water buffalo.

Pamela Oglesby from Sunny Florida on November 27, 2018:

I have heard this before, but I never paid much attention to this information. Yet, I do have dry skin, and I shower too often. Thanks for a good article and the waste of water should be a consideration.

<![CDATA[Tanning Lotion Tips: How to Apply Fake Tanner]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Streak-Free-Sunless-Tanner-Tips-How-to-Apply-Fake-Tanner-the-Right-Wayhttps://bellatory.com/skin/Streak-Free-Sunless-Tanner-Tips-How-to-Apply-Fake-Tanner-the-Right-WayTue, 27 Nov 2018 02:31:02 GMTNo one wants to look like they failed at self tanner application, and no one wants prematurely aged skin from UV radiation. There are many great sunless tanning products available. Here are some tips for streak-free application.

Layne likes to share her favorite health and beauty tips for people on-the-go.

Tips for streak-free sunless tanner application.

Concha Rodrigo

How to Get the Perfect Streak-Free Sunless Tan

The tan achieved with fake tanning products is much safer than the tan achieved with UV radiation. UV radiation, whether from a tanning bed or sun exposure, causes irreversible skin damage and increases one's risk for skin cancer.

Best Non-Streak Self Tanner and How to Apply It

You'll want to follow these tips before application:

  • Exfoliate before use: It is important to exfoliate before applying fake tanner. According to Quora.com, we lose 30,000 to 40,000 dead skin cells every minute and shed our entire outer layer of skin every 2–4 weeks. I like the Alba Enzyme Scrub with walnut shell (I use it on my face), but you can use sugar or salt and blend it with some soap to save some money.
  • Shave before use: Shave the day before you intend to tan. You will want to avoid shaving right before application so that you do not get razor burn.
  • Plan the application before bed: If you sweat in your sleep, this probably isn't a good idea, but if your temperature stays the same, I think it's best to sleep with the tanner on. You can wash it off in the morning.
  • Pick out a set of clothes: I always wear dark colors when I use tanner so that I do not risk staining my clothes although I've never had a problem with it. I go for a pair of sweatpants (something non-clingy) and a loose, long-sleeve shirt.

What Aren't My Legs Tanning?

The reason certain areas of our body don't tan as well is that our skin exfoliates from the mechanical friction of fabric rubbing against our body. Shaving will cause the skin to exfoliate faster, too, so keeping a tan becomes harder.

View the original article to see embedded media.
Blend self tanner with lotion to prevent streaking and uneven tone.


How to Apply Self-Tanner or Bronzer


  1. Alba Botanica Sunless Tanner Lotion (or another sunless tanner); this product is great for beginners and is super forgiving.
  2. Lotion
  3. Dark hand towel
  4. Change of clothes (dark preferred)

Bronzer Application Method

  1. Now that you took care of exfoliation and shaving ahead of time, gather your supplies and your favorite lotion.
  2. Go into your bathroom, remove all clothes, and tie your hair up in a high bun, if possible.
  3. Add a quarter-size dot of lotion in your palm and start applying the tanner over your entire legs and feet (on one side of your body), but skip your soles, ankles, and knees. Go all the way up to your thighs. Reapply over your thighs.
  4. Combine half tanner and half lotion in your palm, and reapply over your toes, ankles, and knees (this method will dilute the concentration over these areas to avoid uneven tone). Rub it in completely.
  5. Switch sides and repeat.
  6. This time apply tanner all over your abdomen and arms but skip your wrists, elbows, neck, and the tops of your hands.
  7. Combine half tanner and half lotion in your palm and reapply over these remaining areas.
  8. Combine half tanner and half lotion again and rub it into your neck area. Stop at your jawline. (I do no apply tanner to my face because I use bronzer and/or my face has natural color.)
  9. Rinse your palms with soap and water and run the tops of your hands through the water once and pat dry (you will want a little bit of tanner on the tops of your hands still).
  10. Stand and let dry for 1–2 minutes before putting your clothes on. Sleep with the lotion on for 6–8 hours, then wake up and shower.
  11. You may apply two layers to areas that are particularly pale (calf and thighs or stomach).

Note: If you have pets, do not let them lick the tanner off of your body as an added safety precaution (as with any lotion).

Exfoliate and shave the day prior to sunless tanner application.

Mel Poole

How to Make Fake Tan Last Longer

  • Do not exfoliate.
  • Do not take baths.
  • Pat your skin dry rather than rub.
  • Moisturize, but do not use oil.
  • Anti-aging lotions with gentle acids should not be used.
  • Limit sweaty activities.
  • Do not apply alcohol perfume.
  • If you work in a profession where you have to wear gloves, your hand/wrist color will fade faster.

What If My Cuticles Turn Orange?

This rarely happens, but if you have dry cuticles, you can gently file them down with a regular nail file. This will get rid of the orange color.

What If I Get Streaks?

I've never had an issue with streaks with the Alba product. You can use lemon juice, gentle exfoliators, or baking soda paste to reduce streaks. Just be sure to wipe the area of interest. If you remove too much color, you may worsen the situation. Most self-tanners last 3–5 days.

Why Does Self Tanner Smell?

Self-tanner has a distinctive smell. That's why I recommend sleeping with it on instead of going out in public with it on. That smell is the smell of the chemical reaction taking place between your skin and the DHA, which gives you that golden-brown color.

Get that sun-kissed look without the UV radiation.

Chelsea fern

What Is the Active Ingredient in Fake Tanner?

The active ingredient in fake tanner is the color additive dihydroxyacetone (DHA). DHA reacts with the skin's dead cells and tans it temporarily for a few days. The FDA has approved the use of DHA on the skin, but it should not be applied near the lips, nose, or eyes.

What About Sunless Tanning Pills?

Sunless tanning pills contain canthaxanthin, which may cause hives, liver damage, and impaired vision. These products are a definite "no" for me.

Are Tanning Beds More Dangerous Than the Sun?

Sun-tanning and tanning bed lamps are equally bad for you. That golden glow that results from the production of melanin is indicative of skin damage. Bronze skin comes with the risk of premature aging, wrinkles, brown spots, saggy skin, and even worse, skin cancer. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation:

"[P]eople who first use a tanning bed before age 35 increase their risk for melanoma by 75 percent."

Many celebrities and people who are conscious of retaining their youthful appearance have turned to sunless tanning. While there are many pricey products on the market, I have a favorite that I tend to use, especially in the winter months.

Review of Alba Self-Tanner


This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2018 Laynie H

<![CDATA[How to Look Five Years Younger in 90 Days]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/How-To-Look-Five-Years-Younger-In-90-Dayshttps://bellatory.com/skin/How-To-Look-Five-Years-Younger-In-90-DaysThu, 22 Nov 2018 16:10:37 GMTSo we’re all trying to hold back the years. When we get into our forties we start to wonder if we really do look the same fresh faced lovely that we did a few years ago. I know for me, that forty-three was my turning point.

Evie Sparkes is a published novelist. Evie has a passion for fashion, hair, make-up and skin-care.

Skin Care Options


Get Fresher Younger Skin Fast

We are all trying to hold back the years. When we get into our forties we start to wonder if we really do look the same fresh faced lovely that we did a few years ago. I know for me, that forty-three was my turning point. I’m forty seven now, and around two years ago I decided to make myself look younger.

I wanted to improve my skin texture and wanted more of a dewy fresh look, the look I had when I was in my thirties. I’d always thought that creams that promised to make you look visibly younger were a nonsense. I preferred to stick with my Nivea and be done with it!

Now I want to shake that woman and tell her she ought to have started all of this in her thirties and it may not have been so time consuming and challenging to find the things that work and really do as they promise.

Here are the products and treatments I swear by and have made me feel as though I look at least five years younger. It’s taken a lot of research and even more trial and error, but I finally feel I have it down.

  • Turmeric Face masks
  • Glycolic Acid
  • Tretinoin Cream/Retin-A
  • Dermaroller
  • Nivea
  • Squalene Oil
  • Sun Screen (mineral based)
  • Water

A Regime That Really Works

I have found a regime that works. I’m going to give you a break-down of how I use each of these treatments to make me look and feel younger.

In The Morning

When I get up I drink one full glass of water before I have my breakfast. Sometimes I add a slice of lemon to warm water which is amazing for the metabolism.

Next I wash my face in cold water. I tone with a glycol toner. At the moment I am using this one from Paula’s Choice.

When I have wiped this all over my face with a cotton pad I rub in some squalene oil from The Ordinary. I find this oil to be light and moisturising. A little goes a long way and it’s pretty reasonably priced.

Once I have oiled my whole face I apply my sunscreen liberally. Next I’m good to go with my make-up.

Glycolic Nights

Before I go to bed I remove my make-up with anything that comes to hand! Sometimes that’s a make-up remover and sometimes it’s just soap and water. I know soap is drying but the next steps I take combat that effect.

Now I’m ready to rub in my squalene oil once again. When my face is covered I rub in a 15% glycolic cream. It does sting a little so you might want to mix it with some moisturiser. It settles down in five minutes or so in any case. I'd suggest starting with a 10% if you haven't used a glycolic acid before.

Now I pat in some Bobbie Brown Extra repair moisturising eye cream. This little pot of moisture is amazing for getting rid of creepy under-eye skin. It works in a few days. I’m then ready to apply my extra- thick Nivea night cream. I swear by this pot of moisturiser. It’s so nourishing. Yes it's a bit pricy but it lasts me six or seven months as you only need the tiniest amount. A little goes a long way.

Retin-A Nights

As a rule you shouldn’t use glycol's and Retin-A on the same night as they counter-act each other and to be honest they are both really very strong.

When I use retin-a I first rub in my squalene oil as usual and then a very small amount of 0.1% of the retin-a gel. I then simply apply my Nivea as per usual and I’m good to go.


I only dermaroller once every two weeks. I use a 1mm needle all over my face. You will go quite pink and a little sore but this will be gone in the morning. Next I add my squalene and then my Retin-A. Yes, that’s quite strong after dermarolling but the anti-aging benefits are just too wonderful! My skin is pretty hardy I must stress. It might be too strong to start off if you haven’t used Retin-A before.

Then I moisturise as usual and I’m off to bed.

Turmeric Facemask

I do one of these once a week before my evening routine and usually leave it on whilst I am in the bath.

You will need:

  • One teaspoon of turmeric powder
  • One teaspoon of honey
  • One teaspoon of natural yogurt
  • Mix these three ingredients together until they make a paste and then apply all over your face with a brush

Looking Younger And Feeling Amazing

If you stick to a regimen of the above then you will see a noticeable difference to your skin tone, texture and the fine lines and wrinkles.

Retin-A and Glycolic acid have been an absolute revelation to me and my skin. Products that actually do make you look younger and make a real difference, not just 'Making your skin appear younger' they actually 'Make your skin younger, more elastic, toned and smooth. Take it from someone that's tried it all and found what works.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

Questions & Answers

Question: I have been using Retin-a for nearly a year now and do not notice any difference with my wrinkles. Should I stick with it? Does it take longer to work on some people?

Answer: Did you take a before picture? Sometimes we look too closely and too often to notice the changes from retin-a as it is a slow burn. I'd say to keep at it because your overall skin texture will continue to improve and the retin-a should halt any further aging. I've now been using it for 2 years and the best results are with skin texture. The lines around my eyes are still there, but not as noticeable when they are static.


Evie Sparkes (author) on August 26, 2019:

Thanks :)

MahamMushtaq from PAKISTAN on August 23, 2019:

really informative

<![CDATA[6 Winter Hacks for Glowing Skin]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/winter-hacks-for-glowing-skinhttps://bellatory.com/skin/winter-hacks-for-glowing-skinFri, 16 Nov 2018 23:59:07 GMTDon't let old man winter get the best of you. Try these six amazing winter hacks for gorgeous, glowing skin!

Alyssa is a wife, mom, and coffee enthusiast who loves sharing her favorite lifestyle tips with the world.

6 Hacks for Winter Skin


Winter came early this year. Cool temps require us to crank up the heater, leaving the air in our houses dry. This ultimately wreaks havoc on our faces and bodies leaving dry, itchy patches, red spots, and dull, tired-looking skin. Not quite the look we're going for, right ladies? Unfortunately, we can't just hibernate in our houses all winter. The good news is there are a few simple tricks you can try that will have you looking and feeling better in no time. Get out your cute, festive outfits and put your best face forward with these simple tricks.

1. Dry Brush

Dry brushing has been trending for several years. It is supposed to be good for your lymph and circulatory system, and some people claim that it helps reduce the appearance of cellulite. I don't know if there's much validity to those claims, I've been dry brushing for over ten years, and it hasn't done a thing for the cellulite on my legs, but I can tell you that dry brushing feels amazing, especially after a long day. One thing is for sure, it sloughs off all the dead skin and relieves itchiness on those hard-to-reach spots, like your back. You can find brushes with soft bristles in the shower aisle at most chain stores like Wal-Mart, Meijer, and Target.

Before each shower, or at least once or twice a week, dry brush your entire body. Start with your feet and go in tiny circles, working your way to the center of your body. Repeat this process with each arm, always brushing toward the heart. I keep my brush in a cupboard in my bathroom. I like to dry brush while I wait for the water to get hot. It exfoliates the skin, and it's relaxing!

2. Better Moisturizer for Face and Body

Dry winter air requires a different, heavier moisturizer than the summer months. Creams can get pricey, so at the very least, consider switching your night cream. Creams and lotions can be pricey, but you don't need fancy ingredients or a hefty price tag to have glowing skin.

I love using Olay Pro-Retinol eye treatment and Simple hydrating booster during the day. The eye cream brightens and keeps my eyes looking youthful while the booster moisturizes my face without leaving a greasy residue. It also doubles as a primer, saving me an extra step in my makeup routine.

At night, I opt for Olay Regenerist Micro-Sculpting Cream that helps combat the effects of aging and leaves my skin looking beautiful. My doctor even commented that my skin had drastically improved at my last dermatologist appointment. The only thing I changed was incorporating these three products into my daily skin routine.

As for body lotion, I love Queen Helene Cocoa Butter. I use it all year long. It moisturizes my skin, leaving it feeling soft and silky for days and it smells like the beach! In the middle of a cold, Ohio winter, there's nothing better. In addition, it's inexpensive: a 32-ounce bottle is about $3 at Wal-Mart and lasts me almost an entire year.

A great body moisturizer.

3. Exfoliate

In order to have glowing skin, you have to exfoliate and get rid of the layer of dull, dead skin cells. Once or twice a week, depending on your skin, use an exfoliating face wash. I love Neutrogena Deep Clean Invigorating Foaming Scrub. This product is great for acne-prone skin. My face is pretty sensitive, so I use this once a week. I will also use it after a heavy makeup day, just to be sure that I removed it all. You might also consider using a moisturizing body scrub once or twice a week. I love the Dove Exfoliating Body Polish with Macadamia and Rice Milk. You could also make your own using extra-virgin olive oil and sugar. Add in used coffee grounds for a skin-tightening effect, but be warned: it can make quite a mess in the shower.

The best face scrub.

4. Exercise

For gorgeous, glowing skin, get up and move! It can be hard to find the motivation when it's freezing cold outside. After all, the thought of putting on workout clothes and exercising pales in comparison to a cozy blanket, a steaming hot bowl of chili, and Netflix. However, once you start moving, those endorphins will flood your brain, making you feel amazing.

Try a dance cardio video or a HIIT session to get the blood pumping. Do a strength training session, lifting weights or using your own body weight to tone your entire body. Not only will you be working on your summer body and fitness goals, but after your workout session, you'll be glowing! Exercise is so important, especially in the wintertime. It will give you a confidence boost and helps combat holiday and seasonal stress.

6 Amazing Winter Hacks for gorgeous, glowing skin.

5. Vaseline

Vaseline has many uses, and it's especially good for extra dry skin. Put Vaseline on the soles of your feet after every shower to help keep them soft and fight calluses. Throw socks on and go to bed, or relax on the couch with a good book. You can also put Vaseline on elbows and knees to help with dryness. Try putting a little on your knuckles if you have dry hands. It's also great for dry, cracked lips. Everyone should have this product in their bathroom.

6. Essential Oil Diffuser

Essential oil diffusers are great for aromatherapy and for helping put moisture back in the air. There are a variety of sizes and styles to choose from, so you can find one that suits your taste. Having one in the bedroom not only helps you get a better night's rest but also helps combat extra dryness in the air. I also have one for my living room and my den. They are smaller and take up less room than my humidifier, and are less problematic when it comes to unfinished wood trim and furniture in my house.

I love having eucalyptus essential oil for allergies and colds, sweet orange essential oil helps my husband relax, and my son loves the peppermint essential oil. Running the diffusers has helped our skin stay soft during the winter months, and my plants love the extra moisture in the air, too.

I love my diffusers.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2018 Alyssa


Alyssa (author) from Ohio on November 17, 2018:

Thank you, Bill! Same to you! :)

Bill Holland from Olympia, WA on November 17, 2018:

Alyssa, I wish you and your family the happiest of Thanksgivings!

<![CDATA[Rosehip Oil for Acne Scars and Redness]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Rosehip-Oil-for-Acne-Scars-Anti-Aginghttps://bellatory.com/skin/Rosehip-Oil-for-Acne-Scars-Anti-AgingThu, 08 Nov 2018 17:15:09 GMTWho doesn't want flawless skin? No matter who you are, everyone can benefit from rosehip oil for healthy skin. I use rosehip oil daily, and since I've incorporated it into my skincare routine, the results have been incredible.

Layne is hugely interested in natural health and remedies. Rosehip oil has been her go-to moisturizier.

Rosehip oil has been touted as a miracle moisturizer. Find out why.

Sarah Comeau

How to Use Rosehip Oil for Acne Scars and Redness

Rosehip oil is good for so many things! It helps reduce acne scars, rosacea, dryness, oil imbalances, dark circles, aging, etc.—the list goes on. It's also all natural and does not contain harsh chemicals and mystery ingredients. Maybe you're like me and have hopped around from moisturizer to moisturizer (my gosh can they be expensive) to find the perfect one. Well, here's your solution.

I've used hyaluronic acid (even the supplements), jojoba, apple cider vinegar toner, $70.00+ designer creams made in Beverly Hills—I've really tried everything for good skin. One day I was reading up on rosehip seed oil and noticed all of the benefits. I went to my nearest market, Whole Foods, and found a bottle of serum for $9.00.

How It Helped My Skin

I started rosehip oil both morning and night. I like it because it's not a thick oil, but it's not runny and thin either, and a little goes a long way. My skin takes to it very well and absorbs the moisture. Of all the oils I've tried, this is the lightest.

The results have been amazing. My redness and scarring have diminished. My skin is less dry. My skin hydration has balanced out all over my face, and I had a reduction in breakouts and the severity of my breakouts.

Rosehip oil offers many benefits and is all-natural.

Unsplash and Pixabay, CC0/Public Domain

How to Use Rosehip Oil

The application is pretty simple. I like to use rosehip oil serum.

  1. I start with a clean face. I rinse with water and pat my face dry.
  2. I take the dropper and literally put 4–5 drops in my palm (use clean hands!).
  3. I dip the fingers of my other hand into the oil and start working it around my dry spots in a circular pattern.
  4. I then work the oil towards and under my eyes, then finally over my eyelids (very light hydration).
  5. Let the rosehip oil sit and absorb into your face. You don't have to wipe it off. It's generally absorbed within 1–2 minutes in my experience. I rub the "leftover" oil into the tops of my hands or on my neck.

Natural Rosehip Oil: Anti-Wrinkle, Anti-Redness, Youthful Skin

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The Benefits of Rosehip Oil for Skin

The oil is generally obtained via cold pressing. It is best to look for organic oil—that's what I use. Here are the beauty benefits:

  • Fades Scars: Collagen is essential to rebuilding healthy tissue in the body. Oxidative damage can hinder the production of collagen, that's why vitamins A and C and fatty acids all offer protection against inflammation and oxidative damage and help to reduce hyperpigmentation (including stretch marks), acne scars, and blemishes, thus balancing skin tone.
  • Firms Skin: Again, the components of rosehip oil encourage collagen production. I've noticed a major improvement in my skin elasticity—I went from dull to dewy just from a single application. Because this oil is light and non-greasy, you attain an extremely natural, effortless look. Its super hydrating component vitamin F (linoleic acid) an omega-6 fatty acid, is especially good for moisturizing and plumping.
  • Reduces Wrinkles: Rosehip oil is known for its anti-aging benefits. The oil can penetrate into the deep layers of the skin. Youthful skin is all about hydration, so moisture retention is everything. Its beta-carotene component, too, encourages cell turnover. Vitamin E, when absorbed transdermally, suppresses inflammatory prostaglandin synthesis and aids in tissue regeneration.
  • Brightens Skin: Rosehip oil also offers astringent properties, which help to shrink pores. This oil contains one of the highest sources of vitamin C and helps to fight free radicals that can dull and fade skin and create pigment abnormalities, dryness, itchiness, and general lackluster.

Why Is It Good for Skin?

Rosehip oil is harvested from rose bush seeds of the Chilean plant, Rosa rubiginosa. The seeds from the rose hip fruit are jam-packed with vitamin A (beta-carotene), vitamins C and E (fight free radicals), vitamin E (suppresses inflammatory prostaglandins), anti-inflammatory antioxidants, and essential fatty acids. According to an article on GoodHouseKeeping.com:

"These ingredients allow rosehip oil to treat signs of aging and pigmentation, hydrate skin and repair damaged skin, and provide a strong protective antioxidant boost—all without the oily feel of a traditional liquid oil,"—Sonam Yadav, MD, cosmetic dermatologist.

Miranda Kerr Uses It

Victoria Secret model, Miranda Kerr, lives by this oil. Why? It's no secret that Retinol and Retinol-A are simply concentrated, synthetic versions of vitamin A, which rosehip oil naturally contains.

A Review of Rosehip Oil Serum

Can I Use It With Makeup?

I generally wait a minute after applying the oil and will brush my teeth or hair before applying my makeup. I haven't had a problem with pencil or painted eyeliner running. I also apply blush on top of it (it almost works like a primer) and I haven't noticed any damage to my makeup brushes over the months.

Many choose to drink rose hip tea for its high vitamin C component.

Ablimit Ablet

Can I Drink Rose Hips?

Rose hips are actually great as a tea—they are packed full of vitamin C and really help reduce colds, flu, and issues surrounding vitamin C deficiencies and weakened immunity. Vitamin C can get destroyed with drying and processing, so the fresher the product the better. Some individuals make there own rose hip tea fresh.

According to WebMD, rose hips have also been proven to help with osteoarthritis. A study published in "Preventive Nutrition and Food Science" in 2013 also claimed that rose hips may help reduce obesity-related health complications such as heart disease and excess fat storage. Consider researching the benefits yourself.

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Safety Tips

You can benefit from natural rosehip oil no matter what your age. It is great for all skin tones and all skin types. If you are pregnant or nursing, of course, consult with your physician before using new topicals. Check with a pediatrician before using rosehip oil on babies.

Purchase Organic

I highly recommend purchasing organic rosehip oil. You want to make sure that there are no pesticides or residues in the product you are using on your face. On top of this, many organic products are also animal-friendly (they don't test on animals)—a win-win.

If you are pregnant or nursing, certainly consult with your physician before consuming rose hip tea or rose hip oil.


This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and does not substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, and/or dietary advice from a licensed health professional. Drugs, supplements, and natural remedies may have dangerous side effects. If pregnant or nursing, consult with a qualified provider on an individual basis. Seek immediate help if you are experiencing a medical emergency.

© 2018 Laynie H


Laynie H (author) from Bend, Oregon on November 13, 2018:

It's definitely great for multiple uses. I love that it's a light oil—the skin seems to absorb it well. Serves many purposes. Enjoy!

Jennifer C on November 11, 2018:

Very interesting article. I love essential oils but I have never tried rosehip oil. I think will have to get some. Thanks!

<![CDATA[How to Determine Your Skin Type]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/How-to-Determine-Skin-Typehttps://bellatory.com/skin/How-to-Determine-Skin-TypeFri, 02 Nov 2018 23:46:55 GMTThis article will help you determine what kind of skin you have—based on its characteristics—and how you might best care for it.

A beauty consultant by profession, Jayne has been advising on correct skin and hair care, makeup, and other cosmetics for almost 20 years.

73496, CC0, via Pixabay

If your trusted skin care products suddenly stop working, it may be time for a skin type test. It’s easy to do and will allow you to once again satisfy your skin's specific needs without too much experimentation.

When Skin Changes

Skin care products are formulated for five basic skin types: normal, dry, oily, combination, and sensitive. But determining which will satisfy your skin's needs exactly at any given time is often easier said than done.

Skin quality is affected by hormonal fluctuations and, sometimes, seasonal and climatic factors. For example, normal skin types may experience dryness during cold weather. Most teenagers go from being oily and acne prone in their early teens to normal in their late teens or early twenties. Pregnancy and menopause also alter the complexion, as do diet and medications.

When your skin changes, the first thing you're likely to notice is that your usual skin care products stop working. This is where the confusion begins: how can you be sure that it's your skin that has changed and not the products? After all, brands do sometimes alter their formula.

The only way to find out is by doing a skin type test.

How to Do a Skin Type Test

A skin type test is best done in the morning on a day when you have a couple of hours to spare.

To accurately assess skin type and condition, it's important that you begin with a clean face. Instead of carrying out your usual skin care regimen, remove makeup (if worn) and cleanse using a gentle face wash with a pH value of 5.5. Don't apply any further skin care products, no matter how your face looks or feels.

After about two hours, your skin will show characteristics typical of its condition.

In a well lit room, blot your face with a cosmetic tissue, then look for the following:

Characteristics of Normal Skin

  • The tissue is void of excess oil after blotting.
  • Your complexion is blemish free.
  • Pores are fine and barely detectable.
  • Your face feels relaxed and comfortable.

How to Keep Normal Skin Healthy

Use mild, non-astringent products to cleanse and clarify, and moisturize with light textured creams and lotions.

Contrary to popular belief, a heavier moisturizer and night cream than necessary will not ward against the ravages of time. Instead, the skin will slow down its sebum production, resulting in dryness and, ultimately, premature aging. Similarly, using astringent cleansers and toners as a precaution against spots and breakouts can cause oiliness or, worse still, inflammation and seborrhea-like symptoms (see below).

Characteristics of Dry Skin

  • The tissue is void of excess oil after blotting.
  • The skin appears thin, flaky, and dull.
  • Smiling causes crinkling around the eyes.
  • Pores seem invisible.
  • Your face began to feel taut moments after washing.

How to Care for Dry Skin

Dry skin is exacerbated by harsh weather, central heating, air conditioning, hot water, and sun exposure.

Use a rich moisturizer formulated specifically for dry skin. The problem with light textured creams and lotions is that they bloat dry skin, causing it to crack. This makes it prone to bacteria and infections, which lead to breakouts.

If dry skin is only a seasonal problem (the result of cold weather), apply a barrier cream suitable for your usual skin type. Due to a greater concentration of occlusive agents, which sit on the skin rather than penetrating it, barrier creams shield against the elements, and can be worn over serum or regular moisturizer.

Sufferers of oily skin are prone to spots and acne.

via pixabay.com

Characteristics of Oily Skin

  • Excess oil is evident throughout the tissue after blotting.
  • The skin is shiny and feels slick to the touch.
  • The complexion appears pallid.
  • Pores are enlarged.
  • You are prone to acne—constant presence of spots, whiteheads and/or blackheads (especially around the nose).

How to Care for Oily Skin

Although oily skin tends not to be sensitive, you still need to protect it from the elements. Apply an oil-free moisturizing gel or lotion formulated specifically for problem skin. This also helps prevent flakiness caused by topical acne medications.

Harsh chemicals used in the treatment of acne, like benzoyl peroxide, may cause severe redness and peeling. If so, consult a medical practitioner who can prescribe or recommend something that is milder but still effective.

Characteristics of Combination Skin

  • The cheeks appear dry and may feel taut, while the forehead, nose, upper lip, and chin prove oily after blotting. This is known as the "t-zone", where you may also be prone to acne.

How to Care for Combination Skin

You'll find many skin care products available for combination skin. If none are effective, use separate products appropriate for each facial area.

You most likely have sensitive skin if you experience redness or even rashes and itchiness after using certain products.

Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics4 by Maria Morri (CC BY-SA 2.0) via flickr.com

Characteristics of Sensitive Skin and Seborrhea

The characteristics of sensitive skin and seborrhea can be deceiving. This is why it's important that you not only consider how your skin looks, but how it behaves and feels, too.

Sensitive Skin

If the skin type test indicates normal or dry skin, but you often experience redness, rashes and/or itching after using certain products, you most likely have sensitive skin.

How to Care for Sensitive Skin

Use products formulated specifically for sensitive or allergy prone skin. These are free of irritants like perfume, alcohol, and other astringents.

If you tend to dryness, you'll need a rich moisturizer, but make sure it's suitable for sensitive skin.

Although oily skin tends to be thick and robust, it may be sensitive around the eyes and nose. If so, apply a separate product to these areas.

Be sure to always carry out a 24 hour patch test on the inner elbow before applying a new product to your face.


If the test indicates oily skin, but your face feels taut after washing, you could be suffering from a form of seborrhea. Other symptoms include a thick and dull texture, as well as boil-like spots that take a long time to heal.

Seborrhea is a skin condition rather than type, but often occurs when acne sufferers continue to use harsh, astringent remedies, unaware that their skin is no longer oily. The result is constant inflammation.

How to Manage Seborrhea-Like Symptoms

Switch to products for sensitive and allergy prone skin. If the condition worsens or there is no improvement after a few days, consult a medical practitioner. Left untreated, the skin may crack, leaving it open to bacteria and infection.

Skin Type Test Results at a Glance

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2018 Jayne Lancer

<![CDATA[Product Review: Origins Drink Up Intensive Overnight Mask]]>https://bellatory.com/skin/Product-Review-Origins-Drink-Up-Intenseive-Overnight-Maskhttps://bellatory.com/skin/Product-Review-Origins-Drink-Up-Intenseive-Overnight-MaskWed, 10 Oct 2018 12:42:27 GMTThis is my review of the Origins Drink Up Intensive Overnight Mask, along with some information about my skin history and how I use the mask.

I've tried a number of overnight masks, and I can confidently say that this is by far one of the best overnight masks I have ever used.

This review will break down my experience using the Origins Drink Up Intensive Overnight Mask.

Origins Company Background

The Origins Company values are one of the reasons I love to purchase products from this brand. Not only to the have some fabulous masks and other products, but how they formulate and package them is even more remarkable.

All their products are formulated without parabens, phthalates, propylene glycol, mineral oil, petrolatum, paraffin, DEA, and polyethylene beads.

They also use sustainable resources and all of their packages are made with earth-friendly materials. This company is not just for your wellbeing or the wellbeing of your skin, but also the planet, and that's something that I can get behind.

Product Claims

Before we get into my review of this product, I thought it'd be best to check out the Origins website and see what it had to say about the product. The product description goes as follows:

"Put dry skin to bed with this ultra-rich, hydrating overnight mask. Avocado and Apricot Kernel Oils deeply and instantly quench compromised moisture reserves and help build a reservoir for tomorrow. While Japanese Seaweed helps repair skin's barrier to prevent future dehydration and signs of premature aging. Skin awakens comfortable, refreshed, supple."

If you look further into the ingredients, it is also made with rose water, chamomile water, and bitter orange water—which, to my knowledge, are all great for hydrating the skin and calming irritation.

Product Ingredients

I am definitely one of those people that like to know what is in my skincare products. Your diet does not only consist of what you eat, but also what you put on your body, what you listen to, and watch.

Plus. you should know if you pay attention in the skincare community online, it is not unusual for skin and hair care companies to put just enough of an ingredient to where they can market it while mostly dumping it with harsh things that are generally damaging.

So let's take a look at the first six ingredients in this overnight mask to keep it short, shall we?

  1. Water
  2. Rose Water
  3. Myrtle Water
  4. Bitter Orange Water
  5. Chamomile Flower Extract
  6. Glycerin

Ingredient Breakdown

My Review of the Origins Drink Up Intensive Overnight Mask

After using this mask for almost a year now, I can confidently say that it is by far one of the best overnight masks I have ever used. I genuinely do not see myself ever trying or purchasing another overnight mask as long as this one is in stores. It didn't feel super heavy on my skin like some of the other overnight masks I have tried in the past, and it absorbs pretty quickly into the skin. So you don't have to worry about leaving stains on your pillow cases!

My Skin History and How I Use the Mask

I have very sensitive skin and it gets especially dry in the winter time. I love using this mask once or twice a week after doing another mask (usually a clay or mud mask). The extra moisture helps to keep my skin from aborning so much acne-causing bacteria that leads to breakouts.

How the Mask Helps Me

Like I said before, the winter months wreak havoc on my face, but luckily this mask saves me. Once or twice a week after washing my face or doing some other kind of mask (mud or clay usually), I will spritz on one of my favorite tones or infused water (rose and cucumber are my go-tos) and dab a little bit of this on. Not only does it help with the brutal weather change effects on my skin, but the extra moisture also helps to keep my skin from soaking up too much acne-causing bacteria as well! It's a win-win!

Overall Rating

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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2018 Danielle Nash
