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How to Look Five Years Younger in 90 Days

Evie Sparkes is a published novelist. Evie has a passion for fashion, hair, make-up and skin-care.

Skin Care Options


Get Fresher Younger Skin Fast

We are all trying to hold back the years. When we get into our forties we start to wonder if we really do look the same fresh faced lovely that we did a few years ago. I know for me, that forty-three was my turning point. I’m forty seven now, and around two years ago I decided to make myself look younger.

I wanted to improve my skin texture and wanted more of a dewy fresh look, the look I had when I was in my thirties. I’d always thought that creams that promised to make you look visibly younger were a nonsense. I preferred to stick with my Nivea and be done with it!

Now I want to shake that woman and tell her she ought to have started all of this in her thirties and it may not have been so time consuming and challenging to find the things that work and really do as they promise.

Here are the products and treatments I swear by and have made me feel as though I look at least five years younger. It’s taken a lot of research and even more trial and error, but I finally feel I have it down.

  • Turmeric Face masks
  • Glycolic Acid
  • Tretinoin Cream/Retin-A
  • Dermaroller
  • Nivea
  • Squalene Oil
  • Sun Screen (mineral based)
  • Water

A Regime That Really Works

I have found a regime that works. I’m going to give you a break-down of how I use each of these treatments to make me look and feel younger.

In The Morning

When I get up I drink one full glass of water before I have my breakfast. Sometimes I add a slice of lemon to warm water which is amazing for the metabolism.

Next I wash my face in cold water. I tone with a glycol toner. At the moment I am using this one from Paula’s Choice.

When I have wiped this all over my face with a cotton pad I rub in some squalene oil from The Ordinary. I find this oil to be light and moisturising. A little goes a long way and it’s pretty reasonably priced.

Once I have oiled my whole face I apply my sunscreen liberally. Next I’m good to go with my make-up.

Glycolic Nights

Before I go to bed I remove my make-up with anything that comes to hand! Sometimes that’s a make-up remover and sometimes it’s just soap and water. I know soap is drying but the next steps I take combat that effect.

Now I’m ready to rub in my squalene oil once again. When my face is covered I rub in a 15% glycolic cream. It does sting a little so you might want to mix it with some moisturiser. It settles down in five minutes or so in any case. I'd suggest starting with a 10% if you haven't used a glycolic acid before.

Now I pat in some Bobbie Brown Extra repair moisturising eye cream. This little pot of moisture is amazing for getting rid of creepy under-eye skin. It works in a few days. I’m then ready to apply my extra- thick Nivea night cream. I swear by this pot of moisturiser. It’s so nourishing. Yes it's a bit pricy but it lasts me six or seven months as you only need the tiniest amount. A little goes a long way.


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Retin-A Nights

As a rule you shouldn’t use glycol's and Retin-A on the same night as they counter-act each other and to be honest they are both really very strong.

When I use retin-a I first rub in my squalene oil as usual and then a very small amount of 0.1% of the retin-a gel. I then simply apply my Nivea as per usual and I’m good to go.


I only dermaroller once every two weeks. I use a 1mm needle all over my face. You will go quite pink and a little sore but this will be gone in the morning. Next I add my squalene and then my Retin-A. Yes, that’s quite strong after dermarolling but the anti-aging benefits are just too wonderful! My skin is pretty hardy I must stress. It might be too strong to start off if you haven’t used Retin-A before.

Then I moisturise as usual and I’m off to bed.


Turmeric Facemask

I do one of these once a week before my evening routine and usually leave it on whilst I am in the bath.

You will need:

  • One teaspoon of turmeric powder
  • One teaspoon of honey
  • One teaspoon of natural yogurt
  • Mix these three ingredients together until they make a paste and then apply all over your face with a brush

Looking Younger And Feeling Amazing

If you stick to a regimen of the above then you will see a noticeable difference to your skin tone, texture and the fine lines and wrinkles.

Retin-A and Glycolic acid have been an absolute revelation to me and my skin. Products that actually do make you look younger and make a real difference, not just 'Making your skin appear younger' they actually 'Make your skin younger, more elastic, toned and smooth. Take it from someone that's tried it all and found what works.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

Questions & Answers

Question: I have been using Retin-a for nearly a year now and do not notice any difference with my wrinkles. Should I stick with it? Does it take longer to work on some people?

Answer: Did you take a before picture? Sometimes we look too closely and too often to notice the changes from retin-a as it is a slow burn. I'd say to keep at it because your overall skin texture will continue to improve and the retin-a should halt any further aging. I've now been using it for 2 years and the best results are with skin texture. The lines around my eyes are still there, but not as noticeable when they are static.


Evie Sparkes (author) on August 26, 2019:

Thanks :)

MahamMushtaq from PAKISTAN on August 23, 2019:

really informative

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