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Easy and Simple Two-Ingredient Lip Stain Recipe


Tea Pixie conducted her own experiments to create an easy sunless tanning solution.

Luscious Lips Through the Ages

This two-ingredient organic lip stain recipe is easy-peasy, as Jamie Oliver would say. What I am providing you with is a good old fashioned recipe for lip stain–a trendy lip colour trick.

The concept of lip stain was originated in the 1990s by Lip-Ink International, as reported by Wikipedia. It is considered a long-lasting, wax-free, semi-permanent lip colour. My mom tells stories of her mom using plants to make stains, and I am certain they were using those stains for cosmetics as well as for clothing—and that was long before the 1990s.

In ancient Mesopotamia, women were smearing crushed gems on their lips (again, this is reported by Wikipedia). Using healthy ingredients for lipsticks is not a historic practice, and there were many instances where women's health was put at risk.

Today, however, using healthy ingredients in cosmetics is gaining momentum.

Before photo without lip stain

Before photo without lip stain

After photo with lip stain

After photo with lip stain

Edible Lip Stain Experiments

The two photos above show the before and after photos. I know, I know—the lip stain was sloppily applied in the second photo. It was an interesting experience for the model to not talk!

Before you run away to make your lip stain, I want to tell you about the experiments I have done in trying to find a decent lip stain. I looked around the internet and couldn't find anything that worked.

First, I tried Kool-Aid. Yep, that sweet, sticky stuff that kids like to drink, that isn't called juice. I figured that I would at least try to use something deemed ingestible. It tasted good and lasted until I licked my lips, which wasn't very long because it tasted good.

Second, I tried Jello. It, too, is ingestible and lasts about as long as Kool-Aid for the same reason. My husband suggested using alcohol with it, but I wasn't too comfy with that recipe. He thought it might help the colour stick.

Third, I tried beets. I figured they do a good job of staining my dinner tablecloth, so they must work well at staining lips. It does work—but it is hard to regulate how much red you get on your lips.

So, now I've found lovely Sarah and her simple, easy lip stain recipe. And it's organic!

Shelf Life

Please note that organic homemade lip stain has a short shelf life. It may not be good to use after two weeks, although I found mine was fine for four weeks. You may consider keeping it in the fridge to extend its expiry date.

Simply Sarah Nagel

Lovely Sarah (she is such a cutie) shows you how to make simple lip stain that tastes good and doesn't have any toxic ingredients. How fab is that? I love finding little gems like this and I'm super glad I can share it with you.


  • beets
  • vegetable glycerine (see below)


  • pot
  • glass bowl
  • cutting board
  • sharp knife
  • parchment paper (optional)
  • water
  • lip gloss roll-on applicator or tube with wand applicator (see below)

Read More From Bellatory

I Have Tried This Recipe

And it is fantastic. I absolutely love the colour and the way it applies. It feels good on my lips and provides a little moisturizing.

As well, once I put this lip stain on, I add a little homemade organic lipstick to change up the colour. The best part? As the organic lipstick wears off, the stain is still there!

Make this with a friend or for Christmas gifts. You will have enough for two lip gloss bottles.

Where to Get an Applicator?

When I watched this video, I realized that this woman had a jar and a brush, but I didn't see a lid for the jar. Here is a link for empty lip gloss roll-on applicators and lip gloss tube with wand applicators. Very, very useful!

Vegetable Glycerine

Not sure where to find vegetable glycerine? Here's a link to a good product you can use.

I haven't got access to online ordering for vegetables, so I hope you'll visit your local green grocer to get some luscious beets. Or better yet, if you have a garden, grow some!

I live in the city and have been extremely excited to see people transforming their tiny green spaces into vegetable and fruit gardens. I have three gardens that I manage and it is fun to grow items like beets because they have so many uses. Not only can you stain lipstick, but you can also stain clothes.

In fact, many veggies can be used for dying clothing or Easter eggs! My granny stained clothing (on purpose!) with tea, onion skins, beets, coffee, blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries. It might take some testing to get the colouring right. My granny was a pioneer in the north of Canada, built her house on a patch of dirt and fed her family what she could muster up. I know that her use of these dyes was exciting for everyone because access to commercial products just wasn't possible.

Yes, using natural products is old school. And, in my eyes, there is nothing wrong with that, as long as it is healthy. You may or may not know, but some of those old-school habits were not necessarily healthy and people did not know any better. For example, arsenic was used to make faces look porcelain white in Victorian times. But we do know better, about many things, and, in the future, as a result of scientific research, we will know more.

I think our return to many natural products is occurring because we are learning about which so-called, natural practices are healthy, and which are not. If you are interested in healthy living, consider visiting PubMed, which is a website of research, some reliable, some not. You will have to discern between research with small sample sizes (not usually reliable) and larger sample sizes. In any case, looking further into quantifiable research will not hurt!

Do you think you will try this recipe? It's pretty darn easy!

Let me know what you think and, if you do try the recipe, let us all know how it works for you. Thank you so much for taking the time to read through this article.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2012 Tea Pixie

Lippy Life

Jennifer on August 06, 2018:

Love natural products

anonymous on February 20, 2014:

it does look easy

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