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How to Get 360 Hair Waves for Black Men

Get deep 360 Waves, like Trey Songz.

Get deep 360 Waves, like Trey Songz.

Getting waves requires effort and patience. You'll need to brush your hair for 30 minutes to 1 hour daily and wear a du-rag every night to sleep to get the waves you want.

11 Steps to Get Deep 360 Waves

  1. Get a short haircut and edge up. Coarse hair can wave at shorter lengths than straight or medium hair. Don't let the barber cut your hair too low. Tell him you still want it thick—you shouldn't be able to see your scalp.
  2. Brush your hair for 1–2 minutes with a wave-brush. (Get a hard, medium, or soft brush depending on your hair texture.)
  3. Use a good moisturizer on your hair.
  4. Put a washcloth in running hot water, squeeze some water from the rag, and then place the hot washcloth on top of your hair and wipe down. You can also wet a washcloth or towel and heat it up in the microwave to get it hot enough.
  5. Repeat the hot water process for the sides and back of your hair as well.
  6. You can also brush your hair right after shampooing and conditioning in the shower. This is when your hair is softest. Just add a moisturizer and skip the hot towel part.
  7. Find the point on your head where a cowlick forms, and brush out from that point to the front, sides, and back, not missing any part of your head.
  8. Brush for at least 20 strokes to every side of your head, or about 15–30 minutes.
  9. Place a wave cap or du-rag onto your head afterwards for 30 minutes, and brush again after you take it off. Make sure you sleep with the du-rag on to keep your waves from getting messed up.
  10. It may take up to 6 weeks for waves to appear, so try to repeat this process mentioned above daily to train your hair to form deep 360 waves.
  11. Maintain your waves through regular brushing. If your waves start going away, you're probably not brushing enough. The waves are a result of you training your hair to lay down on your head. It takes practice and patience!
  12. Avoid washing your hair too much. Some wash once a week or even every other week. Just rinse your hair instead.

Supplies You Need for Waves


Get a hand brush (one without a handle), either hard, medium, or soft depending on your hair texture. Newbies or those with coarse hair will need a hard brush.


This is crucial. Wear it every night.

Pomade or moisturizer

360-style is popular. Use pomade only occasionally, and only when you're starting out. Organic hair moisturizers are another way to form waves.

Organic shampoo or conditioner

This is important for maintaining your hair.


  1. When in the shower, brush the shampoo into your hair with warm water, going in the direction of the waves.
  2. After shampoo-brushing your hair, rinse with cool water.
  3. The best shampoos to use for hair waves are herbal, conditioning, and protein-rich ones.
  4. Make sure you brush your hair afterwards.

Avoid Pomade

  • Using pomades produces build-up and flakes.
  • Most pomade wave products contain heavy petroleum, which makes hair waves feel gooey and gummy.
  • Also, they may clog hair pores, cause acne on the face and upper back, and even a potential receding hairline if you frequently wear fitted baseball caps.
  • If you use pomade, only do it sparingly and only to get your waves started.

Using hair creams that contain shea butter and essential oils is healthier. Your wave products should feel light on the hair—not thick and heavy, which causes flaky build-up. The only time that you should brush the waves is after applying a hair cream or a moist hot rag, or when shampooing.

Black men aren't the only ones sporting short waves styles—young boys, other races, and even women that have short cuts are wearing them. The short wave haircut style can be easy to get and maintained once it is practiced.

More Tips for Maintaining Your Waves

  • Only brush when hair is moist. One thing to avoid is brushing the hair while it is dry. Only brush when moisturizer has been applied to the waves.
  • You don't need to brush too much. Some men brush 3–8 hours a day. Strange, isn't it? But that isn't necessary. In fact, too much brushing can cause the hair to get thinner, and it makes it feel like the individual is brushing more scalp than hair. The idea is to get waves—thick, healthy-looking hair. You won't do that by over-brushing the cuticles.
  • Take vitamins. Taking care of hair goes further than just applying products. A good tip for good healthy hair is to take biotin. Multivitamins and biotin supplements can be purchased at a local pharmacy. Biotin is known for making hair thicker and healthier.
  • Get a good brush. A good one to buy is the 100% Boar Bristles Diane brush, or another wave brush brand of your choice. It's a good idea to have both a hard bristle and a soft bristle brush.
  • Be patient. It can take 6–8 weeks or less for some men to form deep 360 waves.
  • Combing and brushing. Once you have established deep waves, you can use a wave-comb to comb your style. The soft brush is also for when your waves are established and already formed. Avoid sharing your brushes and combs with other people for sanitary reasons. It's good to wash your brushes and combs in hot water and soap every two days.
  • Avoid using chemical perm. Good news: Black men's hair is naturally curly. This is why it should be easy to train it to form deep waves.
  • Use your hands instead of a brush when hair is dry. Rubbing the waves with the palm of your hands when the hair is dry is better, rather than brushing the hair when it's dry.
  • Using excessive amounts of hair products is not necessary. Just using a good conditioning moisturizer is all you need.
  • Help formation by using a wave cap, durag, or stocking cap. It's only necessary to wear a wave cap when the hair is wet, damped, newly moisturized, or when going to bed. Wave caps don't have to be worn out in public unless you're new to forming waves. But if you already have waves, it's okay to let the hair get some air in public and to leave the cap at home.
  • Trim regularly. Some men go to a barber shop to get their short haircut, or some might cut their own with clippers at home. Cut hair every 4–5 weeks for course hair.
  • Most wave moisturizers can be found at beauty supply stores or local pharmacies. Once you find out which work for you, continue to use them. The products that work for one person's hair may not work for your hair or skin. Learn your own hair type, and when you find out which products are better for you in making deep waves, continue to use them.

Avoid Chemical Perms or Curl Kits

This can't be said enough: Avoid using chemical perms or kits to form wave styles. When your hair forms shiny healthy waves without chemicals, it will give you confidence with the look or your hair.

Perms contain the same ingredients as a liquid drain opener—these very harsh chemicals can lead to premature balding. Also avoid letting other toxins get into your hair, such as cigarette smoke.

Wearing your own natural hair is a healthier choice, plus your 360 waves will begin to look "swagalicious." Many ladies like to see a man that's well groomed with a sexy wave haircut.

Preventing Potential Acne Caused by Brushing

Brushing waves and using hair products can lead to mild acne symptoms. Acne can form on the forehead, upper back, and back of the neck. To prevent, this you may want to use an acne astringent toner with 100% cotton balls. Wipe the forehead, upper back, and back of the neck with cotton and acne treatment. Also, as mentioned, avoid using greasy pomades.

Some people may want to use a small hand mirror to see the back of their hair, by using another mirror in front of them at the same time.

Remember, waves have to maintain moisture and luster most of the time. Thank you for stopping by! Feel free to comment with any questions below.

How to Get 360 Waves

© 2012 Ann810


Dead Shot on July 30, 2020:

Read More From Bellatory

Hey I'm just starting to wave and that is some really good info thxs

Chumani on July 25, 2020:

I want to do waves but I don't know how

Nedum on July 01, 2020:

What can be used as alternative to wave caps and durags

Stacey McGraw on June 28, 2020:

Thanks for sharing , I Learned a lot just by the information you shared

Kale alex on May 27, 2020:

Hair wave is gud and makes u to luk beauty

Emmajesty juicy on May 07, 2020:

Wow thats legit

Kevin on January 26, 2020:

If you have short kinky hair, how can you start the wave process.

Kobina on January 15, 2020:

I got full 360 waves in less than 2 months. With a swirl pattern

Edgar Emenikeh on November 12, 2019:

how do you know what kind of hair you have

jimmy on September 17, 2019:

I got waves in very fast because I brush everyday for 1 hour in the morning and 1 hour before I go to sleep, I want to have the best waves in history I kno I have long way to go. like 50 said get rich or hum you kno the rest. me get waves or die slacking

Random on August 16, 2019:

If you want waves, all you have to do is do the following things, brush your hair daily, even slacking for one day can lose your chances of getting waves. If you have coarse hair, I suggest you use pomades. Also try washing once a week, you don't have to over do it. Lastly, always keep your durag on because that what helps lay the foundation of 360 waves, if your not brushing or washing just keep it on.

Wave beast on June 15, 2019:

I got waves it lit

Delow on April 11, 2019:

I got waves

Luyanda on January 11, 2019:

Maybe it will work for me

Ann810 (author) from Sunny Cali on November 13, 2018:

Hi Joj, congrats! on getting 360 waves, it's one of the best natural hairstyles for Black men. Peace

Ann810 (author) from Sunny Cali on November 13, 2018:

Hi Sheri, kinky hair is better hair with organic products. Pomades don't really moisturize.

Sheri on November 02, 2018:

Pomade is def a bunch of crock, I understand completely why they say not to use pomade. Has never worked for my husband..?but will be trying the hot rag, carrot oil, moisturizer stuff etc ! Thanks for the helpful tips!!

joj on October 11, 2018:

i am getting my waves soon

Kirk on January 14, 2018:

Tommy the best grease is Murray's pomade

T on December 02, 2017:

Can you get waves if you have light hair?

Abbas on November 06, 2017:

Shout out to Poppy Blasted, AKA Rope God (echo), for all the inspiration he's given me in my journey so far.

I ain't 360 waving, not 540, 720 etc. but I'm waving on top and I'm getting good progress. All thanks to my main man PB for all his videos.

Tommy on June 17, 2017:

What's the best wave grease to use for holding and shine

Erin on June 06, 2017:

Both of my children are mixed (black/white) but one of their hair is thicker than the other. Is my son who's hair isn't as thick able to train his hair for waves?

cj on May 09, 2017:

How to i get 360 waves with a fade

Renzelmoney on March 18, 2017:

When do I apply the curl activator to my hair ? Is It before I apply the moisturiser or after I apply the moisturise ? I am really confused . Please help.

Daelen B on February 28, 2017:

This is helpful because every time I wash my hair, my waves mess up. Great article

Jonathan Jefferson on February 20, 2017:

Used to have beautiful waves as a child. Since being in the Army for many years I forgot how to get them back, because I've gotten close haircuts almost ever week. I'm going to follow the above instruction and pray this will work out for me. I will not get my hair cut again until lat April early May, only shape ups.

T on February 09, 2017:

The method that for the hot towel process do I use it as a night method or day method

harrix on October 17, 2016:

To everyone i can help. I have had waves sense i was in the 6th grade and i'm 23 now. All i use is grease , a brush and a du-rag. I brush my hair most of the day(dry or not). The more you brush the progress you will get. Tip : use soft brushes for short hair cuts and harder for more hair. (common sense)

Craig on October 04, 2016:

There is NO such thing as over brushing. Its just impossible to brush out waves, if it was you would brush your hair so much that it'll just be straightened (Caucasian) hair. U do not have to brush ur hair while shampooing. Pomades are great when u have extremely coarse hair and has really helped me. NEVER pick a brush that is too soft for ur hair you will not get waves like this because brushing helps straighten ur hair curls but if the brush is too soft it can't do that n will just glide over ur hair without straightening it. Keep brushing n you'll get waves in no time! Took me 2 weeks to get them deep.

Dante' on September 29, 2016:

Are you serious!..on this same Damn page the article says "you don't need to over brush" and to "only brush when your hair is moist" but the dude in the video says he is going hard with the the brushing and all you need to do is brush...I think it's just different for everyone..

Ann810 (author) from Sunny Cali on September 22, 2016:

Hi Resham and Jaychedda, thanks for stopping by; peace.

Ann810 (author) from Sunny Cali on August 07, 2016:

Hi, thanks for the more ideas on low hair cut 360 waves. Always good to know others experiences.

Antoine on July 25, 2016:

Waves are like finger prints. Everyone's will be different. I have had waves since the 1980s.

1. Begin training the hair with a close cropped haircut.

2. Oil (simple without a bunch of chemicals) and Brush it with the grain within minutes after getting out of the shower.

3. Then forget about it, and let your hair do what its going to do on its own.

4. Wave cap is optional but not necessary. It may speed it up for some people, but not everyone.

5. A well balanced diet and drink plenty of water is a plus.

Julius on June 24, 2016:

What other products to use when am not using pomades

jj on June 01, 2016:

does this work if you are looking forward to getting waves

kel on April 14, 2015:

I got waves

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