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Cruelty-Free Products for Acne and Blemish-Prone Skin


I've been an online writer for several years. My articles focus on a wide range of topics, including skin care, fashion and holidays.

According to recent surveys conducted by The British Skin Foundation, 28% of the UK's population admit to having suffered from acne at some stage in their life. Despite this high statistic, as many as 39% of the people asked still don't know what to do about their condition.

We look to the media, and we see countless men and women with beautiful, clear and glowing skin and many of us sit and wonder, ''Where am I going wrong?'' Of course there are those who do have a flawless complexion, but many of the images we see online are distorted in order to make us believe that no one suffers from problematic skin.

This alone is helping to perpetuate the stigma against those with ''imperfect'' skin, often being that those who regularly suffer from break outs are unhygienic or lead unhealthy lifestyles. Whilst we know eating healthily and practicing good personal hygiene are necessary for healthy, clear skin they aren't the sole cause of break outs or acne and just like everyone has had a bad hair day, everyone has also had a bad skin day whether they'll freely admit it to you or not.

Unfortunately, when it comes to treatments and cleansers, many of the ''top recommended'' products come from brands that test on animals which leaves many facing the dilemma of ''Do I *potentially* get clear skin or do I remain true to my beliefs?''

Well, you don't need to worry because there is no need to go back on your moral and ethical values. There are plenty of amazing cruelty-free products on the market that work just as well, if not better than the ones which are not.


Skin Cleansing Brushes

Skin cleansing brushes are a great way to deep cleanse your pores without causing irritation or inflammation which will only make your skin look noticeably worse. I have tried many brushes in the past but my personal favourite is the MiroPure Sonic Facial Cleansing Brush which leaves the skin feeling so soft and so much cleaner.

The rotating trio of brush heads allow for a thorough skin cleanse and the speed settings mean that you can adapt the brush to suit your skin type which a lot of brushes don't allow for.

If electronic brushes aren't particularly your thing, then I highly recommend trying out the Eco Tools facial cleansing brush which offers you more control over the areas you feel need special attention.


Face Masks

Who doesn't love a good face mask? They give you the excuse to just sit back and relax for the duration of the treatment and they feel amazing too! There are many different cruelty-free face mask products available on the market and if you don't have a budget that allows for expensive treatments then don't worry, Superdrug's own brand masks and Montagne Jeunesse masks are completely cruelty-free and very inexpensive.

Soap and Glory's No Clogs Allowed face mask is a self-heating super detox mask, and though it made my eyes water a little, it really does minimise any impurities that you may be struggling with. It comes in a 100ml tube, so there is definitely enough for many applications.

Edit London offers a ''Blackhead Extraction Paste'' which is a powerful blackhead removal mask made from bamboo charcoal, and unlike the fake charcoal masks floating around social media, this one actually works.


Exfoliation is an important part of your skincare routine, it clears away dead skin cells and leaves your skin looking fresh, smooth and most importantly, healthy.

If you're looking for an exfoliant that really works and is super inexpensive, then I seriously recommend taking a trip to Asda. I know that you are probably thinking, they aren't exactly known for their skin care products but their products really do work amazingly.

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The Skin System 3 in 1 Mask Scrub is an affordable combination of three products in one, it just depends on how you choose to use it, making it one of the most versatile products on my list. Aside from its versatility, the product contains Tea Tree, which is a well known natural oil that we use regularly to achieve clear skin.


Yes To Tomatoes Detoxifying Charcoal Cleanser is not only cruelty-free but eco-friendly too and aims to draw out impurities and while providing a refreshing cleanse that with regular use prevents future break outs.


Finding the right moisturiser that suits your skins needs is essential for treating acne and skin blemishes but it can also be very difficult. For instance, If the cream is too heavy, it will clog your pores and inevitably continue the cyclical effects of acne.

Yes To also offers a solution to this problem with their Grapefruit Pore Perfection Night Treatment.

Acne Scars

One of the worst things about acne, besides the actual acne itself is the scars it leaves behind which leaves many feeling self-conscious for years after their condition has been treated. Regularly using skin therapy oil is an amazing way to minimise the appearance of scars and my personal favourite is Palmers Cocoa Butter formula which you can find in most pharmacies or online.

If you have tried all of these products but you're still struggling to control your blemishes then I really recommend visiting your GP as there are multiple things they can do to assist you. Never feel ashamed of your acne-prone or problematic skin!

I hope this list helps set you off in the right direction of seeking out more cruelty-free skincare products. Feel free to list any of your own or share your experiences in the comments section below!

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

Questions & Answers

Question: The breakouts on my arms are itchy. How do I stop the itching?

Answer: Usually, if your acne is itching it generally means that your skin is dry. For this I would suggest using an oil-free moisturizer, Mario Badescu has a great one. Oil-free moisturizers are relatively easy to come across, it's just a case of finding the one you like best for your skin.

There are also acne body washes that target the inflammation and help to prevent future breakouts.

If you haven't already, then you can ask your doctor to take a look just to make sure that it is acne and not an allergic reaction or another type of skin condition. If it is those things, then you will most likely need medicated creams to resolve the issue.

© 2017 BunnyClaws


Elizabeth455 on August 06, 2018:

I feel like I've tried all of the blemish products on the market, and dermalmd blemish serum is the only one that does its job without irritating my skin.

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