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Korean Skincare Secrets

Aimee enjoys writing about Korean beauty experimenting with skincare techniques.

An Introduction to Korean Skincare

Korean skincare secrets aren’t so secret anymore. With the eight-step regimen and cutely packaged creams or ombre lipsticks trending all over the world, people are catching on to the various methods to maintain soft, supple skin for decades. Anti-aging results have been the key goal of this type of skincare for decades. So while other countries may focus on immediate results, these tips target issues that can rear their ugly head on your face later down the line. If you’ve been on a social media detox, or if you are just starting to go down the rabbit hole that is Korean skincare, this handy little list will provide the most essential tips for your best skin yet.

Invest in a Serum

While you may clutch your wallet a little tighter after hearing the word serum, the investment is well worth it in the long-run. Serums pack a major punch in regards to the potency and no-frills ingredient list. No matter which one you choose, each ingredient is chosen specifically for your benefit, so you know that you're getting the good stuff. Each drop of the valuable liquid targets your specific needs; fortified with vitamins, acne-fighting chemicals or age-defying extracts, no one serum is the same in terms of benefits. That's why you can mix and match until you find the perfect one to compliment your skincare routine.

Try An Overnight Cream

For a super dose of hydration and a dewy complexion come morning, an overnight cream is your best bet. For more mature skin, these creams are a lifesaver to stimulate cell reproduction and retain moisture during the night, when it is easiest to dry out. These creams are fortified and extremely effective, but should only be used in moderation. You should also be wearing a moisturizer during the day that is lighter in nature to keep your face calm and protected against outside dangers.


Incorporate Sheet Masks Into Your Routine

Almost as vital as the overnight mask is the sheet mask, an optional once-daily booster that can be personalized to your specific skincare needs. There are dozens of brands and styles out there to choose from, so it is easy to find the mask that fits your face the best. They are also quite cheap if you get them from the source (if you happen to be in Korea) or at an import market. Price does not always mimic effectiveness, especially with something that can and should be used almost daily. Shoot for a 30-day pack, and it will become a luxurious step of your skincare regimen that you just can't wait to unwind with.


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Give Yourself a Facial Massage

Why not better your skin with a little much-deserved TLC? Facial massages stimulate collagen production and help relieve tension in the jaw or other parts of the face. Stress can lead to worry lines or wrinkles, so a facial massage is a perfect remedy for both your emotions and your skin. There are so many massage products on the market with absurdly high price points, but honestly, you can just use your fingers (as long as they are clean).

Drink Barley Tea

The antioxidants in barley tea prevent the wrinkle-causing oxidant, peroxynitrite from causing damage to your skin. The fiber in the beverage also helps clear your body of toxins, and keeps your gut regular. Good skin has a lot to do with your diet and digestion, meaning that barley tea hits all the key points of keeping your skin and body in tip-top shape.

Slap on Some Sunscreen

All this work you are putting into your skin may be all for nothing if you don’t properly utilize sunscreen. UVA and UVB rays penetrate the melanin (the stuff that protects your precious face from sun damage) and can cause burns, discoloration and rapid-aging. For acne prone individuals, sunscreen may seem dangerous (considering all of the pore clogging ingredients), but investing in a facial sunscreen that targets this exact issue is well worth another product on your shelf.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

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