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Emily Tack

Shades-of-truth is a happily married woman, with ten children; two acquired through marriage. At present count, she has over 30 grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Her husband grows orchids - beautiful orchids. She runs a retail business at the present time, but also loves to work with her hands. She loves carpentry, laying tile, leatherworking, crocheting, knitting, writing, designing and manufacturing jewelry, fixing things that are broken, and many other things. She also loves the Lord, who has been extremely faithful, gracious and merciful to her and to her family.

She does not have time to write three or four articles a day, as some prolific writers do, but from time to time, writes something. She writes about Weird Truth, her husband's orchids, favorite books of her family, and her husband's orchids - (the Alien Orchids are her favorite orchids) - and about their dearly beloved, recently departed crazy Muscovy Duck!

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