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Lyz B.

I believe the busy mind is a great mind. I believe in amassing as many fun hobbies, interests, and fun facts as one can possibly stuff into their fleshy memory capsules. To me there is no greater gift than knowledge, no better way to ensure something goes right than to read about it first. Knowledge is everywhere, it drips from our fingers. Everyone has something to share that is worthwhile, you might have to dig a little first but there it'll be; I enjoy finding these things in people.

I am a perfectionist. That does not mean I keep my things lined up just so or take forever to finish one task. My habitat is more often than not a sty, my work is strewn about as if forgotten but most certainly not untouched. I am not the sort of perfectionist that obsesses with flawlessness, though I do very much enjoy it.

I only want to do things right. Maybe not the first time, maybe not the second, but I pursue the rush of accomplishment instead of an image of perfection. I admit, it is hard at times to move forward when I naturally gravitate towards a flaw, but it is a way for me to build my strength and my skills. It engages my mind and motivates me to do better. I wouldn't want to be any other way.

My interests grow as the days go on. I love the outdoors, being with animals, and working with soil and plants. I love to take pictures, to make friends, and to scrapbook every experience. I am interested in just about every outdoorsy activity such as fishing, hiking, boating, and just plain surviving!

Cooking and food bring me a happy, content pleasure. Knitting and crocheting sends me into a calm trance. Writing, too, spirals me towards a wide-eyed and flying-fingered trance that is difficult to explain. Reading makes me feel bubbly and energetic. All of my hobbies bring me pleasure and stress relief, in some way or another. The best way to combat bad times in life is to throw yourself and your abilties into doing something.

Even when I am not feeling down, my fingers must always be at work on a project. I take huge inspiration from my father and his amazing hobbies from shaping airplane parts, to making electronically motorized bicycles, to growing tomatoes in his basement. Human life, human knowledge is wasted if we do not apply all that we can be into activities that bring us pleasure. Even though some of us might be done school, there are still many more things to learn. I am a firm believer of having a life, a calling, besides your day in and day out job. Or else I am simply bored.

I ramble, and so I am finished.