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Stacy Harris

There are alot of things that I could probably tell you about myself... but let's be honest, you are here to read some hubs, learn some stuff, and meet some new people.

Here is the lowdown. I am married and I have kids. That is life. I used to be a barber, but I just moved, so I am waiting to change my license until I even contemplate getting a job. That means I have some extra time to do some writing. I was also trained for massage therapy (but never got nationally certified)

So what makes me qualified to write hubs? Nothing except I like to write. Oh wait... I do have experience. I spent five years in the Army as a photojournalist. I wrote for a newspaper, took pictures, and created graphics. It was a great part of my life... I got to see a lot of things I probably wouldn't have if I didn't join the military.

Spare time isn't much of a luxury. I do have kids. If I do have some time to myself, I write, take pictures, scrapbook, read, watch movies, spend time outdoors, work out, draw and of course spending time with my kids.

If you want to get to know me a little better, don't miss out on a personal interview done by RealHousewife called Shear Madness.

I look forward to meeting all of you, and hope you enjoy my articles!

If you would like to join me and write for Hubpages click here.

If you would like to find out more about me, feel free to friend me on Facebook. Just send me a message with the request with the keyword "Grapes"

Follow me on twitter... I will be posting everything I write. Keep updated by clicking here.!/stazmaniadevil

If you want to network with me on Google +, click here.

Wow - with this many places to add status updates... I don't know how I can keep up! :)